PT6A posted:It creeps me out how all these people say poo poo like, "well, everyone would (be gay/molest children/kill people) if God weren't here to say no! We all have to fight the temptation!" Well, we've already seen the Christian excuse "God forgives me", which is basically the same thing as "If god didn't exist, people would X"
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# ? Feb 6, 2025 13:52 |
christians have a point though, sins like eating shellfish or ejaculating on the ground aren't illegal and look how many people can't resist the temptation to eat oysters and jerk off on the lawn?
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happyhippy posted:I want to see the house the Josh built as his punishment to cure him of his sexual predatory nature. I was about to post groverhouse but then I realised I had my moderators mixed up ![]()
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Between the fortress-like homes, the incest, the loving over kids for political power, the husbands raping their wives, the arranged marriages, the million kids who nobody can remember the loving names of anyhow, the animal torture, the incest, the paranoia that everyone's scheming to get them, the incest, the scheming to hide the incest, the treating women like they're walking vaginas, the fact they want to live in a society that makes renaissance festivals look like loving Star Trek, the incest and the complete lack of shame about any of this including the incest, you'd think the Duggars are looking to jump over to HBO after TLC dumped them.
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PT6A posted:The most disturbing part of this is their view that everyone has the urge to molest children or have some glory-hole fun, and it's just our fear of punishment that's stopping us. Also lack of opportunity. Now that I'm not allowed to be within 100ft of a minor I definitely don't have the opportunity. you irl posted:look how many people can't resist the temptation to eat oysters and jerk off on the lawn? Please don't spy on me.
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1337JiveTurkey posted:Between the fortress-like homes, the incest, the loving over kids for political power, the husbands raping their wives, the arranged marriages, the million kids who nobody can remember the loving names of anyhow, the animal torture, the incest, the paranoia that everyone's scheming to get them, the incest, the scheming to hide the incest, the treating women like they're walking pee pee holders, the fact they want to live in a society that makes renaissance festivals look like loving Star Trek, the incest and the complete lack of shame about any of this including the incest, you'd think the Duggars are looking to jump over to HBO after TLC dumped them. Fixed that for you
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Jim Bob is basically a real life version of Walder Frey only somehow less pleasant.
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walder frey doesn't look like am older fatter version of that christian intern off of 30 rock
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PT6A posted:It creeps me out how all these people say poo poo like, "well, everyone would (be gay/molest children/kill people) if God weren't here to say no! We all have to fight the temptation!" Mike Huckabee's son didn't have Jesus in his life when he slowly tortured a stray dog to death. He NOW knows that it is NOT good to torture homeless pets. It is a difficult temptation to not torture stray dogs but we all must fight that temptation as the dog yelps and cries in agony. Also Mike Huckabee did not have Jesus in his life when he threatened and fired the worker who didn't sweep it under the rug. Liberals not keeping the CHRIST in Christmas are the real monsters here, you see.
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Wanamingo posted:Fixed that for you You forgot Jim Bob.
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Even the reruns are now cancelled. http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/25/entertainment/josh-duggar-tlc-show-cancel-feat/index.html
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SocketWrench posted:Well, we've already seen the Christian excuse "God forgives me", which is basically the same thing as "If god didn't exist, people would X" this is why i think the cuck dynasty guy is some sort of cynical troll who wants to see how deep he can go into his act and still make money and be taken seriously by his idiot audience like a test balloon for some other horrible program in the making
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Lucy Heartfilia posted:Seriously, what sick twisted evil people think that without the threat of punishment by god every normal person would rape and murder all the time. and then they call other people depraved and sinful. Going from the research I did for a class paper, It's from one of the core Fundamentalist beliefs in the concept of Total Depravity which goes back to the Calvinist part of their roots. In short, since the fall from Eden, all humanity is predisposed to evil and resist God's word regardless of being granted Free Will and so only God's Grace can make a difference. So to these people, they are unable to wrap their minds around people able to live perfectly good moral lives without the Fundamentalist interpretation of God and everything that's not acceptable within their isolated culture is tainted evil in some way.
