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Jun 26, 2009

my parents beat me to death all the time and i turned out fine

Never reward delayed obedience by reversing the sentence. And, unless all else fails, don’t drag him to the place of cleansing. Part of his training is to come submissively. However, if you are just beginning to institute training on an already rebellious child, who runs from discipline and is too incoherent to listen, then use whatever force is necessary to bring him to bay. If you have to sit on him to spank him then do not hesitate. And hold him there until he is surrendered. Prove that you are bigger, tougher, more patiently enduring and are unmoved by his wailing. Defeat him totally. Accept no conditions for surrender. No compromise. You are to rule over him as a benevolent sovereign. Your word is final."

this still does it for me btw


Jun 26, 2009

Wanamingo posted:

I went and checked if I could find any more details on this story, and

what the heck is ol' slick willy doing with these creeps

bill clinton rapes people and has sex wit rapes human trafficking victims lmao

Jun 26, 2009

Frackie Robinson posted:

Real talk, I think it would be pretty hard to report your son to the police for molestation, I have no idea what I would do in that situation.

or when the victims are also your children but only females

Jun 26, 2009

afeelgoodpoop posted:

that's how westerners raised their kids until like the 1940s. spare the rod spoil the child.


Jun 26, 2009

afeelgoodpoop posted:

obedience to authority being inscribed in kids to the point that teachers used to swack ur hand if you do a problem wrong in class, something my grandpa told me about his piano teaching, never happened systematically across the whole of western society. teachers, you dont have to leave those kids alone, since you never existed!

yeah thats not blanket training

Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

this sounds like a good segway to my favorite fucktarded cult activity

purity ball

:patriot: :suicide:

wait did thosr dads choose those shots, like yup this one where im batman is the good one?

Jun 26, 2009

Jun 26, 2009

as a self confessed habitual rapist believe me when i tell you i know a thing or two about raping

Jun 26, 2009

Wanamingo posted:

Some good conspiracy theorizing going on over there

this is proof enough for me time to form a posse

Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

I was went to a Jewish religious high school from 13 to 17. We read the Torah verse by verse, read commentary on them, then studied dissenting and current interpretations of its meaning and then debated it for an hour or more. This was alongside normal school work.

It had some odd elements to it but either case i took away certain things from the school like critical thought and research skills even if the religious portion of it didn't completely stick.

The idea of a fat woman chastising me about grace and righteousness and screaming in tongues is completely alien to me.

i think that the kids dont understand anything that is happening to them nor what they are doing nor the concepts behind the words they are hearing

the only thing they will take away from this is how to block out thought, institutionalize ignorance and conformity. I don't think an active participatory citizenry is compatible with these cults

source your quotes

Jun 26, 2009

Mr. Pumroy posted:

i am not spiritual i literally don't know right from wrong i'm typing this on the home pc of a man whose house i invaded and family i murdered and i think it's okay to do this

plz don't ban for account sharing

same except i sign into my own account

Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

i mean its pretty drat smart of them to corral all thos wiminfolk like that

its also funny on a cosmic level

gonna raise a stable of elaine benices out in the badlands

Jun 26, 2009

TNG posted:

But really, what sort of future are they setting their children up for? The education they push only teaches things like proper victim behaviors, any sort of scientific progress made in the last 300 years is all lies and devilry, what sort of clothing on women is sinful, and that any critical thinking and opposition to the head of the family will cause you to go to hell. I don't see any development of life or job skills, encouragement to go into fields not related to spreading of their particular brand of ignorance, or generally anything of the sort that would make any of them employable or otherwise useful outside the compound.

Even with the gutting of our education system, the Duggars and their ilk are more so disadvantaged since anything involving not being a professional politician, a brood mare, a used car salesman, or physical laborer is not even on the menu. Jim Bob is going to die, and gormless emotional cripple Josh is going to take over and what then? I highly doubt that the Duggar boys are going to start or be involved in any career that would pay a decent wage. Trying to take over Arkansas, Tennessee, and Colorado are nice and everything, but the real world has technical and professional obstacles that their educations will not prepare them for in the slightest.

read the hand maidens tale

Jun 26, 2009

jimiiny bobert

Jun 26, 2009

hemophilia posted:

they had an old man in shackles who couldn't understand or process time slaughtering cows to make veal but he had been tricked into thinking he was helping them exercise.

wanna paint this

Jun 26, 2009

lmfbo they would be apple loving losers

Jun 26, 2009

actually everybody read the handmaids tale. its not long and is these peoples end goal

Jun 26, 2009

witcher 3 dlc: into the duggarsden

Jun 26, 2009

[quote="Robotnik Nudes" post="446236953"]
On Caladan we ruled by sea and air power. Here on Arkansas we will need Duggar power.


