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Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Has anyone managed to convince them that Yahweh doesn't want them to wear seatbelts or helmets? I doubt this will gain any traction, just like Duck Dynasty retard with his bizarre rape and murder fantasy a while back.


Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Jonny 290 posted:

michelle duggar is nearing fifty years of age and still uses the submissive littlegirlvoice

go watch a youtube or smth. its gross
Don't worry she'll probably die making GBS threads while making GBS threads out the next one.

Sending their little rapist off to be someone's slave to teach him a lesson is pretty funny, of course evangelicals have the funniest ideas about criminal justice. They rush to condemn anyone else, but if you accept Jesus you're all good and can go with your life. My city has a large Christmas display for charity every year. There's this shitbag street preacher who likes to go down their with his sandwich boards and harass people. Now the funny part is that he's a convicted sex offender, and his supporters point to him having found Jesus as proof that he can totally be trusted around kids and everyone should stop persecuting him.

Gatekeeper posted:

gimme the deets on this please
Phil Robertson slammed for imagined tale of an atheist family’s rape and murder

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

In which we watch retards circle the wagons.

TIL: Molesting someone while they sleep is normal curious teenage boy behavior, doing work for a handyman is the same thing as therapy, he was a child when he did it, Jeebus forgives him.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Frackie Robinson posted:

In this guy's defense, how confident can we be that given his upbringing he had any idea the significance or weight of what he was doing? I think we would all agree that theres an age at which you wouldn't be able to hold a kid accountable for this kind of thing, the main question is what that age is. 14 seems pretty old, but who knows how little he'd been told.
Jim Bob (lol) gave one of them, probably Josh, a sex education cassette tape right after his wedding reception. Then he and the girl went into a car and listened to it. The big problem with TLC and other reality channels is they've gone far beyond honestly documenting subcultures. I wish I could say they were just casting a spotlight on these retards so everyone could laugh at them. But instead they've entered into a symbiotic relationship with these kind of people, subsidized their hosed up lifestyle, and presented their disorder as a viable alternative to the mainstream. Even in stuff that isn't outright fake like Moonshiners, they've taken the concept of observer effect and ran it over with a tank.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Not going to stop a cruise missile.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Don't forget Jubilee. Of corse she was a miscarriage because her stupid bitch mom is nearing 50 and has had 19 kids already. I'm surprised they didn't pull a Santorum and count her as alive even though she couldn't have survived outside the womb. Then they could have passed her around the room to scare the other kids with.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

My proposed solution to the Duggar Problem.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Do It Once Right posted:

It's number 4 in the list.

Immodest dress.
Indecent exposure.
Being away from parental protection (unless daddy's the diddler, then we need to talk about forgiveness and obedience)
Evil friends maybe?

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee

You heard it here first folks. Fatty is running on a pro-molester platform!

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

If you're that sexually confused at age 14 perhaps your parent's child rearing model is a little hosed up.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Jonny 290 posted:

i would pay Pay Per View prices to see the look on jim bob's face when one of his daughters comes to him excitedly, "Daddy, I've fallen in love with a boy, and he's from a huge family just like us" and in walks José
They don't have a long enough leash for that to ever happen. Nobody escapes Duggarstan.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Speaking of Huckabee, remember that time his son tortured a stray dog to death?

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

One of the victims "wanted" it destroyed. Of course 4/5 of the victims are under the thrall of Jim Bob so their "wishes" might not be all they're cracked up to be.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

All the dumb fundies are all "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Last time I checked nothing I've ever done is even remotely as bad as child molestation, so hand me a brick.

I did some reading on the Wayne Dumond case that Huckabee got involved with. He paroled a violent serial rapist because the right wing idiot media decided that Bill Clinton had framed him. Violent serial rapist then rapes and murders again, and Huckabee refuses to admit his mistakes.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Top City Homo posted:

this sounds like a good segway to my favorite fucktarded cult activity

purity ball

:patriot: :suicide:
The girl in the second one looks like she's having an orgasm. I was just going to mention that but then I saw the guy's face in the last one. Then I saw the dad and daughter kissing on the mouth in the third one. I hate evangelicals so much.

So here's a funny story. We're going to hold my grandmother's 80th birthday party in about a month. We're only supposed to invite certain people from her church that she's sure won't rat her out for drinking.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

WescottF1 posted:

I'm pretty sure if you can make it to 80, you can do just about whatever the gently caress you want. By that point, you'd think most couldn't care less about what others think anymore.
You don't become a baptist because you want to mind your own business.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

TFI used to advocate pedophillia too, though they've tried really hard to suppress that.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Arrowsmith posted:

I thought memorial portraiture went out of style last century.
It's a shame they didn't take a picture of their last miscarriage. Maybe posed festively with a trike or something.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

To think Scott Walker used to be the politician I hated most. Huckabee can't have a fatal heart attack soon enough.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Apparently god has forgiven JOsh. Whoever has the "God" Facebook account needs to go in there and be all "Who says I've forgiven him? That guy is a total oval office."

Top City Homo posted:

thread needs more huckabee's rotund human being son

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Hopefully now with the holiday weekend over the news can return to ripping these retards apart.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

How are you going to fix a tubal pregnancy without aborting the fetus?