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M_Sinistrari posted:Going from the research I did for a class paper, It's from one of the core Fundamentalist beliefs in the concept of Total Depravity which goes back to the Calvinist part of their roots. In short, since the fall from Eden, all humanity is predisposed to evil and resist God's word regardless of being granted Free Will and so only God's Grace can make a difference. So to these people, they are unable to wrap their minds around people able to live perfectly good moral lives without the Fundamentalist interpretation of God and everything that's not acceptable within their isolated culture is tainted evil in some way. holy poo poo that's the most misanthropic world view ever
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i am not spiritual i literally don't know right from wrong i'm typing this on the home pc of a man whose house i invaded and family i murdered and i think it's okay to do this plz don't ban for account sharing
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M_Sinistrari posted:Going from the research I did for a class paper, It's from one of the core Fundamentalist beliefs in the concept of Total Depravity which goes back to the Calvinist part of their roots. In short, since the fall from Eden, all humanity is predisposed to evil and resist God's word regardless of being granted Free Will and so only God's Grace can make a difference. So to these people, they are unable to wrap their minds around people able to live perfectly good moral lives without the Fundamentalist interpretation of God and everything that's not acceptable within their isolated culture is tainted evil in some way. its almost as though they are too stupid to make the logical leap to gnosticism based on this twisted world view Ahura Mazda is the way
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Remember the right wing guy who wrote on The Blaze that Josh was attacked because of his faith by the progressive liberals? http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/the-duggars-arent-hypocrites-progressives-are/ He posted a reply to his article addressing feedback he received and he said this quote:In fact, it should really tell you something that everyone feels the need to be disingenuous in their attacks on the Duggars. You should be able to criticize a man for fondling his sisters when he was a teenager without resorting to dishonesty. I can. I criticized him for it. And I did so honestly. Yet all I see in the media and on social media are claims that Josh Duggar is a "pedophile" and a "child molester." Legally and logically, both of those terms refer to adults who sexually abuse children. A child cannot, himself, be a pedophile. Obviously. Even to stipulate that Josh's victims were "underage" is kind of bizarre. He was also underage. That's like if an 8 year old beats up a 7 year old and you accuse him of "child abuse." Sure, literally speaking, he abused a child. But to use that term when the assailant was also a child is, at best, misleading. At worst, it's deceptive.
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in zoroastrian eschatology all the living and the dead have to wade through a river of molten metal and only the wicked humans will burn.
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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:Remember the right wing guy who wrote on The Blaze that Josh was attacked because of his faith by the progressive liberals? mhmm pretty sure the bible says a person becomes a man at 13 guess it doesnt count
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sure, literally speaking, he abused a child
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Mr. Pumroy posted:in zoroastrian eschatology all the living and the dead have to wade through a river of molten metal and only the wicked humans will burn. an infinitely more just world view than what these corrupt retards espouse
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Mr. Pumroy posted:sure, literally speaking, he abused a child "its really problematic to interpret this law and situation literally." -A biblical literalist christian fundamentalist
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Top City Homo posted:"its really problematic to interpret this law and situation literally."
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Top City Homo posted:an infinitely more just world view than what these corrupt retards espouse yeah it's easy to say god forgives it's harder to say i'm going to walk through molten iron and live. righteousness is much more evident
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Jim Bob
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Top City Homo posted:its almost as though they are too stupid to make the logical leap to gnosticism based on this twisted world view Pretty much from their origins in the 1900s, everything in the Fundamentalist worldview is a reaction against modernism and any criticism of Fundamentalist belief is an attack.
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I wish they would all practice early 1900's medicine and have the adults eliminate themselves from the earth. Use those radioactive suppositories, Jim Bob! Vita-Rays are good for you!
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basement jihadist posted:Jim Bob Ripoff posted:Jim Bob! FreudianSlippers posted:Jim Bob Boo This Man posted:You forgot Jim Bob. Jim Bob.
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Whiskey Sours posted:Jim Bob. Bim Job. Sounds dirty. Probably is.
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Rim Job Duggar
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Huckabee's presidential campaign was underage when it got buggered by Duggars
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Huckabee stuttered and started to mutter "all these liberals get smugger on those ridiculous Duggars, wouldnt let him be a tugger so he ended up a bugger and now it seems my prez bid has been jacked by a mugger"
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Jonny 290 posted:Huckabee stuttered and started to mutter "all these liberals get smugger on those ridiculous Duggars, wouldnt let him be a tugger so he ended up a bugger and now it seems my prez bid has been jacked by a mugger" "Fleet of foot, with skin like soot? Have you heard my drone plan?" Rand sputters.
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Top City Homo posted:"its really problematic to interpret this law and situation literally."
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Here is a new defense from evangelical writer and preacher Ray Comfort![]() It was Before he became a Christian
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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:Here is a new defense from evangelical writer and preacher Ray Comfort So how many children did Ray rape before he found Christ?
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Three Olives posted:Oops. Where did you find this?
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# ? Feb 6, 2025 13:52 |
Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:Where did you find this? i was going to say 1996, but im guessing jim bob isnt up on the latest and greatest in web design so idk
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