I listened to that IS English broadcast thing in the Washington Post today.. It really is IS NPR. It's worthy.
# ¿ Jun 5, 2015 05:05 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 14:56 |
Potential BFF posted:I don't know if I'm unlucky or what but spinning the wheel of "sure why not" with the tig ol bitty crowd has been an exercise in disappointment. Every time the bra comes off it's like finding out your birthday cake is full of snot and nightmares. I didn't buy all those bottles of sake at the loving Thai restaurant to stick my face in a pair of week old get well soon balloons. Thanks for loving nothing. Ms. rail thin two nails hammered into a board may have higher self esteem and maintenance requirements but that roulette wheel isn't rigged for misery. Regret maybe, but not misery. I'd rather discover a maze of daddy left us cuts on a lady with the proportions of a 2 x 4 than another pair of blown out spoiled cantaloupes stuck in a walmart brassiere. This.
# ¿ Jun 7, 2015 21:06 |
Wait we got a loving IRS taxman in GiP? Oh. HELL NO. Hey matty shep, get the dick outta your mouth and show the Kenyan stasi's grocer the goddamn door already, would you? SMH. First bronies then tax men? Hags did better than this with 90% blockage to his LAD and a diet too unhealthy for southern Alabama. You need to let Muhammed Al Meowlins co mod for a minute while you and your bridesmaids get their poo poo together (and presumably packed up there good like carry on luggage) so that we've got someone minding the till that isn't mentally throwing their bouquet and letting every internet pedo and Obama G-man in the front door, despite their obvious preference for backdoor guest. Just SMDH.
# ¿ Jun 20, 2015 17:06 |
EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:more ammo for shim Known and allowed GiP Brony pedophile, Wasabi The J. Please dispose of this scum TIA. GG N4I. I've got Nostalgia4GiP.
# ¿ Jun 24, 2015 05:23 |
Booblord Zagats posted:Talking to a black coworker about racism, he said this is the most racist thing thats ever made him laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYjqBqrZVTY (USER WAS PUT ON PROBATION FOR THIS POST)
# ¿ Jun 24, 2015 06:28 |
Nostalgia4Infinity posted:Sorry I got trigger happy, shim. Your probation should be reversed by now. I didn't notice immediately, but thank you. Congrats, btw. Celebrate pride extra good this year BUT DONT GET MARRIED. ITS A TRAP. A HORRIBLE TRAP.
# ¿ Jun 27, 2015 08:39 |
Zeris posted:What's going on are we doing Elliot Rodger impressions Who the gently caress is Elliot Rodger and why do I care.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2015 00:22 |
# ¿ Jul 4, 2015 05:26 |
I still really hope that N4I is going to give that Canuck gently caress in our freedom thread a 30 day all inclusive paid vacation away from GiP as has been respectfully requested by the GiP Illuminati. Also since I don't have plat when I report myself or GBS faggots are you getting my casually racist and/or gay bashing reports, N4I? If not I might buy plat because yesterday I did an entire schindlers list themed schtick. Even had links to YouTube videos of actual bloopers from the holocaust. (What, you guys think their weren't any bloopers in the holocaust? ) For a gay dude you really don't go for big giant softballs coming right up the middle do you? Nothing wrong with that, it's 2015 and you do you, I just gotta calibrate some stereotypes I hold dear, lest my worldview slopes (heh ) too askew. I'm really loving high tonight btw, sticking to GiP. LtCol J. Krusinski fucked around with this message at 06:23 on Jul 5, 2015 |
# ¿ Jul 5, 2015 06:17 |
I love you guys and would gladly face the impending glowing specters of nuclear holocaust and African world domination (Africa, the only place where we won't bother wasting a nuke.) once this Eurozone Crisis goes hot and all the little yeller fellers start a thermonuclear Kung fu fight over the spratleys and a bat poo poo covered (Understatement) pile of rocks between Japan and Korea.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2015 06:22 |
Real talk, I had a jacket on until like 10am in Memphis, TN. On the 4th of loving July. I'm not saying global warming isn't real, I'm just saying individual experiences with it are bizarre and vary.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2015 06:54 |
