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Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

*vile act of family sodomy concludes*
Talent Agent: wow. That's a hell of an act. What do you call yourselves?
Performing Family: The Duggars!


Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

TNG posted:

I've seen you post about how we're being conditioned to become an underclass of wage slaves and occupants of body bags from foreign wars that are started at the behest of the rich. I fully agree with that, but I also feel like it really won't matter in the long run.

Capital and material wealth doesn't matter one bit when all the fresh water starts running out due to fracking, desertification, drought, and global warming. In the beginning there will be mass migrations, food and water riots, and die offs of mass proportions of both people, plants, and livestock.

The rich will probably be spared from these initial stages as they'll be able to hole up in compounds, both underground and above, and stockpile the remaining water. They'll be able to go north or far far south as the methane in the permafrost in Siberia and the arctic ocean starts to unfreeze and begin a feedback loop that will drown the coasts and islands of the world and raise the temperature to a level not seen since 170,000,000 years ago during the Permian extinction. The rich and the ruling class with go further and further to the poles, holding down what little vestige of civilization there might be.

But does it really matter that you used to be worth 6.8 billion dollars when the desalination technology starts failing, sea life becomes more and more scarce, red algae becomes the dominate life form on the planet, and that your daddy's daddy was a Walton, or a Koch, or a Rockefeller? You're sitting in your little floating habitat, with people who like you need to eat and there are more of them than there are of you and you begin to grow weary when the smaller and smaller fish they serve you each night comes with a linoleum knife stuck in its head.

This is also discounting that during all the wars and die offs that nuclear weapons aren't used to try and secure resources, arable land, or just plane spite any future survivors that might try and eek out a basic existence at the poles.

200 years and the rich will be dealt with, along with the rest of humanity. Good riddance.

But most of the GOP base will be dead in 100. Cause Jesus don't give a poo poo about thermodynamics. So there's that to look forward to!

Hail Malthus!

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Huckabee is weird because his face isn't nearly punchable enough.

Luckily his sons are.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

James Duggar

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Jim Boba Fett

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

J.R. "Bob" Duggar

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Top City Homo posted:

If you are talking about their oldest Jessica biel looking one then it's not even a question

Pretty sure only reason josh didn't touch her cause Jim Bob wanted her for himself

Robotnik Nudes fucked around with this message at 22:55 on Jun 2, 2015

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Do It Once Right posted:

If I was a white trash dad, I'd name our son or daughter Rayleigh Taylor [lastname].

I'd push to name all our white trash children after awesome scientific collaborations. And when they're old enough to ask, I'd tell them why. And they would know that I'm an awesome dad.

Jim Bob - you were (potentially) named after fishing equipment used on a lazy saturday. Probably your dad cheated on your mom lots. Please kill yourself and as many of your brood as you can (ignoring your gay/lesbian kids please)

Ray Tay would be a cool nickname and Internet handle for them when they grow up.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Mike Chunkabee

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

On Caladan we ruled by sea and air power. Here on Arkansas we will need Duggar power.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Arkansas...Jim Bob...Duggar Planet...

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Jim Bob drowning his "little maker" in Michelle to make the Water of Life

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Josh could see it, something in the air....the smell of tater tots...

He looked at Mchelle. "What has she done to me?" he thought.

Stretched out before him int eh intemrinable intermanability of the ceaseless flow of genetics, one link wrapping aorund another, each convergence creating a myriad of pathways, unknown, all possible future were there in Josh's Genetic memory, and he could see them all, all the countless possible sisters at once. Bt in none of those visions did Josh see his finger inside Jinger.
"this is an area untouched by my prescience...I'd best be carefu" he thought.

And yet he could see, in none of the futures was there a sister he could diddle to avoid unleasing the hordes across the galaxy. They would die with his name on their lips. "DUGGAR!" and tell camprfire tales of all the sisters he pleased, and if he stopped now? they'd simply speak in baostful tones on Fox News of his pious restraint.

