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Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

skinny fat is turning into fat fat

Still would. :shrug:


Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

ded posted:

turns out it was ajax.googleapis being script blocked that hosed up timg

:nws: different girl

Why? I've always had it blocked and timg always worked. What did :argh:raaaaadium:argh: retroactively break this time?

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Duzzy Funlop posted:

I'm sorry, did I just see Rosamund Pike shove a bottle of wine up her cooter repeatedly?

What in the gently caress :stare:

Actually, I think she shoved it up her rear end.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

wanna buy that dad a beer

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Whip Slagcheek posted:

I'm sad I didn't make the cover art :saddowns:

You're not a fat catlady or a pedo. Or are you? :iiam:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Bolow posted:

Jared Leto looks like a really poo poo joker.
They turned him into a Suicide Girl.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

iyaayas01 posted:

lol did this change recently? Because if so my girlfriend may have indirectly had something to do with that...long story short she was on a SWA flight from Vegas to Atlanta a couple months back and wound up sitting next to this insanely fat bitch, fat to the point that she literally could not lower the arm rest. Winds up spending most of the flight standing in the galley with the flight attendants because this lady was so fat that her rolls were spilling over physically onto my girlfriend, and it was a completely full flight so there wasn't anywhere else to sit.

The best part is that after they land one of the flight attendants was like "yeah we're taking you to go see a gate agent for some compensation, this is bullshit and the gate agent in Vegas never should have let her onto the plane without having a second ticketed seat"...they're talking with the gate agent about what had happened and the fat lady comes out of nowhere and starts screaming about how she's not that fat and this is discrimination and she doesn't need an extra seat.

The whole thing sounded incredibly surreal.

What's the fat lady's tumblr, because you know she posted about it.


Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Ogrel72 posted:

I find her about as funny as Carlos Mencia.


Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Dude's still bouncin to the beat as he hoists her limp body. :derp:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

What did he do this time?

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004 :nws:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

clicked on that and got a ashley madison popup


they know :tinfoil:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

they should both be charged for rape then

men cannot be raped :rolleye:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

how do you even do that?

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Would I??? Would I???

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004


I'm not entirely sure if it was nerves or maybe a bad breakfast or a virus or what but after waiting about hours for my time in court for a civil case, I vomited on the floor of the court room. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to ask to be excused or anything.
They gave me a few minutes to get myself together while someone was called to clean up. I was asked if I could continue but I couldn't stop gagging. I also wet myself a little (which I am not sure they could tell or not).
I told them I wasn't feeling great and played it off as if I might have had a virus or something. It might have been nerves but I am not going to tell them I was so nervous that I vomited and then wet myself.
The case was rescheduled for a few weeks from now.
I am just worried that I am going to be taken less seriously now. I've a good case for why I don't owe that debt (they didn't even attempt to charge my insurance).
This is my first time in a court setting ever and I dressed nicely and had my case all planned out.
I am assuming judgement isn't really effected by this sort of thing but is this judge going to take anything I say seriously at all now?
Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm even more nervous about appearing in front of everyone again.

check out r/legaladvice and r/personalfinance on reddit, they always keep me laughing at work

Traffic court is a bitch.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

literally whilst

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004


and then everybody in the restaurant stood up and clapped

And that chicken parm was Albert Einstein.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Godholio posted:

Also, Prvi Partizan makes M1 specific ammunition to the old M2 ball spec. Modern commercial .30-06 is too hot, so do yourself a favor and buy the correct stuff so you don't gently caress up your oprod and more.
There are adjustable gas plugs that make it safe to use modern ammo. It's a drop-in part, so there's no permanent modification necessary. Many reloading guides have M1-specific loads, too.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

in short, fighting sports are gay as are the people that actually like them. except for pro wrestling.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Booblord Zagats posted:

I'm glad there was no such thing as social media when I was an idiot teenager

Or cell phones. My friend did have a VHS camcorder, though. What's the shelf life of video tape? :ohdear:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

USMC503 posted:

someone offered them a carrot during lunch and was microaggressing them.


Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

ded posted:

i feel like i'm the only person who doesn't think twerking is in any way attractive

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mr. Nice! posted:

I do have the homeless druggie uncle for sure.
Same. :smith::hf::smith:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mike-o posted:

Was his source a Fwd:fwd:fwd:fwd email?

#5 brought tears to my eyes.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Those two ranger chicks can influence my command. :quagmire:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Rad Lieutenant posted:

How the gently caress do you surprise your wife with her own pregnancy?

:byodood: Honey, you're pregnant!
:downs: Are you sure it's mine?

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

That alcoholic whipped cream stuff is pretty good.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004


Trust me, my mom is an Airborne Ranger.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

ElMaligno posted:

Bing is the best porn site anyways

And it pays for XBL Gold.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

hail santa

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Nostalgia4Murder posted:

Bonus titties at 1:19
I skipped to that part, because twerking is dumb and dubstep sucks.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Chopper 12 is really pushing in.

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

Some girls know how to perfect balance just enough teeth to feel good, others :stonklol:

Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004


But Rousey is saying “yes” to North Carolina-based Marine Jarrod Haschert one stipulation — she’s not a “first date kind of a girl.” That means Haschert will have to be on his best behavior.

He may be a Marine, but he surely doesn’t want to find out what happens when someone makes an unwanted advance on Rousey. See her 34-second knockout for some insight:

That shouldn’t be a problem for a military man, plus he also told TMZ Sports last week that he plans on being a gentleman.


Mad Dragon
Feb 29, 2004

Whip Slagcheek posted:

fantasy football

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