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Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Jonny 290 posted:

#duggarfacts Michelle and Jim Bob start having sex again 40 days after the birth of a male child, or 80 days after a female child
they volunteered this info

Why the difference?


Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
I read a story earlier today with fewer details, and in the comments the wacko Christians claimed he was 17 and his dad caught him doing more than a side hug with his 16 yo gf.

Oops, guess it's a bit worse than that!

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Mariana Horchata posted:

anyways, im calling it right now...jim bob knew.

mom also looks p loving saggy
You don't need to "call it" as it's in the article.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

afeelgoodpoop posted:

hurr psychologist say you have to be careful with brothers and sisters of same ages when theyre toddlers cause they have no real filiter and will try anything with one another including sex.


So you're saying you molested your sisters as a teenager?

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
Lots of sexual abuse victims revert to that baby voice. Hmmm...

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

How old is that guy? He looks 37.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Jumpingmanjim posted:

There is always more and it is always worse

From gawker

You know its a hosed up situation when mama June is the voice of reason

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

RanchoRube posted:

My girlfriend is going to be upset about this. I can't wait to tell her.

When are people going to learn that the people you see acting the most righteous are just deflecting?

Wash away sin

Take off your skin

The righteous father wears the yellowest grin

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Mel Mudkiper posted:

One wonders if she is upset because she wants their show to be cancelled too, or if she didn't think she should have been cancelled.

The latter.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
It's nice that his current wife didn't mind that he's an incestuous rapist.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
It's infuriating to see all the fundies downplay this by saying it was just "playing doctor as a kid" and "touching a boob".

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

It's pretty sad when Mike Huckabee, someone who I disagree with in general, posts something more reasonable than many people here.
That's literally the charges. Unless the quote that guy posted is from the police report, but the first page has charges for fondling.

Yeah forcibly fondling genitals is the same as touching a boob.

You are a dumbfuck. Read the police report. He molested his sisters over a long period of time. He molested a 6 year old as a teen. How is that playing doctor?

Edit: I guess you'd rather not read the bad parts because it conflicts with your worldview.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

My world view is he did dumb poo poo as a minor, is now an adult, and has not done it since doing it as a minor. Minors should not be held to the same standard as adults, and holding something against someone that they did when they were a minor is a foolish, emotionally charged response to a situation.

edit: I didn't even know who the Duggars were before this thread.
Guess what 14 year old child molesters grow up to be? Child molesters.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

hemophilia posted:

we probably shouldn't be treating children like fully capable adults. that said, every duggar should die. we canstart with the rape man if it makes you happy, but they all must die.

Fyi, he got caught molesting again at 17.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

Much like 14 year old murders, thieves, and rapists.

It's a hyperbole fueled view of the situation that assumes the reason he did it was because he is attracted to children or molesting children. If he molests a child then lock him up forever, but to hold the actions of a minor in a bad situation against them ignores that we all did dumb poo poo or held dumb thoughts/views as minors that have no relation to how we think or behave as adults. Maybe I had a hosed up childhood, but my behavior prior to when I was 15,16 was almost entirely driven by an antagonistic environment I was forced to be in and had no control over.
Then I hope he goes to jail.

You can't blame fingerbanging toddlers on your environment bro

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
There should still be consequences for things done before you're an adult though. This guy had to go hang out with a cop that is now in prison for child porn. Seriously.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

No one is defending his actions, just that people are going to label him as something as an adult over a report of something that happened when he was a minor.

It's all pointless debate if he did that poo poo again when he was 17 as one poster claimed.
Being sexually attracted to a 6 year old makes you a pedophile, even if you are only 15.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

Thanks for the statement of facts that no one is contesting.

I'm pretty sure you said nobody should be labeled for something they did as a minor.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Khorne posted:

Calling someone a child molester when they themselves were a child is pretty dishonest.

Calling someone a pedo because they are attracted to children when they are not in a similar age group is accurate.

Anyhow, I didn't know the girl was 6. The police report and media coverage made it sound like 11-14 year old boy touches sisters in similar age group.

Good thing you jumped to their defense without knowing a loving thing.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Franks Happy Place posted:

Seriously tempted to start a fake Duggar GoFundMe campaign and donate all of the proceeds to my friend's charity that works to help queer street kids with their medical needs.

