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Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

So Josh is the oldest, maybe there are more stories to come. Now their show got cancelled, maybe another network can pick up the new show 1 Molester and Counting.

The Fattest PI posted:

why didn't he just gently caress his mattress like a normal 14 year old boi

Might be embarassing if a few of your brothers are on the same mattress at the time (I don't actually know, did they actually have 19 separate beds for the kids?). I heard they have time limits on how long their showers can be so no relief available there.

I thought in some places, when you do stupid stuff as a kid, your record is meant to be destroyed once you are older. Not sure if that applies regardless of what things you've been accused of though.

I can't go to the purity ball, my balls aren't pure because Josh Duggar's balls touched them.


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I wonder how much of the Duggar fanfic was incest-based.

Apparently "Quiver Full of Duggars" on Free Jinger is a whole forum devoted to talking about this poo poo. I mean these shits. Haven't found any gold there yet though.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Goobish posted:

:( I shouldn't have read this loving incest rape thread before bed.

Since you're a brony I don't think you need to worry about being molested while you're asleep. Or awake.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Wulfolme posted:

im not cool with sex with horses either or dogs


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

PT6A posted:

The most disturbing part of this is their view that everyone has the urge to molest children or have some glory-hole fun, and it's just our fear of punishment that's stopping us.

Also lack of opportunity.

Now that I'm not allowed to be within 100ft of a minor I definitely don't have the opportunity.

you irl posted:

look how many people can't resist the temptation to eat oysters and jerk off on the lawn?

Please don't spy on me.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

The family have a special code word for when women in public are wearing provocative clothing, which is "Nike."

Hey Josh, your sister is bending over, Just Do It.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

dog buttz posted:

I am going to impregnate Michelle Duggar.

Be prepared to experience loss.jpg

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Yawgmoth posted:

Seriously underappreciated post right here.

Thank you kind sir, I only got it when I saw it the 2nd time!

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

dog buttz posted:

I bet Jim Bob is a foot fetishist or something.


Krispy Kareem posted:

I'm sure at least one Duggar would love a heavily muscled man with skin like polished ebony, but Michelle will never get to realize that fantasy because the only black guy she ever sees is Herman Cain.

There was a black personal trainer - which is why there was that picture where Jim Bob was showing off his guns (not the actual weapons cache he probably has in a bunker somewhere). I guess it would be impure for him to work with the girls/women though, maybe they're not even allowed to cast their eyes on his skin?

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Idiot Kicker posted:

I want to make this image 16-bit-style but I don't have the skill necessary

Is this any good?

Would like to see a Magic: The Gathering card but lack skill and knowledge.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014


Also, from

I suppose this might not be an accurate quote, not sure?

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

And Jesus Bob said unto the people, "He who who has not committed incest among you, let him inject the first of the lethal drugs into my son." And nobody stepped forward because all of Jesus Bob's disciples were also pedos.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Harald posted:

is it prounced "Dew-gar" or "Dugg-ar"?

It's like "Dugg-ar" or "dug 'er".

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

This page got studied for hours in the bathroom.

Also I got taught bible stuff when I was a kid but I don't remember anyone pointing out poo poo about how long your hair should be, I thought you just had to be good to other people. Guess I wasn't brought up well and am gonna go to hell. In fact I'm in GBS so same thing.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014



But I thought the Duggars weren't accepting of transgender people?

Boo This Man posted:

Idle hands are the tools of the devil.

That's why I'm always furiously masturbating with both.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I remember someone mentioned how all the Duggar girls are not fat despite the poo poo the family eats, and how the mom had an eating disorder. I don't think anyone mentioned this before, but apparently in the list of things their religion says about women - your duty is to wear dresses rather than pants, have curly hair and satisfy your man's sexual desires - is also a rule that they're not meant to get fat, because then their husband/boss will not find them attractive any more and start diddling their kids.

etalian posted:

Four years after Jim Bob and Michelle learned about what Josh did to Jessa, Jill and two other daughters (not to mention a babysitter), the Duggars built a 7,000 square foot home in Arkansas with some very telling design features: Not only are the girls' and boys' bedrooms located at opposite ends of the floor, the girls' room is "blocked" by the parents' master suite -- and is only accessible by a highly visible catwalk over the living room. (So, basically, if any of the boys want to get to the girls' room, they have to cross the catwalk and walk past their parents' bedroom and Michelle's office.)

I think it might have come up earlier in the thread, but supposedly the girls are the ones who, when they were building the new house, said they still wanted to all be in one room.

Apparently the oldest girl also refuses to court and hence is still in the house, speculation amongst the more hardcore Duggar haters is that she wants to stay there to protect the little girls who are around the age Josh likes 'em at. Also the girls share beds so the little ones are in bed with a much older girl, also for defense?

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Soup du Jour posted:

why is she interviewing edgar from men in black

I knew it was someone from MiB, I just didn't know their name.