Think of all the fun and laughs and lols GiF's and memes we could make by finally giving these cinematic masterpieces the proper spotlight they deserve in this post 9/11 world. Remember 9/11? Don't forget about it. Don't you dare forget. But let's do a lets watch thread. How do we all watch a YouTube video as a group and share a chat simultaneously? It's 2015 my Volvo drives itself with just my thumb on the wheel and nothing else. No way we can't MST2K a 1980's movie on YouTube via the web. I have a smartphone if that helps. Blackberry, I got it in 2013 so it's pretty snazzy and can watch YouTubes.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2015 07:02 |
Think it me just cuz it's been rainy, and 70 seemed cold for this time of year. I mean, again- Memphis. AKA Memphrika. I was just surprised, that's all.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2015 08:09 |
Anita Dickinme posted:I was in Nashville the one day Memphis had decent weather? Been nice lately, consistently under 90. 70's at night.. Global warming is less fist loving this region than rubbing its clit gently. It's been wonderful. Heard it hit 103.5F in germany yesterday.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2015 16:48 |
Dead Reckoning posted:I'm probably the only GiPper that reads the Pet Island bird thread, so not really a surprise there. Bird people are the Jews of the pet owner world, FYI. And ferret Owners? Gypsies. HTH.
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 04:00 |
Total number of mentally sound bird owners I know: 0. Total known to science: 1/0.
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 04:02 |
Man. I'm just gonna cop to this. 90% of my personal beliefs and societal views are on the wrong side of history. I used to be okay with this, then the company I was keeping in my handbasket to hell got really bad. Now I just sorta pretend to have progressive views and opinions, just so that my social circle doesnt require poorly xeroxing newsletters to leave on windshields. I seriously espouse progressive views while having to pack all my hatred and loathing for this goddamn nation of soddomites and neoliberal retards far back in the closet where the Gay's had been Anne Franking until they finally got accepted in TYOOL 2015 by some rogue revisionist extremist justices on our once Supreme Court. I draw the line with the transsexual problem, and believe there's an acceptable, definitive if you will, solution to them. And nobody's gotta get their cocks cut off or or take veterinary equine hormones to feel like a real woman or man.
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 04:37 |
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 04:38 |
SMDH. Though most of us enlisted, and put our dicks in far more precarious situations.. So.. I mean yes I've absolutely hosed far worse. But their pigeon wasn't staring at me with its dead bird eyes and clawing a tree branch like its shawshank while I was pounding away disinterestedly from behind. But something tells me 'ole polly there would. And that's some serious devaluation, coupled with all of the patently obvious crazy and being an unpaid volunteer moderator of an online pet sub forum that's second and third banana fiddle to the likes of ADTRW and BSS. These things count, boys. And remember, flys spread diseases, do keep yours closed!
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 04:46 |
Your dad put his dick in a crazy vice. Literally. A ginger bird owner is like dating a SVBIED widow and still raising abu's kids. There's no equivalency for the level of crazy that bird owning soulless ginger bitch in normal society. A bird owning ginger gives me cause to pause and I've stuck my dick in the worst of the worst kinda crazy. If she wasn't nuts, congrats, your the only kid on the playground who can say his dad mounted and hosed the lights out of a genuine goddamned real life unicorn.
# ¿ Jul 13, 2015 22:07 |
Free Range Horse Gay's
# ¿ Jul 14, 2015 00:28 |
Bobba Fett predates modern Man Children entirely. I believe the Model Trainus Obesus Pedopholous is the most recent distinct genetic ancestor to the Modern Man Child which of course was only truly formed when obese pedophile model train enthusiasts connected to ARPANet and mutated the basement bound Pedopholous from a train enthusiast, into an Anime/Manga enthusiast. While all the cool kids were doing coke and base in the 80's, these guys were leaving their pubescent larval man child stages and dialing into what would ultimately activate the man child gene, forever altering the true course of history, and the sexual proclivities of Star Trek fans forever. All truth.
