Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:never got to stuff cate stark Well if you go by the books it's not too late!
# ¿ May 12, 2015 08:27 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 19:01 |
Lazy Reservist posted:Why didn't Jaime think to have some sort of blade attachment for his missing hand?
# ¿ May 13, 2015 02:10 |
"No spit Jamie, dry as a Dornish desert"
# ¿ May 13, 2015 03:50 |
Mr. Nice! posted:A bunch of people here seemed genuinely upset that Sansa was getting raped. But they're married under the Seven, this couldn't have been rape. That said did he put it in the pink or the stink? If it was the latter could explain her "mwahhhh" face.
# ¿ May 23, 2015 00:20 |
elite_garbage_man posted:she never said no elite_garbage_man posted:she never said no elite_garbage_man posted:she never said no elite_garbage_man posted:she never said no
# ¿ May 23, 2015 00:21 |
Larp'ers LOL
# ¿ May 23, 2015 00:24 |
# ¿ May 25, 2015 16:37 |
Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:ding ding ding How do those bitches feel about anal? I mean, say two dudes enjoy corn-holing one another in a decidedly loving but oft time painful manner which DEFINITELY isn't necessary for procreation. So are they raping each other, or does a vajajay have to be component? Also, did Sansa's new hubby get up in the rear end or her front butt? Could Shay have possibly schooled Sansa in the ancient whore art of the Thigh-gina and Ramsey was actually just dry humping thighs pressed tightly together????
# ¿ May 29, 2015 03:46 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 19:01 |
terrez posted:Are you telling me that Arya doesn't become a rad assassin who goes around killing off the rest of the main characters? "A girl must kill herself to self her kill must girl" -Faceless Bro
# ¿ Jun 10, 2015 13:25 |