Booblord Zagats posted:I have a feeling GRRM puts Danerys as the savior because there's way too much little miss perfect Mary Sue going on with her character at times. That and I have money riding on Brann taking over Dany's dragons and loving up the White Walkers with them GRRM is going to finish up the book with the White Walkers destroying the Wall and then being destroyed in turn by the Stark kids being badasses. Jon Snow will marry Danerys because the Targaryans are big on incest.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2015 23:45 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 21:33 |
TCD posted:*insert some horrible death*. He and the Red Woman sword-hosed to death by Brienne of Tarth.
# ¿ May 11, 2015 19:48 |
Mr. Nice! posted:One thing I've learnt is that meanness comes around. Snarky assholes never die in GoT.
# ¿ May 13, 2015 05:51 |
Whip Slagcheek posted:If they just quietly killed off Bran's character to live in the tree sight unseen for the rest of the series, I'd be ok with that. Got to have someone around to mind control Dany's dragons.
# ¿ May 13, 2015 19:43 |
Syncopated posted:Actually his name is Aegon. And he's going to die horribly.
# ¿ May 14, 2015 19:31 |
OZYMANDICKASS posted:In the books, I'm pretty sure Theon's face throws out the opening pitch of the cosummation. Ramsay also includes his dogs in the wedding night festivities. HBO honestly turned down his icky dog fetish for the show.
# ¿ May 18, 2015 18:34 |
Whip Slagcheek posted:Oberyn was cool
# ¿ May 18, 2015 18:50 |
I'm morbidly curious to see what would happen on Tumblr if they'd stuck with the books and made Sansa the subject of an inter-species gang rape.
# ¿ May 28, 2015 22:24 |
There's always the off-chance that Sansa engineers Ramsay's capture and subsequent BBQ. You already know that they're setting her up to kill him slow.
# ¿ Jun 3, 2015 18:18 |
Untagged posted:Arya is totally boned right? Guess that plotline is toast too. I don't think that it's a spoiler to tell you that throwing adversity at Arya just leads to her becoming even more badass.
# ¿ Jun 15, 2015 22:14 |
elite_garbage_man posted:slow season overall buy the last couple episodes were p legit. "Dance of Dragons" was a pretty poo poo book all around so it's no surprise that Season 5 sucked.
# ¿ Jun 16, 2015 05:40 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 21:33 |
PINING 4 PORKINS posted:Lol I went to high school with The queens nude double Did the reality match your sweaty imagination?
# ¿ Jun 19, 2015 16:21 |