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Sep 25, 2014
Duggar parents just glad their incestuous molester son isn't gay.


Sep 25, 2014

Secks Cauldron posted:

Or a non-Christian. They'd flip the gently caress out if any kid became an atheist.

God has already forgiven him, so the rest of us better fall into line.

Sep 25, 2014

Gene Hackman Fan posted:

that didn't fly when karla faye tucker tried to go the god-forgave-me-cause-i'm-born-again route, texas just ended up frying her twice.

Another loss for the "but I asked Jesus and he said we were cool" defense.

Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

how long will it take for the neofeudalist gop crowd do die out

why is it taking so long

I am not looking forward to the next wave of Joe Rogan/libertarian/vaping atheist conservatives.

Sep 25, 2014

XMNN posted:

better than christians though, maybe slightly less inclined to touching children

Would you rather leave your children with an elderly Christian couple or a vaping atheist? It can go wrong a lot of ways.

Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

elderly compound snake handling tongues speaking christian couple with five eneducated retarded kids who always vote vs some guy?

is this really a question?

But what if he's an SA mod?

Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

thread needs more huckabee's rotund human being son


Sep 25, 2014

you irl posted:

same, except a brown god

Abrahamic God is brown.

Unless TCH was referring to Thor.

Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

god is beyond the pathetic prattling of gender and race

god is genderfluid and transracial

Ok, but Jesus brown though.


Sep 25, 2014

Top City Homo posted:

looks aryan to me

and the duggars

or is it this jesus

or is it Korean Jesus?

its actually this

Speaking as a history major, probably the Korean one. Probably.

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