Top City Homo posted:how long will it take for the neofeudalist gop crowd do die out I've seen you post about how we're being conditioned to become an underclass of wage slaves and occupants of body bags from foreign wars that are started at the behest of the rich. I fully agree with that, but I also feel like it really won't matter in the long run. Capital and material wealth doesn't matter one bit when all the fresh water starts running out due to fracking, desertification, drought, and global warming. In the beginning there will be mass migrations, food and water riots, and die offs of mass proportions of both people, plants, and livestock. The rich will probably be spared from these initial stages as they'll be able to hole up in compounds, both underground and above, and stockpile the remaining water. They'll be able to go north or far far south as the methane in the permafrost in Siberia and the arctic ocean starts to unfreeze and begin a feedback loop that will drown the coasts and islands of the world and raise the temperature to a level not seen since 252,000,000 years ago during the Permian extinction. The rich and the ruling class with go further and further to the poles, holding down what little vestige of civilization there might be. But does it really matter that you used to be worth 6.8 billion dollars when the desalination technology starts failing, sea life becomes more and more scarce, red algae becomes the dominate life form on the planet, and that your daddy's daddy was a Walton, or a Koch, or a Rockefeller? You're sitting in your little floating habitat, with people who, like you, need to eat and there are more of them than there are of you and you begin to grow weary when the smaller and smaller fish they serve you each night comes with a linoleum knife stuck in its head. This is also discounting that during all the wars and die offs that nuclear weapons aren't used to try and secure resources, arable land, or just plane spite any future survivors that might try and eek out a basic existence at the poles. 200 years and the rich will be dealt with, along with the rest of humanity. Good riddance. But most of the GOP base will be dead in 100. Cause Jesus don't give a poo poo about thermodynamics. So there's that to look forward to! TNG fucked around with this message at 23:07 on May 24, 2015 |
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# ¿ Feb 6, 2025 13:22 |
Broenheim posted:god'll fix it if something's wrong so just read the bible for a bit i guess This was the thing that always pissed me off the most about the Duggars. My ex-girlfriend and I used to watch the show for the bizarro train-wreck value a couple of years ago, and Jim-Bob and Michelle sometimes answered questions the production crew filmed out in GODLESS AMERICA. One of them was about having 18 or whatever kids at the time and if they felt that was responsible in light of overpopulation and mass starvation out in the world. Jim Bob gave the smarmiest Republican bullshit answer about there being plenty of land to live on and that having his entire brood was something everyone could do. But his existence is supported by a system of largess from corrupt Arkansas politics, handouts from rubes, huckster used car salesmanship, and the goddamn reality TV show. The support infrastructure for a Duggar like family doesn't exist for everyone else, let alone 5+ kids. And yet, you sit there with your ravenous horde of victims and rapists and feel confident your lifestyle choices aren't loving with having decent living conditions for everyone else. gently caress you Jim Bob, and gently caress your Jesus based Nothing bad will ever happen due to all this excess because Bible philosophy. Top City Homo posted:this is relevent. First time i heard of it was in 2009 Oh hell yeah man, the Rich already know about how everything's doomed. It's just triage until the end comes for them too. Although I suspect some of them are arrogant and stupid enough to believe they and their descendants will last far into the future. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/11/super-rich-doomsday-shelter_n_1417895.html Check this out. TNG fucked around with this message at 22:43 on May 24, 2015 |
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Woolie Wool posted:Your timeframe is far too short. It took a million years for the Permian-Triassic extinction to take place even with the entirety of Siberia being one giant volcano in a non-stop eruption. Whoops, my mistake. I dunno how 30 billion tons of CO2 per year compares to a super volcano's constant expelling of hydrogen sulfide over hundreds of thousands of years, but I suspect that it isn't going to be a good idea to keep pumping it into the atmosphere in ever increasing quantities. I live in the Southwest, and by most estimates I've seen we're not going to have snow pack in 20 years. Most of the aquifers in the country are either running out or being ruined by Fracking processes. We're going to run out of water very soon, and it's only going to get worse. It will get hotter and land will become scarcer. You're probably right that my time frame is off, but I think that our environment will make it very difficult for anything approaching a "western" standard of living for anyone very soon. TNG fucked around with this message at 23:24 on May 24, 2015 |
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Josh Duggar's confession is a product of the liberal media.
