Dear HBO, The browser code for HBONow.com sucks more dick than a P.I. ladyboy, and the playback has more starts and stops than trying to buttfuck one without lube. Not making a great argument for me to pay you instead of looking for torrents here. Regards, DR
# ¿ Apr 26, 2015 01:33 |
# ¿ Sep 18, 2024 14:53 |
EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:It was all the dream of an autistic Hodor The last episode is going to be Tyrion, Arya and Danerys at a tavern table while minstels perform a flutes-and-strings rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'"', followed by a slam cut to black.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2015 23:04 |
holocaust bloopers posted:All I know is Maergery is not long for this world. Hope Tonnen gets his fill of that trim cuz it'll be gone soon. Yeah, my money is on Bronn, her, or a Ramsey<-Sansa<-Reek murdertrain right around wedding time. Game of Thrones: the only winning move is to never get engaged.
# ¿ Apr 27, 2015 23:52 |
holocaust bloopers posted:Clearly Ramsey Bolton ought to take the crown for the seven kingdoms if only to enrage the maximum amount of people.
# ¿ Apr 28, 2015 18:26 |
I just hope they don't kill Arya for some quick drama. Her descent into murderous revenge is the most interesting plot line right now. Although it would be funny if she just up and vanishes, then walks out of the House of Black & White two years later an unstoppable, faceless instrument of death, only to find out everyone on her list has been killed by Dragons/White Walkers/each other.
# ¿ Apr 29, 2015 00:15 |
Well this season just got good. I'll be interested to see if Danerys is about to learn a valuable lesson about what happens when you try to please everyone, or if she's going to get bailed out by her dragons. Also, is it just me, or did it seem weird that Tyrion was making GBS threads all over Jorah's plan to take him to Danerys when the other option was cashing him in for a lordship? Dead Reckoning fucked around with this message at 01:50 on May 5, 2015 |
# ¿ May 5, 2015 01:48 |
Whip Slagcheek posted:Counter-point: you get hard reading Ser Meryn Trant fanfic. You'd think he'd be more into Ser Jorah, since he's the bear.
# ¿ May 6, 2015 01:37 |
EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:she delivered the best rear end beating I've seen in a while Speaking of which: after four seasons, has "direwolf" become a gay body type preference yet?
# ¿ May 6, 2015 03:55 |
Mr. Nice! posted:Of course that means Bronn is going to get killed along with Jaime since they're completely off the rails now. TCD posted:Nah, Roose and Ramsey are going to die - just wondering if it's this season or next.
# ¿ May 12, 2015 22:29 |
The Rat posted:A 100% shaved naked walk of shame, yes. Zeroisanumber posted:Ramsay also includes his dogs in the wedding night festivities. HBO honestly turned down his icky dog fetish for the show. Winterfell: Tijuana of the North.
# ¿ May 18, 2015 18:42 |
Booblord Zagats posted:Sand Vipers are the worst kind of wish fulfillment/diversity-hire bullshit I was hoping they were going to run in looking hard, only to get blown out of the water by Bronn and Jamie like kids from a YMCA Karate class in a UFC Pay-per-View.
# ¿ May 18, 2015 18:51 |
I've been enjoying it.
# ¿ May 18, 2015 19:03 |
Bronn does have a legitimately nice singing voice though.
# ¿ May 26, 2015 05:02 |
ManMythLegend posted:This gives "taking the black" a whole new meaning.
# ¿ May 31, 2015 08:40 |
Whip Slagcheek posted:Did anyone else think the guy operating the boat Jon and Co. jumped on was weird? Dude hiding behind a cape and hood. Expected him to take off the cape and reveal himself to be one of the skeleton dudes and kill the ginger wildling dude. I liked this episode, I only wish they had gone more Ray Harryhausen and less 28 Days Later with the wights. Also, Sansa was a lot more fun when she was scheming and lying rather than being fate's punching bag.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2015 07:18 |
Whip Slagcheek posted:I think that's the point though. She thought she was the smartest girl in the room cosigning with whatever Baelish said and completely underestimating Ramsay. Now she gets to suffer. EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Wight Children.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2015 19:52 |
If you really want to see strangers lose their poo poo, wait until Stannis burns his kid to death next week.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2015 09:54 |
OZYMANDICKASS posted:Stannis aint barbecuing monsterface get the gently caress out. Yeah, probably going to end up being Ramsey after he gets caught. Would have been hilarious though.
# ¿ Jun 2, 2015 18:40 |
Man, she was dead the second the words "I'll be right behind you" left her mouth.
# ¿ Jun 3, 2015 01:51 |
Zeroisanumber posted:There's always the off-chance that Sansa engineers Ramsay's capture and subsequent BBQ. You already know that they're setting her up to kill him slow. Even if Sansa doesn't engineer it, it gives Stannis a way out without incinerating his daugher or telling Mel to get hosed, and has Ramsey's fulfilled ambition (be recognized as royal blood) come back to bite him squarely in the rear end.
# ¿ Jun 3, 2015 21:07 |
OZYMANDICKASS posted:Roose Bolton has never been a "king". And even if he was, Noble blood, whatever. Neither was Ned Stark, but Mel was absolutely willing to go to town on his bastard son. VVV "Warden" of the North. Dead Reckoning fucked around with this message at 21:51 on Jun 3, 2015 |
# ¿ Jun 3, 2015 21:47 |
It Came from Imgur:
# ¿ Jun 4, 2015 04:03 |
Vote Reanimated corpse of The Mountain/Wight that used to be Badass Wildling Milf in 2016.
# ¿ Jun 8, 2015 02:23 |
Victor Vermis posted:Stannis aint barbecuing monsterface get the gently caress out
# ¿ Jun 8, 2015 04:23 |
Since I'm on a roll, waiting on Jorah to start a grayscale epidemic in Mereen now.
# ¿ Jun 8, 2015 04:54 |
Stannis is 100% convinced those leeches did in Robb, Balon and Joffrey, so it's probably pretty concrete to him.holocaust bloopers posted:Has there been any posts in TVIV about how much more triggering Sansa's offscreen rape was compared to Stannis setting fire to his loving daughter while she was alive?
# ¿ Jun 9, 2015 00:51 |
Quick shoutout to whatever spergtard read Victor Vermis' post about proper blocking two weeks ago and finished off EP 9 with the most composed shot imaginable.
# ¿ Jun 10, 2015 09:33 |
# ¿ Sep 18, 2024 14:53 |
After breaking her legs in the fall, Sansa spends Season 6 getting dragged north by Reek in her quest to learn about being a warg. Seriously though, which watchable characters are left? Tyrion, Baelish, maybe Davos and Brienne? Also: Dead Reckoning posted:Vote Reanimated corpse of The Mountain/Wight that used to be Badass Wildling Milf in 2016.
# ¿ Jun 16, 2015 00:40 |