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Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro
Ramsay Bolton is the spirit animal of every Sgt Major


Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Mr. Nice! posted:

Well, Jon is eventually going to have the throne to sit at because he's actually Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark's kid and not the bastard of Ned.

I have a feeling GRRM puts Danerys as the savior because there's way too much little miss perfect Mary Sue going on with her character at times. That and I have money riding on Brann taking over Dany's dragons and loving up the White Walkers with them

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

ManMythLegend posted:

I'm pretty sure that Dani is literally an insert of GRRM's sister that he can wank to. He has a thing for his sister in real life in case you couldn't tell from the massive hard on the series has for incest.

That's kinda the vibe I get from it too. Though if Uol's theory ends up being right I'll send that human being some cigars or something because it would make me smile

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Seriously he's the only competent person in Westeros.

Davos, the Hound and Brienne would beg to differ

edit: Fewer

Booblord Zagats fucked around with this message at 02:02 on May 12, 2015

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Goons are like the USS Enterprise of finding new and undiscovered bullshit to be upset with

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

holocaust bloopers posted:

Can we all agree everything in Dorne, and involving the Martells, is just outright boring?

Sand Vipers are the worst kind of wish fulfillment/diversity-hire bullshit

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

But makes the actress who plays her pretty hot

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Anita Dickinme posted:

I imagine Ramsy would just so he could still kick Theon in the nuts or worse things. Ramsy doesn't seem like the type of guy to let such a potential torture tool go.

Leaving the nuts leaves the whole chemical production poo poo in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Cutting the balls off makes men more docile than cutting off the penis. Taking both is just hedging the bet

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro


It's not like they're getting better with time.

It was the only reason to not fast forward through her scenes

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Wight Children.

Someone make this the thread title in TVIV

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Dead Reckoning posted:

Noble blood, whatever. Neither was Ned Stark, but Mel was absolutely willing to go to town on his bastard son.

"King of the North"

Seriously, folks. Thats the play on Bolton, too. The Lannisters have made him the replacement for the Starks. Mel just needs them to be recognized as a king by a few people and they seem to fit her bill

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

ded posted:

does not look 12

Still looks like a High School Freshman, so nah dude. Nah

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

See, she's against banging high schoolers too

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro
Dude in TVIV is having a hard day

paperchaseguy posted:

I was trying to go to sleep a few minutes ago and for some reason the enormity of these events finally hit me and I couldn't stop crying. I have no real life friends who give a poo poo about Westeros, so this is basically the only place I have to express these feelings, but I really feel the need to express them.

I would like this thread to be about our personal feelings about Stannis Baratheon, and how it has personally affected us. Just TV-IVing about the details as they come in, or wondering about Westeros' future, and all of that bullshit has no place here. I need to write about my feelings about Stannis Baratheon. Obviously these posts will be mocked elsewhere on the forums, but gently caress em. If you feel the need to say anything, say it.

Stannis Baratheon is a murderer. He killed his child. We will probably never know exactly what he was thinking. Obviously I did not know Stannis Baratheon. I never saw him in person and never spoke to him. But he represented something very special to me. In such a cut-throat, dirty, dark, often disgusting, business he was one of the good ones. When people talked poo poo about the Lord of Light and the bastards worshipping him, you could always count Stannis Baratheon as the exception to the rule. He was the one you could count to be a true professional who honored the kingdom he loved, who was passionate about it, who proved that you could dedicate your life to Westeros without being insane or scum or a monster. He was the ace in the hole. He was the one who wasn't in it for the pussy or because he was a failed jock or because he wanted to get rich quick or because he saw war as a means to an end. He was in it for the throne. He was dedicated to being the best king he could be, and it showed.

I wanted to be a king since I was a little kid, and one of the very worst moments of my life was a cold night in Flea Bottom when I finally admitted to myself that coming to King's Landing to be a knight had been a mistake. Coming to grips that I was simply not strong or wise enough to be a king was one of the worst moments of my life. The war glorifies the boyhood dreams that come true. My boyhood dream wasn't going to come true, and it was an upsetting, soul-crushing revelation that upsets and discourages me to this day.

Since then I lived vicariously through Stannis Baratheon in a lot of ways. He wasn't a man who was destined to be King of Westeros. He couldn't talk. He wasn't charismatic in the usual way. He was quiet. He was short. The only thing he had going for him was his work ethic. He wasn't a first line heir. He wasn't physically gifted. He wasn't someone who had words come easy to him. But through sheer effort he was able to become one of the greatest kings in history. By 50 years-old.

Stannis Baratheon was only fifty, and he was already a legend on the verge of myth. That's how talented he was, and how respected.

I cannot reconcile in my mind that the man who unnecessarily gave back so much to the kingdom could end his child's life the way he did. I can't understand how a man could spend weeks and months trying to give back to younger guys like Robb, putting forth the care and effort to help them find their place in the kingdom, and that that same man could burn his child only weeks later. It doesn't make sense. It shouldn't have happened this way. Not for him, not for Selyse, and not for their child.

Stannis Baratheon owed me nothing. But I still feel the loss. I selfishly lived through many of his accomplishments and now feel lost. I can only speak for myself, but I feel that for a lot of us Sunday nights are rocks of stability in a storm of stress and uncertainty. Every week the show goes on. Every week the show is from somewhere new, somewhere in the world, but every week it comes into our homes.

And that will continue. But Stannis Baratheon is a murderer. And whether it be insanity, drugs, or just the actions of a clear-eyed monster, what is done is done. And one of the pillars for the guys backstage and one of the pillars for fans is gone. And everything that pillar held up is tainted and dripping with blood.

Stannis Baratheon is a murderer. And I don't know how to accept that.

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

More so when you realize that emoticon is just him checking for the leak in his ceiling that happens everytime his stepdad flushes

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro
So I think STannis is a Memphis Dry-Rub kinda guy now. Which is weird, guys who look like that are normally Carolina style fans


Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro


What kind of guy looks at a pair of skinny suit pants and thinks, "Yeah, that's the epitome of class and style right there."

Actors and the like rarely dress themselves for red carpet media events

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