Jun 26, 2009

CrowdControl posted:

In the recent interview, Jim Bob said something along the lines of "when he confessed the third time we really became concerned he might, you know, do it to the boys next time."

reasonable imo

Jun 26, 2009

Sankis posted:

this guy was charged with beating and killing animals and then spray painting the bodies when he was 18


Jun 26, 2009

Bim Job

Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

rotund human being sons

i feel bad for the daughter. thats gotta be a scary house at night

Jun 26, 2009

Thin Privilege posted:

Oh hey you answered my question! She looks so hopeful and innocent :smith:

And a few years later: the 10,000 yard stare. Must be from all that "always lay yourself down to your husband's needs" advice she is giving out.

Ah gently caress here's a progression of the stare:

the evilutuin of the jimbob grimace is someth8ng to behold

Jun 26, 2009

Wedemeyer posted:

I'd loving hope so dear lord give the cooter a loving break

Every new mum bleeds after having her baby (lochia), whether the birth was vaginal or by caesarean section. It's how your body gets rid of the lining of your uterus (womb) after birth. The blood may come out in gushes, or flow more evenly, similar to a heavy period.

The bleeding will change colour and become lighter as your uterus heals and returns to its pre-pregnancy size. At first, the flow of lochia will be heavy and bright red, and may have clots in it. Gradually, it will change to pink then brown, and eventually to yellow-white.

You may bleed for as little as two weeks to three weeks, or for as long as six weeks after having your baby. The flow will gradually become less. Red lochia usually tapers off within the first couple of weeks, though if you try to do too much too soon, it may start flowing again. If you see bright red blood, it's a sign that you need to slow down.

this happened at a party i was at one time

Jun 26, 2009

^gently caress

Schnedwob posted:


Jun 26, 2009

all of the assaults were jimbob in a mask. the real josh is out there somewhere making the real duggar homestead

Jun 26, 2009

Top City Homo posted:

Those churches were very odd all violently disavowed by their respective denominations elsewhere, and apparently using the queerest kind of ceremonials and clerical vestments. Their creeds were heterodox and mysterious, involving hints of certain marvelous transformations leading to bodily immorality of a sort on this earth.

As for the Duggar people the youth hardly knew what to make of them. They were as furtive and seldom seen as animals that live in burrows, and one could hardly imagine how they passed the time apart from their desultory hunting. Perhaps judging from the quantities of juice they consumed they lay for most of the daylight hours reading their Bibles. They seemed sullenly banded together in some sort of fellowship and understanding despising the world as if they had access to other and preferable spheres of entity. Their appearance especially those staring, unwinking eyes which one never saw shut was certainly shocking enough; and their voices were disgusting. It was awful to hear them chanting in their churches at night, and especially during their main festivals or revivals, which fell twice a year on April 30th and October 31st.

When one came to think of it, it was generally only rather young people who were seen about in public, and of these the oldest were apt to be the most tainted-looking. When exceptions did occur, they were mostly persons with no trace of aberrancy, like the old clerk at the hotel. One wondered what became of the bulk of the older folk, and whether the "Jim Bob look" were not a strange and insidious disease-phenomenon which increased its hold as years advanced.

Only a very rare affliction, of course, could bring about such vast and radical anatomical changes in a single individual after maturity changes invoking osseous factors as basic as the shape of the hairline but then, even this aspect was no more baffling and unheard of than the visible features of the malady as a whole. It would be hard, the youth implied, to form any real conclusions regarding such a matter; since one never came to know the natives personally no matter how long one might live in Arkansas.

The youth was certain that many specimens even worse than the worst visible ones were kept locked indoors in some places. People sometimes heard the queerest kind of sounds. The tottering corn field hovels north of the road were reputedly connected by hidden tunnels, being thus a veritable warren of unseen abnormalities. What kind of foreign blood if any these beings had, it was impossible to tell. They sometimes kept certain especially repulsive characters out of sight when government and others from the outside world came to town.

Say Nothing posted:

Well, Michelle has the Innsmouth look down.


Jun 26, 2009

cumshitter posted:

Enlarging Jim Bob's smile makes him look like Annoying Orange.

i do not believe that picture has been altered

Jun 26, 2009

Geoj posted:

Never work in or around retail.

this is really good advice for everybody

New york values

Jun 26, 2009

Mad Doctor Cthulhu posted:

TLC simply can't be bringing this back. There has to be a twist here: did the Duggars beg for at least half of what they got from their older shows? Is there going to be even more oversight? There's no way that TLC just decided out of the kindness of their hearts to bring back Lego Hair and His hosed Up Family of Retards just because one of their shows happened to do well.

I'm guessing there was a major salary cut here, along with some kind of penalty if another kid rapes another one.

TLC knows whats up. people are sick of being held back by PC culture. let freedom ring (pedophile cop friends for preferential treatment)


Jun 26, 2009

Jumpingmanjim posted:

He's back!


Three families with young girls were unhappy Josh was so close to them and left the golf course when they saw him and Jim Bob,” the eyewitness explains.
Worried josh bob is gonna snatch their kids then climb the minigolf windmill like kingkong and rightfully so

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