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Amarcarts posted:

Man I remember when TLC actually ran educational material. Discovery channel isn't as bad as TLC but it's headed in that direction.
Mythbusters is the only good thing Discover is still running, and even that has suffered considerably. Remember that it was Discovery that ran Moonshiners and Amish Mafia. The Duggars might be scummy white trash, but at least they're real.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Top City Homo posted:

What's the rate of mental illness amongst Christian fundies?

Has to be over 20%
They'll just cast any mental illness as a spiritual failing.

Advertisers lost so far:
General Mills
Payless Shoes
Choice Hotels

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Wallgreen's has now cut off their advertising.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Affe mk2 posted:

how are advertisers pulling out of a show that isn't airing anymore?
It hasn't been cancelled yet. At this point TLC can just puss out like A&E did with the Duck Dynasty retards.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Michelle has spent more than a third of her life pregnant.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Josh sued Arkansas DHS in 2007. Probably to make them stop monitoring him.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Monkey Fracas posted:

If these people had their way we would have Morality Police roaming around making sure women weren't driving, nobody was being gay or having the wrong kind of sex or drinking alcohol
You jest but this is secretly what they want, it's just couched in language about the constitution and whatnot. Fundies can't stop babbling about Iran but their vision for the future is really worse than what Iran has, and is really more in line with our best ally forever Saudi Arabia.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

CPL593H posted:

What do you mean by "secretly"?
They bang on all day long about freedom, but that's complete bullshit.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Eonwe posted:

so are any of the duggar children normal with a chance of escaping being a baby factory or pedophile
Internet people (Eww) seem to think Jinger is normal and wants to leave. Hence; However this could all be crazy fanfiction about her they've dreamed up.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Which is funny because some of the fundies in the military have largely gotten away with pushing their poo poo on everybody else. Nowhere near as bad as would happen under a republican though. The latest thing is that gate guards got back the "right" to push their religion down other peoples throats share sincere messages of belief with those who pass through their post. Somehow I don't think this would go over so well if I was to assert my right to say "Welcome to Team Robbins, HAIL SATAN!"

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Binary Badger posted:

TLC might punt and make a new show based on two escapees from Jim Bob's compound..

They said whenever the show focused on the next generation, ratings tended to go up.. when it shifted back to the old guard they went back down so this is an evolution of sorts
Cowards. Burn it all down and make Rim Job depend fully on right wing welfare. With the family's reputation tarnished I think that will dry up considerably.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Maybe it's just around here, but I've never had a Catholic get all up in my business, ever. I've heard a few stories of what it was like back in the 60s and 70s from my mom, so it sounds like things have improved a lot. Of course I've never had a Muslim or Jew do that either. I was raised in ELCA where I had a few run ins with snotty holier than though types, but it wasn't the norm by any means. So in my experience mainline Protestants don't usually go around bothering people either. Even in my limited experience with Mormons they didn't try to push their beliefs on me despite knowing I didn't believe in god. Evangelicals on the other hand are the biggest dickish assholes on the face of the planet. Not only do they hate other Christian sects, but they often hate each other over incredibly minor differences of theology.

It's just bizarre to me the amount of hate they're taught growing up. As part of confirmation we went to a synagogue and attended the service. Then some people from the Islamic Center in town came to tell us about Islam, this was before they had their own facility. Never once did we hear any talk condemning the beliefs of others.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Lena Dunham was 7

Josh was 14

Many psychologists came out saying it was not child abuse
It means she's a loving weirdo who deserves to be shunned though.

Oh, Dennis Hastert got caught paying hush money to some guy he may have had a sexual relationship with in the past. Being that he was a teacher that man perhaps was underage when this happened. When will Huckabee come out to defend him?

Casimir Radon fucked around with this message at 20:10 on May 29, 2015

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Sarah Palin folded up over completely softball questions from Katie Couric, so there's always the chance the Duggars will gently caress up bad on Fox next week.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

mdm posted:

What exactly did the Clintons do worse? Is this some kind of bizarre conspiracy poo poo like thinking they murdered Vince Foster or what
Well he did frame this guy named Wayne Dumond as a violent serial rapist, coincidentally he turned out to be a violent serial rapist. SLICK WILLY HAD NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT WHO WILL CURB HIS EVIL LIBERAL BLOODLUST

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Congratulations to Intouch Weekly for proving that tabloids can have some function in our society. The rest of the media has been far too lazy in investigating this. Now there's even more bad stuff for Megyn Kelly to try to gloss over tonight.

Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

Code Jockey posted:

jesus christ

I was going to say "they're going to go beat it at the library like a hobo" but I imagine the kids never get out from surveillance at all do they
If they go a library they might learn something that conflicts with their biblical worldview, then it's all over.

Alan Smithee posted:

Maybe they are old fashioned and finding mag drops from the porn fairy. Can you imagine what a magical and whimsical world they just live in
Goon project: Seed the Duggar Compound with smut. Just like what South Korean activists do with Best Korea. I'm thinking Ipads that randomly show Bill Nye and hardcore porn.


Casimir Radon
Aug 1, 2008

PT6A posted:

What if some wires got crossed and the kids started getting aroused by Bill Nye? No man or woman, gay or straight, deserves that.
Your opinions are bad :colbert:

Khorne posted:

he probably just jerked it a bunch of times
Heavenly father cursed me for sinning against him by making it sore and puffed up in the middle.

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