The little girl continued to sleep. "Witch!" Josh thought to himself. "They knew this would happen. It's all part of some agenda!

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

And who can go against the will of God?"

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

You guys laugh now but in like 50 years "Duggars" are gonna be their own minority.

"I am J'Hoshua, son of Jim Bob. I worship the God of Jim Bob. Accept the seed and the seed of my brothers or prepare to make war, Yankee dogs."

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

platedlizard posted:

The Bible's pretty ok with incest

Hey now, that's mostly the early Bible when there were only like a Duggars worth of folks on the planet. there weren't much in the way of choices in the Garden, or after God woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wiped out everyone.

Lot's daughters picked up some weird ideas about fuckin in Sodom and Gammorah most likely. That place was pretty wild.

After there was a good breeding population going God put the kibosh on that, except for that weird part in the Gospels where jesus fucks his sister, of Paul's letter where he talks about the pleasures of sister loving of course.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

The Bible posted:

A modern understanding of genetics and the effects of inbreeding kind of kills that argument, of course.

That's a pretty retarded way to look at a mythology book written thousands of years ago.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

The Bible posted:

Not as retarded as reading it as a history book.

About the same, but it's got a sort of internal fantasy story logic in parts.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Ripoff posted:

Josiah just broke up with his girl because of "the Lord's will" and I bet the Lord is pointing him towards dudes now.

This was the last picture taken of Josiah before he tried to rob a chemical factory and Batman pushed him into a big vat of pharmaceuticals.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

So am I the only one who doesn't really have much sympathy for Anna and the rest of the Duggar Ovary Housing Meat Machines?

Lol what a dummy.

I hope she doesn't escape the purge.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Her life sucks but she's run with it and supported making other people's lives suck. I feel bad for her upbringing and what made her the lovely person she is today, but she exists as a lovely bad person and her tragic past explains why she's a lovely person but doesn't do much to excuse her imo

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Diddling Duggar desists deviancy, discovers discreet domain, does dirty dalliances. Deniability despoiled, Downlow denied. Diddling Duggars depravity displayed digitally.

Diddling Duggar doesn't delight dad.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

People who judge a person's work based on their personal sins are just people who haven't read enough wiki pages for creatives yet to realize that's the path to living in a silent unadorned room because the sheer amount of vile sleaze creatives get themselves in to is staggering.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Gatekeeper posted:

i guess clapton probably hosed a teenager like everyone else back then

weird part is it was the same teenager i think, like every major rock musician from 1965 to 1979 all hosed the same 14 year old girl somehow, she's like a timetraveler
This is actually sort of accurate. There were a bunch of underage groupies back in the day who made a hobby/lifestyle of getting statutory'd. Some were famous amongst rock stars for being apparently amazing lays.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Mij Oob

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

I'd Duggar those diglets

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Cousin Amy's boobs are way better and she also seems like the most least intolerable member of the clan.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Top City Homo posted:

wow. that gene pool is a veritable trash can
tbf she's surrounded by cops.Not a group that represents the best the community has to offer.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

PT6A posted:

The dude who was issuing licenses while she was in the hoosegow also bore a striking resemblance to Jabba the Hutt. I think Rowan County is suffering from pedigree collapse.

edit: misread. am stupid.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

A lot of southern girls are super cute and fun and the ones who like "smart" boys have a delightfully low standard for what constitutes smart. I think they're a-ok.

Edit: also, with the way they talk they knock me out when I'm down there.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Tbh I find it pretty unlikely that Josh loving Duggar was able to bag not one but 2 whole porn stars, but it's funny so whatevs.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Ryoshi posted:

it's not bagging them if you pay you dumb dumb
I don't remember seeing that he paid them, but in that case it's not sex with a porn star (cool) but sex with a prostitute (neutral-to-lame)


Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

I am big pregnant.

Jim Bob

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