Melmac posted:He did it at 17, too. It's that absolutely confirmed? I feel like that's where it goes from "OK, he was screwed up as a teenager but maybe he's recovered" to "OK, that is seriously deranged".
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# ¿ Feb 14, 2025 12:37 |
The Valuum posted:I dunno I don't think my contempt for sexual assault changed much from 14-17. Well, a 14 year old does something terrible once and maybe you can see them reforming. But doing it repeatedly, after three years of what should be among the most rapidly advancing parts of your life in terms of mature decision making, that suggests a real predator.
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Phobic Nest posted:What was the last "good" and well-covered liberal sex scandal anyway? All I can think of is Weiner (lol) and that was mostly funny cuz of the name. Hard to get outraged over unless you're really trying though. Lena Dunham. Non-politican but politically active media figure, underaged incest, exceptionally weird parents, "a long time ago", "kids playing doctor ", etc. It's almost uncanny how seamlessly and symmetrically the respective outrage machines flipped sides.
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you irl posted:interesting piece saying that huckabee is right to push forgiveness for young offenders but questioning how sincere he really is Of course Huffpo is enjoying piling on the bandwagon as quickly as possibly, but in this case some perfunctory googling would have served better. Huckabee in fact had one of the most forgiving track records in the country in terms of pardons and commuting sentences. It came back to haunt him when one of those people whose sentences he commuted went on to murder four cops.
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Krispy Kareem posted:And if you want to break it off, I'm sure you'll get no more pressure than any other child whose parents take an unhealthy interest in your sex life. Cf., at least one girl was smart enough to hit the eject button on Josh.
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Cthulu Carl posted:So what's the next TLC show that's gonna have a rape scandal? My money's on the midgets You gotta be more specific. TLC is currently airing four shows about little people.
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Cthulu Carl posted:The one with the midget couple who adopted a midget Asian midget kid. Among the four little-person-themed shows on TLC, two involve families with adopted Asian little people. Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:Josh molested sisters who were as young as 4-5 when he was 14 years old Even the incident itself aside, it's still astoundingly creepy to publish the story as an adult and humorously describe herself as a sexual predator. If Josh had written a book this year (he's basically the same age as Lena) with the exact same words, he'd have been crucified. Deservedly, imho.
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Zombies' Downfall posted:Where did the connection between women having long hair and men having short hair in conservative Christian culture come from, anyway? Like every depiction of white Jesus has long hair even 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, at least in terms of women having long hair and men having short hair. Why Jesus is depicted with long hair, beats me. Probably the same historically accidental reason he looks like an Italian Renaissance painter. quote:Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.2 Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, 5 but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. 6 For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. 7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9 Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; 12 for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God. 13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16 If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God.
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BrigadierSensible posted:What do the Quiverfull/Gothardites think of guns? Are they packing heat? Obviously, but in the south you might as well ask if they own a toaster oven. Everybody does, regardless of politics or religion.
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C.P.A.N. posted:Well no of course not. The Vulgate was compiled in the 10th century. So even it's English translation is circumspect but I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools until I was 18. The DR version was the best I could find in my research that was as accurate as possible and would make the most sense given my theological education. It's older than that, but uses a limited subset of several known textual traditions, and before the discovery of things like the Dead Sea Scrolls. Basically every decent modern translation will be better than the Vulgate even when read in Latin. That said, there won't me that much variance. And pretty much all modern translations are fine from an academic standpoint. You can probably count on one hand places where translational differences make a significant theological difference between denominations or even religions, eg, "young woman" vs. "virgin" in Isaiah 7:14.
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Before the hack, my vague impression was that Ashley Madison consisted of a few million men getting catfished by bots because there were basically zero actual women on the site. The hack seems to confirm that impression. So how did a corn-fed goober like Josh Duggar actually find one, much less sleep with one?
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Whiskey Sours posted:The way I see it, women should only be allowed to read three books: the Good Book, the cook book, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. They're the Huckabee sect, not the Paul crowd. They're generally very suspicious of libertarianism and its associated weed, booze, scepticism of cops, etc. Plus Atlas Shrugged's famous screeds have quite a bit of anti-religious content.
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Shnag posted:If he was a white and a football player, and she was black or hispanic, it would have resulted in her apologizing to him and probably being shunned to the point of having to leave the community. Football is a whole nother kettle of fish. You can be any color, including black, and anything you do will be covered up by an entire university if you're sufficiently good at moving footballs around a field. This includes sexually assaulting children, cf, Jeremy Hill among many, many others.
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WhyteRyce posted:Watching the brunette slowly morph into the other three is also amusing I suspect with those extremely large families, especially pre-TLC money, the default diet is basically the cheapest available carb wads. This probably explains the puberty bus that hits the Duggar boys and turns formerly cute kids into puffy and bloated acne-ridden teenagers. Somehow the Duggar girls are more resistant, but the Kody clan isn't so lucky.
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Ran Mad Dog posted:I don't it, it's "The Learning Channel" right? They rebranded as "TLC" almost 20 years ago. There's been little educational content since then, though they did have quasi-educational shows like Junkyard Wars for a while. The current freakshow focus started in the mid-2000s with Jon and Kate Plus 8. Unfortunately channel rot killed a lot of good networks from the 90s and 2000s, and TLC is one of the most depressing.
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Pvt.Scott posted:Shawndra bringing it raw, haha! Had she taken the time to dredge up any empathy, she might realize that it is difficult to change habits and norms you have probably been taught since birth or early childhood Standard thread disclaimer that I really have no business having seen enough TLC to know this, but she wasn't overweight until college.
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dog buttz posted:Is she actually smiling? She doesn't have that horrified look in her eyes like the rest of them do. Maybe her husband just has stricter training but she doesn't look terrified. He's a professional missionary, but otherwise from a pretty normal background. He's not himself a fertility cult guy.
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Thin Privilege posted:I thought it was "rape a woman = you get/have to marry her"? Plenty of modern critics put that spin on it, but as a general rule ancient people (and even as late as the western world a century or two ago) were more likely to have viewed it in the Pride and Prejudice sense of "loss of virginity in dubious circumstances means either 2) a shotgun wedding or 2) the actual shotgunning of the involved dude, at the girl's father's discretion".
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Darth123123 posted:Is he in with lifers? That'd be cool. Bernie Madoff type lifers, probably. They intentionally try not to put people at high risk of being shanked with people at high risk of shanking someone.
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WhyteRyce posted:In more TLC show talk, apparently Kody is almost out of money and looking at getting another one or two wives to keep the show going Not to be all "lol women", but I'm really not sure the care and feeding of a non-working adult woman and probable future kids (with substantial appetites if history is a guide) is going to solve anyone's money problems.
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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:In least shocking news, the Willis father rape victim was his daughter That still somehow managed to surprise me. Usually the "she was totally on board" defense only gets deployed if the guy is just outside the Romeo and Juliet statutory window with his girlfriend or something. Using it when the victim was a daughter, holy crap. ![]()
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# ¿ Feb 14, 2025 12:37 |
LadyPictureShow posted:The youngest girl looks kinda... I dunno, and I think gossip rags have mentioned she has seizures or something? It's not a secret or anything. She was extremely premature - about 25 weeks gestation - and at least some level of chronic heath and developmental problems are typical of severe prematurity.
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