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Mar 8, 2006
OK my laptop runs a GeForce 720M along with it's integrated card. It has this thing called Optimus that works like a ghetto SLI to give a much better performance then stock.

Now the problem is that I can never really tell whether or not I can run a game as sites such a systemrequirements just use the crappy integrated card to pull stats on whether I can run a game and the 720M by itself is a pain to use for comparisons since combined they both punch much higher. Games such as Skyrim, Deus Ex, Borderlands 2, Civ 5, DoTA2, AC black flag all run fine on medium to high.

I was just curious if anyone had any experience with these cards or similar and would be able to give a ball park area of what equivalent card they are so I'm not wasting money on games like GTA 5 for example. Screen reso is 1366x768 (lol), i5 CPU, Win 8.1 and 8 GB of RAM.

Much appreciated.


Nov 11, 2011

Won't somebody think of the starving hamsters in China?

It doesn't do anything SLI-like. It just automatically switches over to the discrete gpu when it is required for a program (like a game) and switches back to the integrated gpu when that is enough (like when you're back at your desktop). The benefit is power savings aka battery life because the power hungry discrete card can be switched off when it's not needed. There are no performance gains.

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