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Oct 29, 2012

If you pop 50 billion kids out of your prolapsed uterus, one is going to be a serial rapist.

It's almost like parents shouldn't be tragic assembly lines.


Bethamphetamine fucked around with this message at 20:39 on May 21, 2015


Oct 29, 2012

I'd like to point out that the serial pedophile rapist isn't any of their children with gayface.

The gay duggars are okay. (as far as we know)

Oct 29, 2012

afeelgoodpoop posted:

hurr psychologist say you have to be careful with brothers and sisters of same ages when theyre toddlers cause they have no real filiter and will try anything with one another including sex.

Hahaha, lol.

That's not a thing psychologists say - who told you such a thing and why would you believe it? (I have a guess as to why)

Oct 29, 2012

Picnic Princess posted:

I want to see their list of behaviors that make little kids at fault of being molested.

It's number 4 in the list.

Immodest dress.
Indecent exposure.
Being away from parental protection (unless daddy's the diddler, then we need to talk about forgiveness and obedience)
Evil friends maybe?

Oct 29, 2012

Mel Mudkiper posted:

It could almost be seen as a measured and sincere response if we didn't know for a fact he considers two men kissing to be morally worse than fingering your baby sister but feeling real bad about it

Awful opinions can be sincere.

Huckabee as governor pardoned a murder/rapist who accepted jesus in prison (on the condition that he gtfo Arkansas).

I think he sincerely believes in forgiveness. He also is a piece of human poo poo with poor judgement.

Oct 29, 2012

I'm glad the Duggers immediately forced their teenage sexual predator son into counseling with an accredited professional, in the hope that he would not grow into an adult sexual predator. I'm glad the son didn't have a vast support network of people hiding his abuse and excusing his actions.

Oct 29, 2012

I checked my D&D 4e manual and the Duergar aren't supposed to be prone to incest.
Something is really fishy about this case.

Oct 29, 2012

Hollis Brownsound posted:

What's the Armor Class on a training bra?

SomethingAwful has shown us that there exist roleplaying manuals which cover this.

Oct 29, 2012

Elman posted:

Someone explain to me the logistics of homeschooling 19 kids.

Like their negligent parenting, it's not rigorous.

Oct 29, 2012

Frackie Robinson posted:

Real talk, I think it would be pretty hard to report your son to the police for molestation, I have no idea what I would do in that situation.

Nebraska had a safe haven loophole for half a year in 2008.

Let's imagine you're a single mom of 4 (1 eldest son, 3 daughters). Then imagine your son has problems. And imagine you pursue all avenues to get him well, but then all state support and funding runs out completely. You can't stop going to work, but you can't leave him at home with his siblings (youngest 10yo) anymore, either - for very good reasons.

You take a long weekend and drive your 17 yo son to some random Nebraska hospital and wave goodbye forever to that piece of poo poo.

This was how poor people dealt with uncontrollable sibling sexual assault in that magic period where the social safety net accidentally gave them real options for a few months (all because of anti-abortion zeal, which was quickly moderated).

Oprah did a thing on it.

Please note, this applies to 'you' - you being a normal human being. The Duggers didn't do poo poo. Once you pop out a score of kids you're basically perpetually criminally negligent as parents due to logistics.

Bethamphetamine fucked around with this message at 01:55 on May 23, 2015

Oct 29, 2012


If we are going by Deuteronomy 22:28-29 I think the price for child rape is fifty pieces of silver

They're not.
The price for child rape is increased creativity and wisdom, inner peace, and spiritual power. (for the raped girls)

6. Would you rather have no rape or increased spiritual power? (The spirit is the most important component of the person and brings you closer to christ.)

Oct 29, 2012

Top City Homo posted:

i dont get how mormon fundies are worse than these people

Mormon fundies institutionalize the rape of their children in very organized assembly lines.
These guys are totally working to achieve that, but haven't yet.

FLDS are only worse by virtue of having more time to perfect their atrocities.

Oct 29, 2012

Every serious GOP primary candidate is required to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for a photo shoot.
Every serious GOP primary candidate is required to make a pilgrimage to a serial child rapist for a photo shoot.

Oct 29, 2012

Commie NedFlanders posted:

not happy about all of the negative press christianity is getting

Agreed. This ridicule to the cause of Christ is upsetting.

Oct 29, 2012

McStabby posted:

Close enough!

