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Aug 16, 2010
Every couple of weeks I stream a live auction for used music, but I've been having trouble with the most common streaming services. I'm currently using Hitbox, but the delay is really problematic and it frequently freezes. Is there a solution that has a minimal-to-no delay and is runs smoother? I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks either. (as in less than $20/month. I do have hosting, so even an API or something that I could integrate into my existing website could work.
It's very important there be a chat on the side, and that it's publicly accessible. (I ruled out Skype and Google Hangouts for this reason)

Valicious fucked around with this message at 11:09 on Apr 6, 2015


Mar 6, 2012

Death! Put your jacket on or you'll get frostbite!
google+ hangouts would do that (you need youtube).

I've not tried these but options are Bambuser, Ustream, or YouNow possibly.

MOAR fucked around with this message at 11:05 on Apr 6, 2015

Mush Man
Jun 25, 2010

Nintendo announces Frolf means Frog Golf.
Oven Wrangler
For self-hosting, look into using RTMP for steaming the video and IRC for the chat. There should be plenty of information for setting up a web IRC client since the technology's been around for ages and it's still quite popular. A lot of the big online streaming services use IRC and even RTMP, thought RTMP might be a bit trickier to find a solution for since dealing with video is far more taxing.

Nov 30, 2006

Forget it man this bat is whack, it's got poobrain!

Mush Man posted:

For self-hosting, look into using RTMP for steaming the video and IRC for the chat. There should be plenty of information for setting up a web IRC client since the technology's been around for ages and it's still quite popular. A lot of the big online streaming services use IRC and even RTMP, thought RTMP might be a bit trickier to find a solution for since dealing with video is far more taxing.

Isn't that almost literally

RTMP + CDN + IRC is possibly the way to go.

Aug 16, 2010

deimos posted:

Isn't that almost literally

RTMP + CDN + IRC is possibly the way to go.

What's CDN? Is there a good step-by-step guide out there?

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


There's always going to be a delay in video streaming, you can reduce this right down but then it relies on you and your viewers having a pretty solid connection.

I really like the Teradek VidiU for set-and-forget web streaming to multiple supported services (and generic RTMP to your own servers). I have no idea how that fits into your larger setup or budget though.

Mush Man
Jun 25, 2010

Nintendo announces Frolf means Frog Golf.
Oven Wrangler

deimos posted:

Isn't that almost literally

Twitch dumped RTMP and switched to some new protocol that's worse. It used to be just that though.

Valicious posted:

What's CDN? Is there a good step-by-step guide out there?

Content Delivery Network. I haven't set up anything like this myself, but there should be resources out there to get you started.

Aug 16, 2010

Mush Man posted:

Twitch dumped RTMP and switched to some new protocol that's worse. It used to be just that though.

Content Delivery Network. I haven't set up anything like this myself, but there should be resources out there to get you started.

I don't think we have the sheer upload speed for my own CDN.

I was looking at various places, and I think I found one that wil work.
I'm still learning the lingo, but it seems like it will work. Can anyone weigh in?

Jun 28, 2002
As much as I hate Joomla and had to deal with its bad security in the past, it sounds like it could do some of that.

If you can tie it in with the AWS cloudfront service that would be a bonus.

If you were inventive enough you could probably roll your own. You just need a way to embed the media source, and a way to embed the chat. When I worked for a web host we had some people using Wowza to stream (These were all porn cams of course).


Aug 16, 2010

JHVH-1 posted:

As much as I hate Joomla and had to deal with its bad security in the past, it sounds like it could do some of that.

If you can tie it in with the AWS cloudfront service that would be a bonus.

If you were inventive enough you could probably roll your own. You just need a way to embed the media source, and a way to embed the chat. When I worked for a web host we had some people using Wowza to stream (These were all porn cams of course).

AWS does mention it has Wowza integration. I was looking at Wowza even before I found AWS, and it looked promising.

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