I was googling for nick's eve articles from 2007 on shack news: I love that nba 2k16 is so high
# ? Apr 9, 2016 08:05 |
# ? Dec 8, 2024 02:36 |
Stan Taylor posted:Another thing that made customs so great were the huge amounts of bespoke models for different unit types and factions. Game was loving huge. And you could modify some stuff about the units too so if you wanted to make a gigantic orc for a boss unit or something then you could do it easily.
# ? Apr 9, 2016 14:30 |
Quoting a post of mine from last year:Thirsty Dog posted:Daft Souls goes the other direction entirely. They've settled on a more even tone in the last six months, but they're very much all about positivity and talking about games they really love. Unfortunately, this often translates into bitterness over the fact that other people don't necessarily like these games. The Destiny chat is usually repetitive at the best of times, but by Christ is it made so much worse by the sulky way in which they talk about fan reactions to games. This bleeds over into so much stuff now; I can't remember the last episode where they didn't whine about players or fans of a series. It comes across as massively insecure and a little immature. So Daft Souls dialed this up to 11 in the latest episode and I just can't be arsed any more. Mining the rich seam of humour that is bleating about the "PC master race" crowd for 20 minutes was audio hell. Maybe as a one-off, or if it was, y'know, funny or interesting, but they spend so long sneering at people and just whining at faceless caricatures that I just can't be bothered with the podcast any more. Ah well. At least PC Gamer UK has started up again, although the sound levels are all over the shop and it's not yet a C&C-standard podcast.
# ? Apr 11, 2016 13:01 |
Having finished the Portal WOFF this past weekend, I used the term "verb set" at work today and impressed my boss with it, so thanks for that I guess.
# ? Apr 11, 2016 17:28 |
Oh my god that big dog powered by bees bit at the end of a semi recent idle thumbs, I'm dying
# ? Apr 12, 2016 04:04 |
Does any one remember what pod cast (possibly GFW radio or that era) they jokingly had this theory about how mario kart was a criticism of socialism? I realise this is incredibly random.
# ? Apr 12, 2016 09:48 |
Thirsty Dog posted:Quoting a post of mine from last year: I don't know if this was the same episode of Daft Souls but the one where they were complaining about people with huge playtime logged on games leaving negative reviews drove me up the wall. You can play a game to kill time, I've dropped loads of time into silly games that I don't really like for all sorts of reasons. And the flipside is if a review only has like an hour and a half played of Skyrim, how do they know it's bad? I think that was just that one guest they had on though. But yeah Daft Souls is never really on point for me like C&C is usually. I haven't checked out the new PCG cast yet. How is that one?
# ? Apr 13, 2016 15:30 |
Yeah same episode. It degenerates from there. PCG is currently a little too dry for my tastes. It's interesting but right now it sounds like a bunch of guys doing a podcast because everyone else is, and I don't think they've found their niche yet. It's not terrible aside from the sound level issues they've had. Not listened to the latest episode but the previous one they recorded while a load of drilling was going on. Seriously guys, postpone recording if that happens.
# ? Apr 13, 2016 22:20 |
Playing Dark Souls 3 has made me really excited for a new season of Bonfireside Chat, when's that starting again? Gary will love what the skeletons in DS3 are up to.
# ? Apr 14, 2016 14:10 |
Vastakaiun posted:Playing Dark Souls 3 has made me really excited for a new season of Bonfireside Chat, when's that starting again? He just finished his first play through last night. I imagine we'll get first impressions soon.
# ? Apr 14, 2016 14:11 |
This? weekend is a "first-impressions" episode, I think, and then the research and digging begins for the new season. Gary apparently finished it last night, according to social media.
# ? Apr 14, 2016 14:11 |
Pretty sure the first impressions episode is Sunday for gen pop and somewhat earlier for Patreon backers.
# ? Apr 14, 2016 15:58 |
Man. I can't exactly personally relate to either, but between the discussion of mementos of old relationships and the guy who played Portal after two decades on death row, the latest WOFF extrasode was a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Did not see that one coming.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 17:37 |
The talk about the Wii Shop music remix on Idle Thumbs made me think of my favorite remix of a song with Nintendo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY
# ? Apr 15, 2016 18:42 |
I hope the thumbs accept my challenge I emailed them. If they fail, it will be beneficial for everyone. It is an Interesting Challenge.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 18:46 |
ONE YEAR LATER posted:The talk about the Wii Shop music remix on Idle Thumbs made me think of my favorite remix of a song with Nintendo. It's not Busta Rhymes Island. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozg_7T8hJYY Phone fucked around with this message at 20:32 on Apr 15, 2016 |
# ? Apr 15, 2016 19:16 |
So if you don't back Duckfeed's stuff on Patreon, now might be a good time to reconsider:quote:NEW TIERS, NEW SHOWS
# ? Apr 15, 2016 19:23 |
Man, I'm not even a little bit interested in any of that except for maybe the Final Fantasy show. I wasn't really interested in the existing duckfeed patreon perks except for the premium episodes so I just picked those up when they hit the store but if anything I'm even less likely to jump on board now. I hope I'm in the minority though, it'd be really cool if this resulted in them gaining a big chunk of patrons. HMS Boromir fucked around with this message at 20:33 on Apr 15, 2016 |
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:30 |
HMS Boromir posted:Man, I'm not even a little bit interested in any of that except for maybe the Final Fantasy show. I wasn't really interested in the existing duckfeed patreon perks except for the premium episodes so I just picked those up when they hit the store but if anything I'm even less likely to jump on board now. I guess we are complete opposites because all of those sound amazing to me.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:33 |
My favorite thing about the Wii Shop music is that I only know that song because of the Giantbomb segments.Phone posted:It's not Busta Rhymes Island. http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/one-man-is-an-island/ ? Edit: ah, you edited in the actual song Mierenneuker fucked around with this message at 20:37 on Apr 15, 2016 |
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:34 |
I'm just a collosal GB&KR fanboy so I'd be delighted to listen to all of that. Just bought a house though, so I can't justify upping my patreon contribution. A monster manual podcast would be ballin' . I managed to find both books in charity shops and they are amazing.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:35 |
I mean I'll listen to Gary and Kole discuss anything except Undertale, so I'll probably listen to the first two if they get made. They sound a lot better if I think of them as bonus Abject Suffering episodes. A Stephen King book club and an in depth analysis of REM is... a hard sell.
