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Apr 21, 2010
The episode where they were recounting the 83 disappearance, I yelled out GUILTY, when Bob was confronted about his lie about telling the officers he called his wife after she got back to NYC. He said something like "I had to tell them that, to PLACE her back in the city". Who the gently caress would say that or think that if they just decided their wife had gone missing? You want to throw off the detectives trying to find your wife? Sure you do, when you know you killed her.


Apr 21, 2010

Josh Lyman posted:

"The Jinx" is a lovely name and, like Silicon Valley, great things on HBO often don't become mainsteam popular.

Yeah it was "advertised" really oddly on HBO. I ignored it, thinking it was about some mob gambling informer or something. They really did a horrible job "selling" it. I only started watching it on demand because we couldn't find anything else at the time.

Apr 21, 2010
Also he just got married. So what do you do when you get married? Take a trip by yourself to somewhere you've never been for a couple of weeks.

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