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Well, there's also several factors the Permian didn't have to deal with either such as deforestation and quick desertification due to top soil erosion brought about by trying to convert land into grazing land for cattle. Poisoned oceans and the abrupt die off of most coral populations. Literal rivers of pollution destroying any and all living things around it. I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but I suppose I should say that I didn't mean we'd cause Permian Extinction 2.0 but rather we'd be the start of our own terrible and awful extinction event, high temperatures and uninhabitable land and all, that will render most of the planet not really able to sustain 100 thousand humans let alone 7 billion. I'm sorry I wasn't being as clear as I wanted to be. Support systems all over the planet from the oceans to the upper atmosphere are being torn apart, and it's all going quite quickly. Greed drives humanity in a lot of ways, and as monetary exchanges give way to material goods which in turn give way to basic necessities like food and water, who knows the lengths people will go to to serve those with a lot of "what matters". Look at the Alice Walton thread for examples. I think the rich have the best chance to last not because of access to robotics or anything like that, but because privilege is something that's been with humanity since the very beginning of civilization. Looping it back round to exploiting religion to get away with being a parasite, ie the Duggars and most of the GOP establishment, archeologists have found evidence of pre Egytian temple structures that show that the priest classes were brought food by the working classes while they communed with the gods(ie did nothing)all day. Disaster changes this, certainly, but privilege doesn't go away, it just changes hands. Those that control resources and have means right now will be at an advantage. I don't think they'll be at the level of what we're currently subjected to today, but they'll certainly be better off than some Real Americans who are listening to whatever the Fox News of the next 40 years is while their front porch gets subsumed by the encroaching ocean. TNG fucked around with this message at 00:02 on May 25, 2015 |
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How will the father survive, since he was home schooled and the only things he know are the evils of Communism, Humanism, Rationalism, and Materialism or maybe that was Socialism, Materialism, Humanism, and Atheism and that being raped is the woman's fault.
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Huckabee and Jim Bob rent an RV every 3 months to travel down to the Mexican border and abduct lithe and petite brown boys to have their way with them, Josh found out so they framed him for molesting his sisters, which Jim Bob and Huckabee oversaw in the first place while they both wore Eyes Wide Shut masks. The "dog" that Huckabee's son killed was actually a Duggar. I'm glad this is blowing up in Huckabee's face, but it's just some extra dirt being thrown on the already nailed up coffin of his Presidential campaign.
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Huckabee's wife has those dead dead eyes and that smile that seems like it could only be held in place by rigor mortis for a reason.
TNG fucked around with this message at 01:02 on May 25, 2015 |
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Casimir Radon posted:Apparently god has forgiven JOsh. Whoever has the "God" Facebook account needs to go in there and be all "Who says I've forgiven him? That guy is a total oval office." ![]() Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to thy throat, If thou be a man given to appetite. TNG fucked around with this message at 01:05 on May 25, 2015 |
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I really felt sorry for the younger ones who are starting to have their personalities be ground to dust under their Overfather's and walking mullet of a mother's authority. I also really feel sorry for the ones who are starting to become adults and are beginning to realize that they've been cheated out of a whole world of experience and thought but see there's nothing they can do now.
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Progressives should be nice and respectful to all, especially to the perpetrators, enablers, and apologists of child molestation. It's in the handbook you guys.EXTREME INSERTION posted:If I make fun of Kansas will they fix a portion of their states crumbling infrastructure and name it after me? Brownback will give you the greatest gift of all, an invitation to his Somalian Warlord-esque fortress to give you the handshake of your life. He will then give you many goats and send you out with his best war boy party to secure precious Guzzleline. TNG fucked around with this message at 21:37 on May 25, 2015 |
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Jerm Bib
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Also, Figs suck because they go out of season sometimes.