HMS Boromir fucked around with this message at 20:40 on Apr 15, 2016 |
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:38 |
In-depth final fantasy would be cool. I really liked the WOFF FF7 series.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 20:57 |
HMS Boromir posted:Man. I can't exactly personally relate to either, but between the discussion of mementos of old relationships and the guy who played Portal after two decades on death row, the latest WOFF extrasode was a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Did not see that one coming. Looks like my submission didn't send properly due to my crappy wifi at the time. You folks missed a primo 'portal up to the iron keep' joke on the reception for 2.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 21:51 |
It came through, but it was too late for our recording sesh. I really appreciated the goof, though.
Song For The Deaf fucked around with this message at 22:06 on Apr 15, 2016 |
# ? Apr 15, 2016 21:59 |
END ME SCOOB posted:So if you don't back Duckfeed's stuff on Patreon, now might be a good time to reconsider: For about five seconds I thought this said "R. Kelly discography" and it was the most magical five seconds I've had in quite some time. Also I don't know if this is the new norm because I don't listen to every WOFF, but the intro music used for the Portal episode was great and should be the mainstay going forward, also re-make the outro in that same style
# ? Apr 15, 2016 23:14 |
I'd definitely enjoy the Crystal Chronicles. Especially if you actually cover Crystal Chronicles, that game has some interesting design decisions with the GBA link cable multiplayer, a pretty interesting story in the background and some amazing music (although that's most of the series). I like a lot of what duckfeed puts out so i'd definitely give the new shows a listen.
# ? Apr 15, 2016 23:23 |
C-Euro posted:For about five seconds I thought this said "R. Kelly discography" and it was the most magical five seconds I've had in quite some time. You son of a bitch, now I want this.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 00:52 |
You win this round. I very much want that monster manual pod.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 01:13 |
Honestly a WOFF specifically for Final Fantasy would probably be perfect for my weird one-degree-removed relationship with that series so I'd be pretty happy to see that happen, but all of those pitches sound pretty appealing to me (Steven King is the one thing on that list I have no feelings towards but I could see enjoying that show anyway). I'm not in a position to pitch in right now but I'll be happy to throw in a few bucks a month when I can 'cause you guys do good work and you deserve it.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 01:32 |
Speaking of FF related stuff, I really want Kole and Gary to do FF9 and I was surprised to see that it just got a Steam release. FF9 is the only real Final Fantasy game that I really latched onto. I'm blaming it on Chocobo Hot 'N Cold and the Tetra Battle or whatever the card game was.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 03:57 |
Tetra Battle is the one thing about FF9 that's strictly worse than something in FF8, it's too complicated and they don't explain it for poo poo
# ? Apr 16, 2016 04:00 |
C-Euro posted:For about five seconds I thought this said "R. Kelly discography" and it was the most magical five seconds I've had in quite some time. I will pay someone to do a serious analysis of trapped in the closet.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 04:15 |
END ME SCOOB posted:You son of a bitch, now I want this. Thank my brain's auto-complete function for that one. Also as someone who knows more R. Kelly songs than you might think, most of them are about loving so it wouldn't be super-meaty analysis.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 04:53 |
I dunno, that sounds like there'd be a decent amount of meat involved.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 04:56 |
Zombies' Downfall posted:Tetra Battle is the one thing about FF9 that's strictly worse than something in FF8, it's too complicated and they don't explain it for poo poo I'm playing through the PSX version of FF9 right now and I just got past the card tournament in Treno and boy am I glad I never have to do that ever again. I hope.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 05:19 |
Just a couple of notes: The X-men show is called Days of Future Cast. The final fantasy show would cover spin offs. I've planned it out and it's years worth of stuff. Very, very comprehensive. It wouldn't be like a BSC season per game, but each game would get multiple episodes. We'd be breaking it up roughly by chronology, so, NES era and contemporary spin offs, SNES era, etc. Also to clarify: I would never shame anyone who can't jump on board. We appreciate the support and want to make this be more of our life and, sadly, money is the way to do that. If you can't jump on board, that's OK too. (Triple triad rules, tetra battle drools).
# ? Apr 16, 2016 07:08 |
Woffle posted:The X-men show is called Days of Future Cast. be honest, you come up with show titles and then come up with everything else after, don't you
# ? Apr 16, 2016 07:14 |
Zombies' Downfall posted:be honest, you come up with show titles and then come up with everything else after, don't you No joke, the other, way stupider title we were kicking around? Age of Atalkalypse. I thought it had a terrible, Pitch-esque quality to it but Days of Future Cast is actually good.
# ? Apr 16, 2016 07:15 |
# ? Dec 8, 2024 02:36 |
Woffle posted:No joke, the other, way stupider title we were kicking around? Age of Atalkalypse. I thought it had a terrible, Pitch-esque quality to it but Days of Future Cast is actually good. Both names are first class. No doubt about it
# ? Apr 16, 2016 07:38 |