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Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

terrez posted:

Karaoke would be so more fun if I was like 700% more drunk. I'm just waiting to go home because this place waters drinks down hardcore. I shouldn't feel more sober after drinking an entire pitcher of alcohol.

Friday night was a failure team 8(

Karaoke cannot fail, it can only be failed.


Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

I just read through the dumb GBS thread about the original video and everything else aside why do people think the cop purposefully did that "tactical roll" and didn't just trip while running...?

I don't think anyone thinks it wasn't accidental. Its just funny that he's the only person there that feels that sort or urgency.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene
I smash about a case every ten days/2 weeks. Typically if I'm doing something worth drinking during. I wouldn't mind doing a month challenge though. It'll help me kickstart my LSAT prep

Kawasaki Nun fucked around with this message at 00:31 on Jun 11, 2015

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene
Trip Report - 10 days since last drink

I miss booze

Edit: Jesus christ its only been 8 days

Kawasaki Nun fucked around with this message at 06:29 on Jun 17, 2015

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Duzzy Funlop posted:

Apparently my planned roommate for the fall and spring semester bailed on me and the residence director ninja-assigned two 20-year-olds, both with the initials "A.M." to the double-bedroom in my apartment.

This is not going to own.

Move out? Try and break your lease? Living with two 20 year old college students sounds like a poo poo deal. Living by 20 year old college students is pushing it

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Dalael posted:

Easy to say when that is all you've been loving. try a real pussy just once, and then maybe she'll start looking real good.

Is this an invitation to gently caress your boypussy?

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Booblord Zagats posted:

What exact word is "Fierce" code for now?

The tensile stress on the fabric makes it look menacing, like a wild animal

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

MurderBot posted:

Colorado bro's:

I'm heading up to the Denver/Boulder area to hang out with my family. I wanted to try something that is pretty much the staple of awesome beer. Not necessarily a 6 packs but some craft or specialty beer, 750ML or whatever that when you drink it makes you feel like you're drinking Katy Perry boobie milk.

The Avery sours that just came out are pretty good, but they're stupid expensive. like 14$ for a 6 pack. Worth it if you want to treat yourself though.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Whip Slagcheek posted:

I know some of you don't read the sport thread but I am putting together a fantasy football league for GiP PM me if you want in.

i have no pm but am interested

RE True Detective Chat: Alot of the scenes and lines seem like they could have been much better if the actors had been given more/better direction. I wonder how many takes they took because it seems like the actor are talking past each other alot.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Victor Vermis posted:

nah. A lot of the dialogue is just bizarre utterances. The characters are talking to themselves.

When it's weirdo cerebral dude creeping out his short-fuze simpleton partner, those lines are terrific. Not so much when the entire cast is dropping them in every scene.

I feel like Vince Vaughn's character was probably envisioned as having a more dramatic range with the expressions he uses. He talks alot about how he's being pulled in opposite directions and is stressed for days but all that poo poo comes off exactly the same as when he's having a conversation with some nobody. If some killer actually watched 3mil and his legit future get flushed he would not be 1/1000th as cool as vince vaugn is being. Even discussing the banalities of operating a money printing machine such as a casino seems like it would be on the border of possibility. If he was played like someone that was literally on the edge instead of whatever the gently caress Vince Vaugn is doing those scenes might be tolerable

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Victor Vermis posted:

Also acceptable: a great big ol' dick.

There are standards here for linked jiffy gifs without explanation is all I'm saying.

This is how FYAD died

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

does it taste more like root or more like beer?

she can raise my devil any time

Most of them taste like rootbeer with a little vodka or whiskey in them. So far all the ones I've tasted have been too sweet to really get probably buzzed on

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene


Wet Hot American Summer is really trying too hard

Thank you. It's okay for a chuckle or two but its jokes don't land nearly as well as the movie's. Its not very good imo

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

You don't use as much data as you think you do. Especially if you have Wi-Fi at home.

Don't be afraid, let it go.

Phone companies are creeping back towards functionally unlimited data anyways.

I blow through about 300gigs a month because I use my phones wireless hotspot as my home internet. 80 bucks for unlimited everything and an internet connection I can take with me through verizon. I like it a lot.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

holocaust bloopers posted:

So Ben Affleck tricked Jennifer Garner into watching their kids while he took the nanny and Tom Brady (in Brady's private jet) to Las Vegas so he could nail her. The nanny is pretty hot.

Those rings are Pussy+++. A buddy of mine's sister used hang out with Garret Heartley and he seemingly did not care too much about maintaining possesion of his SB ring beyond being able to stuff her.

It was kind of underwhelming seeing it without the actual team.

It was still a treat though :a2m:

Kawasaki Nun fucked around with this message at 08:03 on Aug 12, 2015

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Alright I might actually like pay for porn so I can stream some good poo poo. Any suggestions? Like amateur poo poo

I've had an on again/ off again relationship with BangBros that I've never been.ashamed of. Their back catalogue is fantastic

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

RichieHimself posted:

Drinking before weeding makes the weed hit you way harder than it normally would. Something about what alcohol does to your blood combined with what weed does, but I don't know the specifics. I'm not a science bro.

Bro that's totally OJ that does that. Makes you trip harder too

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Mike-o posted:

What the gently caress did I just watch.

a glimpse of the reality that some people live.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

GI joe loving sucked

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Hey is anyone missing a sock? Found it between the mattress and bulhead. Bit on the smaller side

Do you have an ankle monitor ?

