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Sep 9, 2014

Just finished watching this earlier today. It's very, very good though it apes Errol Morris' style from The Thin Blue Line very, very hard. That's a good style to ape, though.

I guess what I come away from this is wondering what has actually changed. Before the letter and confession it was still incredibly obvious that Robert Durst was a psychopathic murderer (How anyone bought his explanation for the third victim is beyond me). It's great that he's been arrested again, though I won't be surprised should he walk away from a conviction yet again. Hopefully time will show otherwise.


Sep 9, 2014

I think it works well enough thematically (If this guy isn't a murderer, then he is the unluckiest fucker to ever live), but yeah the title alone doesn't really sell the show.

I wonder what else they could have called it? "Rich Old White Dude (Probably) Killed Several People: The HBO Documentary Miniseries"?

Sep 9, 2014

Mike_V posted:

Robert Flaherty, for whatever criticisms you may have of his documentary ethics, was shooting in a way that would have passed the studios' demands.

Flaherty also deserves somewhat of a pass since the concept of the documentary film as we understand it today didn't quite exist yet. He still made some sketchy choices, sure, but Nanook is more of a proto-documentary IMO.

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