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Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.

pr0p posted:

Comparing this to Serial is apples to oranges, one is a podcast the other is an HBO miniseries. Both are equally disappointing, though. It's not like devil beard squeezed a confession out of the guy.

He did say he probably had something to do with Kathie's not being here anymore. It's almost like he wanted to confess but knew he shouldn't.


Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.
I rewatched All Good Things out of curiosity for what made Robert feel he had to set the record straight. I wonder now if he didn't like the "Malvern Bump" character getting credit for the "Deborah Lehrman" kill.

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.

maniacripper posted:

I'm interested in how the original case was such a fuckup. He had to have help from his family/powerful father to get the police to lay off the investigation like that.

And the doorman who reportedly said he saw his wife arrive home tells another investigator that he never saw her arrive. Was he lying or did he misremember or what?

Also Douglas Durst should be in jail, I'm not sure what for but the guy is obviously guilty of some heinous poo poo.

It was a missing person case at first, so their theory was that she probably just took off. In that era they wouldn't have been able to trace her whereabouts by cell phone records or anything of that nature. Also, didn't one of the advisers on Serial say that something like 40% of homicides are unsolved? I can't imagine the solve rate was better back then than it is now.

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.
I think it's human nature to want to try to like a person at first. And for the filmmakers, I assume they had more off-camera interactions with him where he was polite, perhaps even thoughtful.

These new missing persons cases that are coming to light really change my theory of Bob. After watching this, I kind of felt like he just killed people who had become an inconvenience to him, like maybe he didn't enjoy killing itself but just saw it as a solution to a problem. If he was in fact picking up girls and killing them -- and at least the girl who disappeared from in front of his store seems pretty likely -- that seems like a whole different thing.

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.
Did he and the second? wife ever even live together, I wonder?

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.
Serial was also more accessible since not everyone has HBO.

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.

Frostwerks posted:

Since it's such a bad movie, would you care to spoil it since I don't really want to watch it?

I didn't think All Good Things was the worst movie in the world. It's sort of in the same zone as any half-assed biopic.

The big crackpot theory in the movie is that Susan Berman was not a direct killing by Robert Durst but more of a murder-for-hire situation.

Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.
One thing we can say for sure, Errol Morris made some fantastic beer commercials.


Pinky Artichoke
Apr 10, 2011

Dinner has blossomed.

Frostwerks posted:

Did he make the beer blowjob commercial?

Not familiar with that one, his ads are very...Errol Morris-y:

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