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

weed is for idiot college kids and bums

the colorado killa too real for you huh?

Not that surprising

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

2 beers a night? youre deffo an alki. get help

Hi my name is Thurgood and I'm addicted to marijuana

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Two Finger posted:

yeah i mean it's a hard thing to define really

i've heard more than 8 units a week being considered alcoholism but hell i spent four days on my mates yacht i probably was drinking 8 units a night

i don't feel like i need it to function so :shrug:

When I drink in the morning its less than 8 units and its medicinal

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

MurderBot posted:

Christmas is amazing because my mom makes bomb rear end home made pecan pie and pumpkin pie. It's worth the 14 hour horrible drive to midwest Kansas. My inner fat-rear end comes out when I return to my parents place I suppose.....

I bake up pumpkin and pecan pies for Xmas/Thanksgiving. I also smash oldachool homemade eggnog I make from scratch every year.

Put on 10lbs last year in 6 weeks

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Leather Bear posted:

I like the sperg intel anime posters

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Deathy McDeath posted:

Big hurricane set to hit the NY/NJ area on Monday or tuesday. Christie has already declared a state of emergency. It's been real, y'all.

If my bloated, waterlogged corpse ends up in your yard somehow, just attach a fulton to me and let the trade winds carry me to that big Mother Base in the sky.

Remember to stock up on ice to keep your drinks/fridge/drinks cool. Also finding a place to park your car like the 2nd to highest part of a parking garage is a good idea if you're gonna get over a foot

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Mad Dragon posted:

Time of Death: ???

I think that's from the story where the dealer ODed, survived, proceeded to sell the drugs to his clients who also ODed, and then wrote the supplier saying there was a problem with the batch or something. The Dealer's girlfriend died IIRC

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Booblord Zagats posted:

Last year I ran in to a kid my friends and I were huge assholes to in school. He's a well balanced adult now and I apologized to him and bought him a few beers at the bar, we joked around, found out he's managing a golf course in Athens, GA now and is a logistics office drone for the Georgia ANG. Felt good to make up for some of the dumb poo poo we did to him in highschool like stealing his Dungeon's and Dragons books and drawing dicks on all the characters

I've made some apologies to three kids who I picked on during highschool. I don't think any of them actually forgave me any but who knows.

Plan on getting torched at my HS reunion this december though so maybe I shoould've waited until 2016 to apologize :shrug:

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Victor Vermis posted:

Great, thanks.

I have no idea what you're doing with your life or I'd "burn" ya back. Sorry.

Feeling a bit sensitive about your educational choices huh?

Maybe some TV and videogames will help relieve that uninviting edge

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Sir Lucius posted:

sitting here in my passenger seat, waiting it out because the military has terrified me into driving even a little buzzed. what's up drunk thread?

If your keys are in reach of you and you're in reach of the ignition you can be charged with DUI in some states I'm P.sure. Obviously it'd take a real dick cop to gently caress you over like that but its been known to happen.

It's actually supposedly happening to a guy my brother is representing.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene
Gender neutral meaning anyone can use them. Who gives a poo poo?

I only personally feel comfortable using trashed bathrooms that look and smell like the janitorial clean them with piss. In the absence of crudely scrawled sharpie pornography I become anxious about going bm and have to hold it until I get home

Vvvvv sounds like the narrative for your student film is almost complete?vvvv

Kawasaki Nun fucked around with this message at 01:05 on Oct 15, 2015

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

bengy81 posted:

My friends and I used to go to a lovely after hours techno club back in the day to score drugs. They had gender neutral bathrooms, it was kind of funny going in there to blow mud while some fat lesbians were finger blasting each other by the sinks.

Your buddy's name was mud? Didn't his parents love him?

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene
Sweet nothing as cool as 3 days of cold rain instead of snow. Guess I'm gonna get hammered this weekend without trying out my new gear

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Slim Pickens posted:

Found some of that soju you fucks keep raving about, got drunk on it mixed with oj and watching Rick and Morty with the girlfriend, god drat season two is good, and soju is a sneaky gently caress

Soju is a premium liquor because Hite and Kass loving suck and its usually less than a dollar for a 12oz bottle.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Deathy McDeath posted:

Downloaded the app and N4D wasn't kidding. Everyone is so goddamn attractive it hurts!!

Are they real? The communication restrictions suggest that its a HOAPP. An App for hoes. Whores.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

****Attention Veterans**** I STRONGLY URGE all Active Duty and all Veterans to BOYCOTT ALL Doubletree/Hilton establishments as their offering for Veterans Day was a "free chocolate chip cookie". They added the smart alec remark that "no reservation was necessary" to get the cookie. Really? My Brothers and Sisters spilled their blood and you make a joke of the joke of offering a free freakin cookie? Bite Me! STAND WITH ME as I am drawing the preverbal line in the sand!

After my free Golden Corral meal I am not only outraged, but physically sickened by this brazen disrespect.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene
Lots of brilliant economists ITt

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Dead Reckoning posted:

That's why, when the lights go down, you swap it for JobHand™, with auto-lubrication and sixteen programmable vibration patterns.

I don't need a fancy vibrating hand, just one that shares inserts with my fleshlight.


Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

That hand belongs to the corps!!!

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