This is my favorite duggars photo.

A couple of the older ones have the confidence to feel sad. The younger ones have been so brutalized that they smile habitually out of fear of punishment. And there's a couple pips here and there of younger human beings showing actual emotions (for which they will be corrected for later).

It took a tragedy to finally offer the entire family an opportunity to sorta act like normal human beings for an afternoon. They'll all go back to prison later that day.

Oct 29, 2012

My Rhythmic Crotch posted:

So basically there is no real police report or document that concretely describes what exactly happened and when? The whole thing has been whitewashed and all records erased? gently caress

It takes years or decades for law enforcement to build a case against brutal, insular religious cults(that's assuming they even want to), and an awful lot of the charges gravitate around family law and stupid poo poo like unpaid labor. "injury to a child" doesn't get you 10 to 20, and when you're out you get the children back again.

If Warren Jeffs didn't escalate to recording his rapes of 9 year olds, he'd still be a free man doing horrible things to an army of children.

Oct 29, 2012

Top City Homo posted:

it was pretty easy to understand to me

i just dont understand what is the time lapse between step 1 and 4 same day? 1 week?
like is there a rape 3 strike rule and a good ol boy cop stops by for a chat or

call cps or 911?

Why give a mother in a vulnerable position a specific timeframe or detailed instructions?

This way there's still plenty of opportunities for the woman to be in the wrong or shoulder some blame for her failures.

Oct 29, 2012

etalian posted:

yeah part of his therapy was helping out in a construction company.

also the fundie guide for sexual abuse:

They list dressing slutty as reason to be punished by sexual abuse

Goons please help:

I want to give my 7yo little sister improved wisdom, creativity, faith and love, and inner peace -
But I don't want to give my sister enough spiritual power to go super saiyan and shoot spirit bombs everywhere.

How much should I rape her? And is it cumulative total rapes, or rate of raping which determines how much spiritual power she accrues?

One thing's for sure - my raping her is definitely beneficial to her spiritual well-being (provided she does not enjoy it).

Oct 29, 2012

This chart is especially repulsive because of numbers 1 and 8. Number 1 tells you straight out that your spirit is the most important part of you, and then number 8 reads like a question to be posed to the raped child - What's more important, not being raped or growing the most important aspect of your godly character?

Each numbered point is jockeying to be the most nasty loving thing to tell your kids. The more you focus on and think through a point, the worse it gets.

This isn't education, it's institutionalized, organized child abuse.

Oct 29, 2012

Top City Homo posted:

what is the percentage of this Jack Chick like cult activity that consists of christianity?

We don't know with certainty.

They have tremendous, disproportionate poitical power for their demographic.That is what we know.

Oct 29, 2012

Lord of Pie posted:

lol so how long before Josh outs Jim Bob as diddler prime to take the heat off himself?

Never. He's still in position to inherit the family's leadership when Jim Bob dies. he'll lay low for 2 to 4 years and rejoin the FRC or similar.
A christian pedo is allowed forgiveness because the assumption of these groups is that glbtq people are all raping children 24/7, and at least Josh will be trying his hardest to not rape with the help of his faith in christ.

e: but again, everybody sins and all sins are equal in the eyes of god.

Oct 29, 2012

I wish all of these kids had a chance.

Oct 29, 2012

This is harder to pin down, because the Duggars don't like to share the details of how much government welfare they rely on.

Google it, and you get worthless conservative rags like the WSJ and BusinessInsider telling you that they are Real American John Galts of family budgetry.
And some blogs with a (deserved) axe to grind against them telling you that they are monsters.

Local papers doing fluff pieces hint at how much they rely on charitable donations, but we don't have concrete information on how much government aid they use monthly. That's verboten to ask or share.

Oct 29, 2012

Boof Bonser posted:

Also the low IQ thing kinda caps income potential

Low IQ has never capped income potential. Connections and nepotism always trumps stupidity and laziness.

Oct 29, 2012

In Touch Magazine posted:

Josh Duggar confessed to his father Jim Bob Duggar on THREE separate occasions to multiple acts of sexual molestation against his sisters and a family friend, according to a new police report obtained exclusively by In Touch magazine.

The document also makes clear that Josh was 15 years old when he molested his 5-year-old sister and committed at least SEVEN acts of sexual molestation.


Jim Bob and Michelle could have faced six years in prison for their inaction, if the statue of limitations had not expired.

