User-Friendly posted:I hope they have follow-up interviews with some of the people featured, primarily Kathy's mother and Jeanine Pirro. Her "son of a bitch!" after being shown the letter in episode six was amazing. This was my favorite moment. it took her a beat to grok what she was holding, too. And then it's like, finally something someone can get him on.
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 22:07 |
I want more info on the Galveston case. Why didn't the DA press him for the location of the head? Did they run down that line of inquiry, even if he claimed he didn't come back for it (not sure exactly what statements were made about this in the show).
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TheRationalRedditor posted:I've also been wondering why there were so few questions about the severed head. Then again, given how visually repulsive and chronically unlikeable morris black was according to everyone who knew him, maybe it's not a surprise that no one was too upset about it missing. Right... of course Durst won't want to give up the location of the head, and would have said he destroyed it (or maybe he really did destroy it). My point is, that should be a verifiable point in the story. IF the killing was accidental self defense (lol), and GIVEN that he admitted to chopping up and disposing of the body, then he should have no problem saying where the head was. The prosecution should press this since the head would betray his version of events as a lie. So he probably said he couldn't remember, or that he didn't go back for the head and can't explain why it was missing. But I do want to know how hard the DA went after this line of thinking.
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I don't think Dick DeGuerin sucks. I think Dick DeGuerin is an awesome lawyer who did a great job fabricating a story to achieve reasonable doubt. I think if anyone sucks, it's the Galveston DA for not bringing more charges like something related to dismemberment, and/or running a poor case. I mean you can go ahead and not like criminal defense lawyers I guess, but if you have what had been described as an open and shut case handed to you and bobbled it, that's on you, not the defense.
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Metropolis posted:But I can't believe I never caught on to Bob calling the guy's body he cut up a 'cadaver' and the note about the dead woman's house having a 'cadaver.' It stood out as weird both times but I didn't make the connection. Wow nice. Kathie's friends called that language out with regards to the letter, but I didn't connect it to the Galveston trial footage until you just said it.
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