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But really, what sort of future are they setting their children up for? The education they push only teaches things like proper victim behaviors, any sort of scientific progress made in the last 300 years is all lies and devilry, what sort of clothing on women is sinful, and that any critical thinking and opposition to the head of the family will cause you to go to hell. I don't see any development of life or job skills, encouragement to go into fields not related to spreading of their particular brand of ignorance, or generally anything of the sort that would make any of them employable or otherwise useful outside the compound. Even with the gutting of our education system, the Duggars and their ilk are more so disadvantaged since anything involving not being a professional politician, a brood mare, a used car salesman, or physical laborer is not even on the menu. Jim Bob is going to die, and gormless emotional cripple Josh is going to take over and what then? I highly doubt that the Duggar boys are going to start or be involved in any career that would pay a decent wage. Trying to take over Arkansas, Tennessee, and Colorado are nice and everything, but the real world has technical and professional obstacles that their educations will not prepare them for in the slightest.
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SocketWrench posted:
Too bad the Duggars couldn't live in the even deeper south and adopt some of their more charming linguistic naming affectations. Josh could have been T Jim Bob Duggar.
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The wonder spray that can make real living human hair look like legoman hair.
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Whatev posted:Like you really think Huckabee and the other pieces of trash defending this brood aren't gonna know industry fellas who could use a hardworking Christian man who is woefully underqualified but shucks it ain't about fancy education it's about character Eh, maybe. But Jim Bob isn't going to live forever and Josh is political poison. Publicly "supporting" them is one thing, actively propping up an admitted child molester and 18 of his idiotic brothers and brother in-laws might be a bridge too far. I mean lord, of the husbands that have married the Duggar girls, one's a Wal-mart employee and the other is an unemployed dingus who mostly does Gothardism preaching. Thinking of it another way, a loving hate group fired Josh...I mean asked Josh to step down...I mean he resigned with honor due to current circumstances. TNG fucked around with this message at 04:10 on Jun 1, 2015 |
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Crusty Nutsack posted:One of the older boys is a cop. true story. John David is so totally going to turn out to be a serial killer.
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katlington posted:read the hand maidens tale I hope it's like that without all the sex stuff and oppression and we can just skip straight to Fundamentalism being a historical curiosity.
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etalian posted:Arkansas is the butt of hillbilly type jokes in the south, sort of like west virginia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axbiFaLvWdU Replace the Lyric Arkansas with Josh Duggar and it works pretty well for this whole drat thread really. TNG fucked around with this message at 02:15 on Jun 5, 2015 |
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What if men could be more than fat balding tater tot disposal units?
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Cavalcade of Human Misery and Deformity.
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Jim Bob Jonestown
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Hopefully Jim Bob, Michelle, and Josh drive into the side of the Wal-Mart they live right next to and the rest of the kids can have a chance at being real people.
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I don't want anything bad to happen to the children, but I do want the massive pile of heinous poo poo that they have undoubtedly covered up to come bursting out like an overstuffed cartoon closet. Jim Bob and his mentally ill wife can go to prison/mental institutions and everyone else can leave that godforsken cult.
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If those drat liberals and their agenda filled media get their way, good Christian families will be forced into making abortion counts all the time!
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Did Lot ever ask the angels if they'd be into being gangbanged by both towns? They might have been down. I think he's certainly being an ungracious host for not even asking their opinions.
TNG fucked around with this message at 06:39 on Jun 14, 2015 |
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Couldn't Gothardite men just blind themselves to avoid temptation? Seems like a sensible solution to me. You won't have to worry about those false Jezebels and their wiles if your eyes are gouged out after all.
TNG fucked around with this message at 06:47 on Jun 14, 2015 |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUvLdikLjXQ The Gak is Michelle.
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ジム ボブ様
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Angela Christine posted:They have dug too greedily and too deep. It is only a matter of time now until they release the balrog. Jim Bob's Bane One of the youngest's nicknames.
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Jim Big Bob Pataki's Beepers
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Ol' Dirty Jim Bob
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Snap into into a Slim-Jim Bob! Ohhh yeahhhhh
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs God, I can't wait for more. Can't the tell all book be published now that some of the younger ones are going out into the world?
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Do It Once Right posted:I would pay to watch The Josh Duggar Gangbang: 19 Loads and Counting Like that human potato would be able to physically last through a session like that, let alone perform for a filmed one.
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# ¿ Feb 6, 2025 13:22 |
Clochette posted:I would watch a reality show about Daniel Keller as long as it focused on his quest to strip the Duggars of their power before completely annihilating them in order to avenge his sister, Doran Martell style Jim Bob crushes his head like a melon.
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