Allegedly, there's less redactions in the police report linked in the article.

Oct 29, 2012

The victims slept in a common room. He'd just walk around at night fiddling with his little sisters' bits and bobs.

One stop shopping for his own personal little sister harem.

Oct 29, 2012

cumshitter posted:

i bet that kid was so clueless about sex that he had no idea how to finish off. like once yhour brothers are knocking on the door asking whats up youd want to hurry up and stop drawing attention to yoruself

imagine how hosed up and backward the jimbob duggars are that their own kids cant even figure out instinctual biological poo poo

I imagine the kid had a strong intuitive idea of what to do. And his brain is telling him to touch it, but when his hand gets close he freaks out like he's about to touch a very hot pan or something. Mix varying amounts of shame and fear in there, too. Repeat for an hour.

It would be an hilarious image if it wasn't so crushingly sad. All those kids are inmates in Jim Bob's super-max prison.

Oct 29, 2012

Were there death threats? did liberals threaten these poor salt-of-the-earth people with death for their honest and pure Christian lives?

Oct 29, 2012

I hate everything about these monstrous living, breathing pieces of human poo poo now more than ever.

Oct 29, 2012

So Duggar/Gothart - it really is simply a sex cult (wrapped in a death cult)?

It's just old white guys loving young women out of their league who don;'t have the choice to say no. Even if they (the men) are loving their own children.

Oct 29, 2012

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Josh Duggar and his wife have pulled out of speaking at Alive Concert Festival in Ohio. The event was sponsored by Liberty University

I'm glad that Ted Cruz, who announced his presidential campaign at Liberty University, had something to say about this situation.
Wait, nope. I guess' he's asleep for now.

Oct 29, 2012

Darth123123 posted:

but do you have a tender conscience

I have a tender conscience but I have never nor am I currently molesting or raping children.

I guess I'm just not christian enough.

Bethamphetamine fucked around with this message at 19:03 on Jun 4, 2015

Oct 29, 2012

Leon Einstein posted:

Just tell the Duggar defenders that God has forgiven you for not being able to forgive them. They will short circuit.

Get on the wire, tell them how to bring those sons of bitches down.

Oct 29, 2012

If I was a white trash dad, I'd name our son or daughter Rayleigh Taylor [lastname].

I'd push to name all our white trash children after awesome scientific collaborations. And when they're old enough to ask, I'd tell them why. And they would know that I'm an awesome dad.

Jim Bob - you were (potentially) named after fishing equipment used on a lazy saturday. Probably your dad cheated on your mom lots. Please kill yourself and as many of your brood as you can (ignoring your gay/lesbian kids please)

Oct 29, 2012

Holy gently caress, that's a look.

Christ on high somebody please help this woman.

e: This woman has 19 kids. Women across america please help her. Please.

Oct 29, 2012

I don't watch a lot of TV, and I don't know who Lena Dunham is.

But I'm very happy that worthless conservative shills still phrase everything they say online as if they are going toe-to-toe with the liberal strawman they have in their head.

It doesn't resonate with normal human beings for a reason.

Oct 29, 2012

cumshitter posted:

just a reminder that josh bob duggar was executive direct of the family research council whose cofounder was caught going on vacation with a rent boy named lucien several years back

George Alan Rekers had a bad back. And like any of us taking a two week European vacation who has a bad back, he hired a hot blonde gay teen escort to help him port his luggage across Europe. Nothing untoward happened. In fact, George preached to him about the glory of Jesus Christ and maybe got him to change his evil homosexual ways.

Filthy liberals will twist anything to discredit good, moral people.

Oct 29, 2012

I need to cleanse with rhemas. God, please grant me a spiritual enema and protection from sly Josh Duggar.

Oct 29, 2012

When crazy conservative cults figure out that there exists kinky femdom fetish gear to keep guys from getting erections, quiverfulls will undergo a renaissance. A very weird, uncomfortable renaissance.

poo poo, print a cross on the leather in rhinestones and market it using their creepy language patterns, and you'll make a mint.

This will be marginally less sexually perverse than what the quiverfulls are today.


Oct 29, 2012

donkey salami posted:

"Well, your church doesn't have a great record on pedophilia"

Dr on hannity responding to church guy that josh and girls are all fine so treatment worked

Link that poo poo. I believe you, but I have to see and hear it. Crush my hope and link the video.

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