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Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

Agag posted:

Abrahamic God is brown.

Unless TCH was referring to Thor.

god is beyond the pathetic prattling of gender and race

god is genderfluid and transracial


Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

god is beyond the pathetic prattling of gender and race

god is genderfluid and transracial

Ok, but Jesus brown though.

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

Agag posted:

Ok, but Jesus brown though.

looks aryan to me

and the duggars

or is it this jesus

or is it Korean Jesus?

its actually this

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

If it is a legitimate molestation...

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

If it is a legitimate molestation...

those genes are corrupted to all hell

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo
I wonder what crosses the line. Finger bang incest of a toddler, uh ok.

Crusty Nutsack
Apr 21, 2005


Man that sucks that one of the kids was the current minor, Joy Anna. I watched the show sometimes because trainwreck, and it seemed like if any of those girls had a fighting chance at a normal life, it was her. Hopefully seeing how it's being handled/treated now will wake her up and she'll get the gently caress out of dodge.

Can't blame her for wanting the thing destroyed, though. considering she likely has no real counseling about this, the best she can seem to do for herself is forget it ever happened :(

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme
these ladies have no fighting chance

they have no skills or education

they are handed of from one degenerate genetic cesspool to another like property and are turned into baby factories

for them to have a chance at a normal life they need to both understand where they can get outside help, be outside of the garbage pit that is Arkansas or whatever buttfuckville they are from to not have their cultist fsmily use political influence to get her back and to also get past her built in prejudices to seek help from lieberals, who in their minds are basically everyone.

looks like its easier to have kids all the time and suffer the god sanctioned punishment of painful childbirth every year

Top City Homo fucked around with this message at 23:16 on May 25, 2015

Feb 22, 2008

by FactsAreUseless

SocketWrench posted:

Never gets old how the religious party has all the immoral scandals come out

Jul 11, 2014

professional swine bather
my family actually spent an evening at todd akin's house helping with a mass mailing when i was little. i played hide-and-go-seek with his kids. i met doug phillips quite a few times.

it's weird thinking about that stuff now.

Twinty Zuleps
May 10, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy


hah hah


ham_sanitizer posted:

my family actually spent an evening at todd akin's house helping with a mass mailing when i was little. i played hide-and-go-seek with his kids. i met doug phillips quite a few times.

it's weird thinking about that stuff now.
well it's not like they go a rapin' every day

that seems like a lazy Sunday kind of activity

Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

ham_sanitizer posted:

my family actually spent an evening at todd akin's house helping with a mass mailing when i was little. i played hide-and-go-seek with his kids. i met doug phillips quite a few times.

it's weird thinking about that stuff now.

Show me on this doll where he touched you son.

you irl
Jan 22, 2014

uh white men cant jump

Jul 11, 2014

professional swine bather

Hollis Brownsound posted:

Show me on this doll where he touched you son.

*pointing to my brain*

Hollis Brownsound
Apr 2, 2009

by Lowtax

ham_sanitizer posted:

*pointing to my brain*

That's a weird place for your butthole to be

May 18, 2008

𒃻 𒌓𒁉𒋫 𒆷𒁀𒅅𒆷
𒆠𒂖 𒌉 𒌫 𒁮𒈠𒈾𒅗 𒂉 𒉡𒌒𒂉𒊑

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

New Duggar defender, the father in law of one of the sisters Josh molested

If anyone was gonna get a spin off show it was probably Jessa and Ben so he's probably super pissed.

Jul 11, 2014

professional swine bather
ha ha, as though my butthole was a sexual way! i understand the joke now.

Twinty Zuleps
May 10, 2008

by R. Guyovich
Lipstick Apathy
It really is just the best that so many passionate christians are apologizing for incestual pedophilia. America has a real problem with undying team loyalty at the expense of all else.

Grand Theft Autobot
Feb 28, 2008

I'm something of a fucking idiot myself
These idiots are going to die, after wasting their lives popping out neanderthal lookin rear end children, and living in loving Arkansas on purpose, and at the end of it all their bloated corpses just get eaten by carrion insects because there is no invisible sky man to reward them.

Feb 25, 2014

Wulfolme posted:

It really is just the best that so many passionate christians are apologizing for incestual pedophilia. America has a real problem with undying team loyalty at the expense of all else.

political affinity is p. much the equivalent of race identity in America now

its all "your either with us or against us" so if you say one conservative is bad you hate 'em all and pretty much a liberal. though this is for both sides. american politics is hosed on a million different ends and theres nothing we can do but laugh

I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy


Nov 4, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

how long will it take for the neofeudalist gop crowd do die out

why is it taking so long

all of the people posting these retarded facebook statuses are middle aged or younger. most people are too stupid to escape their indoctrinaction, america is dead already

Jesus Christ
Jun 1, 2000

mods if you can make this my avatar I will gladly pay 10bux to the coffers

Top City Homo posted:

looks aryan to me

and the duggars

or is it this jesus

or is it Korean Jesus?

its actually this

I'm this, this is me

Jul 11, 2014

professional swine bather

Jesus Christ posted:

I'm this, this is me

ha ha jesus christ you are hosed up

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

PT6A posted:

"We're all sinners..."