What say you, hivemind?
Do it. There's no shortage of stupid rwnj's that can't hand over money fast enough if they agree with the "cause."*

*the cause being hating gays

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
Why does TLC push little people so hard? They're not automatically interesting because of their stature. Seems really exploitative to me.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
So apparently changing diapers gets these guys too hot and young kids don't know of their nakedness so they aren't as modest as they should be.

These people are beyond hosed up.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

netally posted:

Are there black quiverfull families? If some black couple wanted to have an obscene amount of children that'd still be ok right?

They'd be called welfare queens that are only popping out kids for a handout. It's funny how the idiot Duggar supporters talk about how they're completely self reliant and get no handouts. How is making you house a "church" so you get tax breaks NOT the same thing as a handout?

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
That's just proof that the lieberal media is out to destroy the Duggars.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
I'm not sure why so many people think Catholics aren't that weird. Believing that you're literally cannibalizing your god is pretty loving out there.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
Just tell the Duggar defenders that God has forgiven you for not being able to forgive them. They will short circuit.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
I've never seen the show. Do her eyes always look crazy as gently caress?

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Accretionist posted:

Edit: Misread something!


Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
They're talking out both sides of their mouths. Either it wasn't a big deal or it was. Not this "it was so mild that nobody noticed and I felt really badly that he did something like that".

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
Ned, you're way too obvious.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

ElwoodCuse posted:

Nice job wearing an IDF shirt like they're a band or something, what a sick bastard
These dumbshits think modern day Israel is the country talked about in the bible so much. Of course they'd be rooting for God's chosen people.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Three Olives posted:

Haha, no, they want all but 144,000 Jews who convert to parish in lakes of fire. The loony evangelicals that love talking about Israel are literally excited to see Israel destroyed and millions of dead Jews. If a nuclear bomb exploded in Israel that would start furiously masterbating because they would think that the second coming of Christ had arrived.

They don't give a poo poo about Israel or Jews or the citizens of Israel, they just think the country has to exist for Jesus to come back and kill us all.

Then why wear a pro Israel shirt?

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
That People magazine article is blatantly exploiting this for sales. While I have no problem with this, I do have a problem with the Duggars milking their terrible behavior for profit. I thought that apology was fake at first.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.
That 40 day versus 80 day abstinence depending on gender is weird af.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

happyhippy posted:

If the internet were around 20 years ago it would have been Jim Bob slipping the sausage.
Preferences: Bug eyed submissive brunettes with low IQs and can recite Old Testament verses while sucking.

The Internet was around 20 years ago. Sorry ur a noob.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Shnag posted:

Its not even one of the "7 Deadly Sins"
There isn't anything in the bible about 7 deadly sins. It's a Catholic thing.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Jack Gladney posted:

But it feels gross to hear his voice and think about how the child-friendly media he made was just a front for his constant predations. That's a little different from liking Chinatown or whatever.
Polanski raped a 13 year old while she was awake. At least Cosby had the decency to rape passed out adults.

Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Reverse Centaur posted:

I was upset Married by Mom and Dad was delayed by that sportsball thing

Ugh. Calling the SB "sportsball" is nauseatingly goony.


Leon Einstein
Feb 6, 2012
I must win every thread in GBS. I don't care how much banal semantic quibbling and shitty posts it takes.

Bobbie Wickham posted:

It's a slur that denigrates women, just like "kike" denigrates Jewish people or "friend of the family" denigrates blacks. When you use a word like that, you're reducing someone to a single characteristic that signals that they have little or no worth, based on their gender, religion, or skin color. This isn't something new that came about from Tumblr in the last year.

I mean, I get that in much of the English-speaking world, it's a catch-all term on the level of calling someone an rear end in a top hat. At the same time, it's an ugly word with a nasty history and it's pretty offensive when it's used as a slur. If you're going to use it on an American-based message board, and it's been explained why it's offensive/taboo, and you have the power of the Internet to explore the history and loaded meaning of the word, go nuts, but understand why people bristle at your use of that word.

"American-based message board"

Lol. Check ur geographic privilege

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