McStabby posted:

Looks like there's another investigation going on and the Duggars aren't cooperating.

It sounds like someone could have just done the child protection version of swatting them.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

you irl posted:

yeah allah wont be pleased!

I need to give all these suicide bombers the virgins they earned, but these girls have all been Duggared. The Christians have foiled my plans again! drat you Josh Duggar! :argh:

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Pvt.Scott posted:

Not really. It's his religious duty to pump as many children out of his wife as possible, according to the fringe fundamentalist Christian sect he belongs to. As the de facto public face of his particular brand of crazy, Jorm Biib's feelings on the matter don't necessarily make a difference. He's got a lot of societal pressure urging him to gently caress his wife, so even if he hates that poo poo he'd still be up in it every fuckin day.

I'm guessing he's not dry humping her at the putt putt course because his religion demands it, it's because he's a horny sleaze who loves throwing his hot dog down.. no, wait, maybe he has to dry hump her because that's the only way he gets any feeling, and it takes a whole day of dry humping to be ready to blow his load into the void.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

BrigadierSensible posted:

Is this true? Was the Jim Bob dry humping his wife as she played putt-putt on one of the 'supervised' dates? :barf: :suicide: :sherman:

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I can just imagine all the pop culture references in this show.

I searched the web for drawings of the family above which I could write "Fundie Guy" but couldn't find any. All I could find was this:

Furries :negative:

e: :siren: DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH "FURRY GUY" :siren: only one of the results is funny

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Amarcarts posted:

Which Duggar is most likely to be gay/lesbian?

I don't know much about any of them but

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I don't get why someone decided to turn him into Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits:

Actually, now I put them side by side, Jim Bob's nose still isn't big enough.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

you irl posted:

dick sucking countenance


I think this is a lesson to us all to go Duggar style and use the word "countenance" instead of "face" for whatever reason it is they do it.

I like to spill my seed on my sister's countenance while she's asleep - Josh Duggar.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Jumpingmanjim posted:

My countenance is up here.

:lol: I think you mean "NIKE!".

Also nice avatar/post combination.

The songs are all awesome :smithmouth: :five: :smithmouth: :five: and let's not forget the multiple great versions of The Devil Went Down to Georgia earlier.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

TheNinjaScotsman posted:

Did anyone catch Josh Duggar's first appearance since being outed as a kiddydiddler? Here he is giving a shout out to Jim Bob for helping him through the "hard-on times."

Anna is countenancing at him so hard she looks like Courtney Stodden


Wow, she's seriously repressing stuff from her own childhood which may have been in a house even worse than the Duggar's dead inside committed to the cult's belief that the husband is literally the same as God to the wife in love with that guy.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I think legalizing gay marriage is a sign of the end times so it's probably time to start mixing the Flavor Aid, Jim Bob.

Edit: gently caress, Jim Bob Jones! I must be slow today to have missed that.

Buttcoin purse fucked around with this message at 01:53 on Jun 28, 2015

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

The Fattest PI posted:

that one chick

:eng101: Henrietta Lacks

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Polycalypse posted:

Duggars start early.


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

TwoFire posted:

That was bad and you should feel bad. (I smirked anyhow)

drat, now I get it :vince:

Amarcarts posted:

I feel pretty bad for Josh's kid's it's like they were screwed from day one.


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Windows 98 posted:

Josh Duggar was having an extra marital gay relationship with that Dentist who killed that lion :lol:

I will read this crossover fanfic but only if you do a self-insertion where you torture baby monkeys with the dentist.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Do It Once Right posted:


The oldest son in my gross sex cult where men are god-kings and women are sex slaves has grown into a sex pervert for some inexplicable reason.

Follow my simple six-step plan:

1. Seek advice from other sex cultists. You may be surprised to find that, relatively speaking, your son's perversions aren't that bad!
2. Determine whether the victims are at fault and blame them appropriately.
3. Make him build a kitchen and spend time with people in positions of authority who are also perverts.
4. Try to cover it up.
5. Hire a good PR firm.
6. Pray.

Jim Bob

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014


not gonna lie, I'd like to be a king of a gently caress castle

Is that like an outpost of a satan fortress?

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

I feel for you Josh, I think if I had the opportunity I'd probably become addicted to sex too. It must be hard to get the monkey off your back, or get off the monkey's back if that's your thing.

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Curriculum is based on a level system

I'm the complete fruit.

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Shimrra Jamaane posted:

Its gonna come out that Josh knocked up some lady and made her abort the fetus.

:eyepop: And you know this because you're that lady?

Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Crusty Nutsack posted:

How the gently caress were any of the Duggar boys allowed to attend cousin Amy's wedding when she's wearing a dress that shows all her boobies???


Buttcoin purse
Apr 24, 2014

Casimir Radon posted:

I should start a Gogundme so I can spread the word at Disneyworld.

There should be a separate site for this that the Duggar boys can be allowed to view. is available.

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