Welcome to the The Plot Hundreds of years before the events of the original cartoon series, a bunch of tiny, tiny Transformers were tired of the war and set off to colonise another planet. The planet they arrived on sucked, and many of them died. Those that survived built themselves giant robot bodies to survive the hellish wasteland, with the small original robots turning into the head of the new giant robot. Gimme a hola if you're actually reading this. Some of the robots are eeeeeeevil and return to the Transformer's home planet of CYBERTRON to conquer it with their new superbodies. The good robots follow them, and the series begins. Pretty sure it didn't happen like this. Optimus Prime dies, Rodimus Prime (the leader at the end of the movie, but you knew that..) literally just flies off into space to go find another world ditching all his friends, and so the path is cleared for a whole new cast of exciting Pictured: The scowling, red-eyed pacifist leader of the Autobots. HOWEVER they did one vaguely, sort-of-interesting thing in the entire span of the series, and this game will be covering that. Buy all our playsets and toys! The Rules -The Game will be run from 11am to 11pm Melbourne time. - No editing your posts - No deadposting - Don't discuss this game outside of this thread - Hammer is on. - Don't post after hammer. Asphyxious fucked around with this message at 09:31 on Jun 1, 2015 |
# ? May 28, 2015 03:14 |
# ? Dec 11, 2024 00:03 |
Player List Asphyxious fucked around with this message at 00:46 on Jun 1, 2015 |
# ? May 28, 2015 03:14 |
# ? May 28, 2015 03:22 |
My head transforms into a scintillating mass of sexual organs. Slowly they unfurl, glistening in the sun as their carapaces harden. It is time. Let us play mafia.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:24 |
# ? May 28, 2015 03:26 |
Anidav posted:Startdate? Tomorrow.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:29 |
Day one, hour one. Things I've hosed up: - Thread title - Votefinder Account Off to a poor start.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:36 |
##vote Asphyxious
# ? May 28, 2015 03:40 |
I was born to vote for robots
# ? May 28, 2015 03:44 |
i didn't read any of that but i'm here because i like playing with my friends.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:45 |
sounds like fun
# ? May 28, 2015 03:46 |
I'm in just to see you gently caress up more formatting.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:47 |
Came for the <VAGUELY INTERESTING PLOT>, stayed for the Robot Hungry Children
# ? May 28, 2015 03:51 |
I also stayed for the |��})�8�}
# ? May 28, 2015 03:52 |
Hola! Count me in. I think I have a headmaster toy at home.
# ? May 28, 2015 03:54 |
Anidav posted:I'm in just to see you gently caress up more formatting. At least those sorta gently caress ups you can easily fix.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:01 |
Matthew Beet posted:At least those sorta gently caress ups you can easily fix.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:02 |
Matthew Beet posted:At least those sorta gently caress ups you can easily fix. Yes I would like to play
# ? May 28, 2015 04:02 |
Matthew Beet posted:At least those sorta gently caress ups you can easily fix. matthew beetdown
# ? May 28, 2015 04:07 |
I'm here for mafia not crew thread points.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:08 |
You may have come to the wrong mafia if you expect everyone to leave their baggage at the door.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:12 |
Anidav posted:I'm here for mafia not crew thread points. It's not "points" its being a decent human being. But whatever.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:12 |
thatbastardken posted:You may have come to the wrong mafia if you expect everyone to leave their baggage at the door.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:14 |
##vote anidav because i won't need to change this.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:15 |
Mafia Rule #1: Never not lynch Mafia Rule #1a: Never not lynch anidav D1
# ? May 28, 2015 04:17 |
# ? May 28, 2015 04:24 |
white mans burping posted:Mafia Rule #1: Never not lynch
# ? May 28, 2015 04:25 |
Matthew Beet posted:##vote anidav because i won't need to change this. yeah gently caress it i'm on board ##vote anidav
# ? May 28, 2015 04:32 |
count me in
# ? May 28, 2015 04:35 |
Can we just skip to day 2
# ? May 28, 2015 04:36 |
oh hell yes ##vote anidav
# ? May 28, 2015 04:36 |
##vote Anidav Don't stop believing
# ? May 28, 2015 04:37 |
I just want to play a well designed game of Cybertron.
# ? May 28, 2015 04:39 |
I'm in!
# ? May 28, 2015 05:22 |
The mystery for me is what the hell you were trying to do with the title, Gaspy.
# ? May 28, 2015 05:27 |
MysticalMachineGun posted:The mystery for me is what the hell you were trying to do with the title, Gaspy. Japanese characters. All fixed now!
# ? May 28, 2015 05:28 |
Bifauxnen posted:I'm in! let no one ever question your mafia dedication you forgot to vote anidav
# ? May 28, 2015 05:31 |
As Anidav's scumbro I shall not be voting him.
# ? May 28, 2015 05:34 |
Asphyxious posted:Japanese characters. All fixed now! Toransufōmā
# ? May 28, 2015 05:35 |
# ? Dec 11, 2024 00:03 |
Is this full?
# ? May 28, 2015 06:22 |