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lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006

haha one of the kids is called jinger? so they're REALLY into keeping the 'J' schtick going huh.


lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Real hurthling! posted:

why do people with terrible secrets lead public lives?

because otherwise you'd be too boring to be of public interest

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006

still think it's funny that 'progressive' is unironically used as an insult in yank land. other suggestions for insults:

- organ donor
- charitable person
- life saver
- orphan adopter

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Al Nipper posted:

We're... errr... normal people

thanks, i needed a good seizure to spruce up my day!

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Top City Homo posted:

Wonder what that boy is doing behind the last girl

clue's in the caption

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006

so which one of the kids is gonna break first, by cutting off ties with the family after being harassed for coming out as gay?

i guess they'll make some money by releasing a tell-all book and fight for equal rights, so that's cool.

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


haljordan posted:

leaving that family would probably be like fleeing a cult, they would be cut off from pretty much everyone they've ever known.

which would probably be an enormous improvement.

he/she would make new friends with their lover and new supporters :unsmith:

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

From Gothard institute on dealing with sexual abuse

forbidden fruit effect? what's th...DAMNIT BOBBY HOW DID YOU GET PAST THE WEB FILTER AGAIN

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


uh what's with the 'NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN' stuff in the 'ethnic origin' fields?

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Shasta Orange Soda posted:

because you can be white and Hispanic. you've never seen something similar on a government form before?

not in the UK i guess, no

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006



Michelle asked point blank “So ... you’re .... gay???” The four of us are staring at this from a distance as if we’re on the edge of our seats, completely shocked that someone in 2008 would even do that, and Jimmy ... suddenly strikes a pose like a model in a pinup photo, and responds “Well, darling, depends on who’s asking!” Holy poo poo, the four of us watching were doubled over in pain laughing so hard at this. ...

Well, when we returned, we found out that Jimmy was removed, fired from the set, and transferred to another production, and that none of us are to breathe a word of what we saw to anyone. The official reason given to pacify the Duggars was that he was “fired due to causing conflicts with the talent”. Talent! Amazing how such a small sentence can contain so much hyperbole. He was fired 100% because he was gay and for no other reason. The conflict was because he was gay.


in conclusion, burn the duggars tia.

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Rupert Buttermilk posted:

What the hell is this from?

who knows how much of that account is true, but i can totally believe the gay firing part.

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

New Duggar defender, the father in law of one of the sisters Josh molested

Show them through your love for them...

uh read the police report mr seewald, not the best advice there lmao

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


also a gem from the father-in-law of one of the girls:


Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray that he would keep us and our children from falling.”

there you have it folks. if it weren't for those pesky anti-molestation laws, we'd all be indulging the fle...ugh can't even finish that

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Three Olives posted:

This is what the Duggers wear swimming:

No really.

ugh, loving jezeharlot displaying ANKLES, fetch my eye soap :barf:

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Weird little story. Met them at a book signing in TN maybe a year or two ago. Was wearing a t-shirt with a t-rex on it. The line moved at a pretty quick pace, but when I went through one of the boys (a teenager) asked me why I had “dragons” on my clothes.

that's kinda :3: until you realise that the teenager was probably thinking about the best way to molest the dragon.

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006

Duggmented Reality GlassesTM

Female wearer mode - applies 6 additional layers of clothing on passing harlots

Male wearer mode - :aatrek:

lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Rupert Buttermilk posted:

I don't think this was posted, but here's an article by a woman who escaped that lifestyle.

There isn't a :stare: emoticon big enough.


lorn Wayne
Jan 7, 2006


Darth123123 posted:

What does that even mean? "Well yeah, he's a pedo/rapist, but only I can call him that"?

it's ok, i'm sure this is totally her honest opinion and she wasn't directly or indirectly pressured into it in any sense by her family and social circle, who aren't a horrid loving gothardist cult.

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