Let he who hasn't finger-banged his underage sister cast the first stone, etc., etc.

I'd keep an eye on that guy, he sounds like a loving nonce.

If anything that excuse sounds vaguely familiar to the old "if god doesn't exist there's nothing to stop me from killing people" bullshit

"Well guys, we're all sinners, so lets go a rapin' and a murdrin' because we're sinners and will be forgiven"

glowstick party tonight
Oct 4, 2003

by zen death robot

SocketWrench posted:

If anything that excuse sounds vaguely familiar to the old "if god doesn't exist there's nothing to stop me from killing people" bullshit

"Well guys, we're all sinners, so lets go a rapin' and a murdrin' because we're sinners and will be forgiven"

It's what stops Phil Robertson from killing people. He still thinks marrying 15 year old girls is ok though because when women get older they get greedy or something

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Nah, more like the elephant squeezing under the hurdle

Zamboni Rodeo
Jul 19, 2007

NEVER play "Lady of Spain" AGAIN!

Jesus Christ posted:

I'm this, this is me

:neckbeard: I knew you'd come back!

I Dunno
Apr 6, 2014

Jesus Christ posted:

I'm this, this is me

:eyepop: He has rise - uh...did something go wrong?

Pook Good Mook
Aug 6, 2013


SocketWrench posted:

Nah, more like the elephant squeezing under the hurdle

The hosed up thing about Conservatives'/Christian zealots' persecution complexes is they don't realize that in reality the hurdle (though they're drawing a high jump?) is the same height for everyone. Christians pretend they jump 10 feet higher than that hurdle and when some of their number only manage to get 2 inches off the ground of course we point it out. They're the ones who've spent the last few decades criticizing how high the rest of us jump.

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

babypolis posted:

all of the people posting these retarded facebook statuses are middle aged or younger. most people are too stupid to escape their indoctrinaction, america is dead already

im just gonna switch from calling crazy christian fascists, doctrinaire right wing corporate pimps and radical libertarians neofeudalists from now on

they all want to enslave us and its the most accurate way to describe them

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012
tbf i want to enslave you too. to work in my diamond mines.

Burt Sexual
Jan 26, 2006

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Switchblade Switcharoo

Top City Homo posted:

im just gonna switch from calling crazy christian fascists, doctrinaire right wing corporate pimps and radical libertarians neofeudalists from now on

they all want to enslave us and its the most accurate way to describe them

Liberals like a lot of adjectives?

21st Cherry boy
Jan 28, 2004
i'm a girl, fucktard
I mentioned this to my mom and she said they shouldn't have cancelled the show, which made me a bit... concerned. But then she said that since those people are such idiots TLC should have kept their show on, with the requirement that Josh and all the victims get heavy therapy and have the show talk about hotlines and resources for victims to come forward. Since obviously now none of them are going to get treatment and they're just gonna double down on the crazy.

21st Cherry boy fucked around with this message at 02:17 on May 26, 2015

54 40 or fuck
Jan 4, 2012

No Yanda's allowed
^^^TLC loves reality until reality gets too real.

Jesus Christ posted:

I'm this, this is me

Actual face real Jesus made when he found out about all this poo poo being connected back to him. "Really guys? I mean, come on.":colbert:

Jeedy Jay
Nov 8, 2012

Jesus Christ posted:

I'm this, this is me

Idea: Altered Beast reboot, with Jesus as protagonist.

Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme

Darth123123 posted:

Liberals like a lot of adjectives?

Who are these liberals?

Two Free Toppings
Jul 1, 2007

I live in Little Rock and was the stage manager for a fairly large theater between 2006 and 2011. One of the costumers I worked with was a makeup artist on the Duggar show for a couple of years shortly after they started on TLC. She said a bunch of interesting stuff about the family at the time (and at least here everyone I know considers them the weird freakshow I guess the rest of the country does) but she emphasized that all of the older boys in the family, including Josh, were really creepy to the female tech crew. Which, considering how they were raised, doesn't really surprise me. And she also mentioned that the older girls, particularly Jana, Jill and I think Jessa were all super into boys at the time. IE trying to talk to the tech ladies outside their family about sex and kissing and stuff that most pubescent girls would have known or at least had friends to talk to about, and flirting with the camera guys to the point that the higher ups had to issue notices to the effect that they were there because the family let them and the kids were unfamiliar with men outside their family and to just ignore all the weird poo poo they did. As far as I knew nobody knew about Josh creeping on his sisters at the time. I guarantee if most people had known that poo poo would have exploded years ago.

I wish I knew anything stranger about the family. But I can say that most normal people even in arkansas think the Duggars are a hosed up brood and were just kind of waiting for the other shoe to fall. Also I went to the same high school as huckabees dog torturing son, though three or four years later, and I can at least assure you the guy was widely despised especially after the "incident" was uncovered. Anyway, at least I can confirm that even a lot of Arkansas hates these fucks.

Jul 11, 2014

professional swine bather
josh duggar sucked my fat cock


Top City Homo
Oct 15, 2014

Ramrod XTreme
Huckabee's rotund human being son

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