# ¿ Jul 14, 2015 03:28 |
Nostalgia4Infinity posted:got a good laugh out of this: This poo poo kills me every time: http://youtu.be/YF5fjyqQwBM Fuckin
# ¿ Jul 14, 2015 03:31 |
I'm the werewolf possessing that young man, FYI.
# ¿ Jul 14, 2015 03:34 |
I'm not googling that word. I get the joke that they're pedophiles, but are they some kinda special snowflake pedo? Like do they only kiddie diddle wearing a Nixon face mask and robins egg blue stockings and a Cubs hat?? Because seriously- I'm not googling that. Tired of answering my waifus questions about my browser history or it's obvious gaps in coverage.
# ¿ Jul 14, 2015 06:02 |
EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:I choose to interpret this as approval to use racial epithets in GiP. are we not supposed to use them anymore? Because I slip that poo poo in everywhere.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 00:47 |
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 01:15 |
They should have sent a poet.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 01:16 |
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 01:34 |
pkells posted:I'm so torn on Amy Schumer. Sometimes when I see her, I'm thinking "Yeah, totally, I'd be all over that." Your pretty much a giant human being otherwise. That girl cleans up nice, tells a good joke, and does the filthy stuff with kinda big titties. I promise I look worse in a speedo stand up rafting than baby girl does in that bikini. I bet that apply to more than 3/5ths of us, too. When she bloats up float out, but its pretty to say you wouldn't gently caress Amy Schumer unless your sone butt loving soddomite like our mod.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:14 |
Victor Vermis, or Roman Polanskis Gofer posted:She has the ugliest goddamn face.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:15 |
Victor Vermis posted:welp, that confirms it. Vic you are so far in the closet your finding Christmas presents and my dear great aunt Anne's diaries from the bad days.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:18 |
Still love you though bro, I'll touch dicks.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:18 |
Better be cut though. That wiener has a foreskin and I assume it's to hide your improvised bomb inside their cleverly, terrorist.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:19 |
Nostalgia4Murder posted:Moooooooo.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:20 |
I have enough bill collectors and statutory government benefits that a computer could be forgiven for profiling me as a black man. Plus, lots of black dudes named Abraham. A lot.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:23 |
Victor Vermis posted:I'm not gonna catch you up on cell phone payments or let you blow a load in me just because my dad bitched about welfare recipients. Ps ssh "payment" Chinaman gets you unlimited data for a month Sim for $5 and some haggling over buying weird looking poo poo he's gotta unload and you don't know wtf for about $13, son. One time that poo poo was def a 500gram bag of 99.9% pure powdered phenazapam. That was when I woke up in a psychiatric treatment facility in rural Mississippi. I lived in Illinois at the time. Hell of a drug. Great SIM cards too. Think he sold me a bunch of small animal hearts once, with the SIM. Great guy. No way those mongrels inherit the earth, they'll just build the railroad tracks we use to ship em off this planet.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:29 |
That's not completely untrue, and tells me you keep up. Yeah, I got some Bluncles.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:33 |
Got them child bearing hips. Got I wanna fail to pay her child support so bad.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:38 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 14:56 |
EVA BRAUN BLOWJOBS posted:Half a kilo of phen Yeah I still don't know how I wound up in the Mississippi delta region in one of this nations last southern rural county psych hospital. I know I left as soon as I realized I could shoulder surf the nurse, and I'm p. Sure phen'd up shim never gave real names or social security numbers or coherent responses. Hell I have a feeling I'm still on a poster somewhere.
# ¿ Jul 16, 2015 23:45 |