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Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat
Welp, resubscribed because of you. Starting on this right now.


Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat
What did you do?


Killed 'em all, of course.

Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat

SpiderHyphenMan posted:

What is it with great television and extremely dramatic moments happening while people are taking a poo poo?

When else has it happened? I can only think of Pulp Fiction, where Vincent is caught by surprise twice because he was taking a poo poo, and it's there to say he was figuratively and literally caught "with his pants down." But that was a scripted movie, and it's funny here to see God likes using the same joke.

Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat
I had no problem with the last episode. Jarecki stressing out about how to get Durst and ask him about the letter worked for me and put me on the edge of my seat.

Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat

doomisland posted:

What happened to his head?


Steve Yun fucked around with this message at 05:06 on Mar 18, 2015

Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat
Wait are we talking about Jarecki or Morris Black


Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat

Grondoth posted:

I wonder what was in that bag?

A bridge, a boat, a wrench, a shovel...

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