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May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

ded posted:

looks like a tranny

its because redheads look like men.


May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Victor Vermis posted:

New True Detective seems like poo poo so far.
The Brink isn't funny.
Ballers is black people entourage.

Pull it together HBO.

Like all things black, its slightly better than the white version of Entourage.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

holocaust bloopers posted:

This was 2001-2002. Netflix was barely a few years old.

netflix sucked w/out streaming anyways

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

shes gonna choke on that balloon!

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Dingleberry posted:

This really happened;
Today the class slob vomited on the cuffing dummy during pepper spraying... The last few folks couldn't do the cuffing portion.
Earlier in the day he got talked to by three instructors for yelling "gently caress, gently caress, gently caress" over and over again whilst doing combat drags. He couldn't move his person and thought caterwauling curse words was appropriate.

dude no way

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
mma is dumb, but not as dumb as mr nice

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

ElMaligno posted:

Thats the entire point of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

thats also what he was pointing out

in a actual fight, his size/strength advantages wouldn't have been negated. thus, mr nice is a retard for posting that video like it matters

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
in short, fighting sports are gay as are the people that actually like them. except for pro wrestling.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Genocide Tendency posted:

Pro wrestling is for basement dwellers and 10 year olds.

i dont disagree. but at least when the people that like pro wrestling try and do wrestling moves irl, its funny. nerds who do mma are gay retards(see el maligno)

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
idk what it is but its funnier than the puzzle piece thing

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
holy gently caress how could you dorks talk about cell phones for so loving long

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Spicy Guacamole posted:

Some of us actually talk to girls.

do you have in depth conversations about the pros and cons of various providers

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

listen in order to get everyone on the forums mad at us we need to make our our own, better versions of the subforums within GiP. In order to keep this up we need to make sure we hit on all the topics every now and again

that was the iyg refresh

if you've ever thought "man i need to flash the bios on my android phone" you probably know what a dick tastes like

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
i dont really understand the gangtag thing i have. is it a declarative or exclamatory

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

i actually thought that cuz the speaker on nexus 5 sucks poo poo and i can barely hear it. theres an app that boosts the volume but you need to root the loving phone to run it which means i gotta hook it up to my pc and download a thing and run it while tapping buttons on the phone and :effort:

also i only know what dick tastes like cuz i kissed your mom while she was blowing me

if you're flexible enough to kiss my mother while you have your dick in her mouth, then you dont need a bj from my mother

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

DownByTheWooter posted:

the obvious question: how do I join up?

if you aren't the tallest guy in the best frat or an athlete they aren't going to gently caress you

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Whip Slagcheek posted:

Uh, that's just what they told you because they didn't want to be mean.

i was the tallest guy in the best frat so it worked out

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Godholio posted:

When I lived in Panama City, I was the creepy old guy at 24. :(

thats because prolly looked 40 you ginger gently caress

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

not caring here posted:

What gets me is that butt hurt bandits like that dude will be of the opinion that no woman could ever physically meet the standard ever. Jesus, we had 2 e5s go through no problems, with one being a PT stud but a loving moron, and the other just being an all round bag of rear end. Even being in combat arms I've met a few women attached to us that I'd take in a heartbeat over 99% of dudes.

what kind of retard thinks: 'man, i'd sure like to have to work with women!'

even in my retarded career, people lament when women began to work in the field. its because they're stupid weak cunts.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
its 2015, you dont have to pay for porn

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Mr. Nice! posted:

A news report about a plane crash that just suddenly cut to pretty nice blowie before going back to the report.

the dick spent more time outside her mouth than it

pretty lovely blowie unless you get off on air humping

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Mr. Nice! posted:

If I'm dead, what do I care who sifts through my dick pics? I don't think anyone in my family would be surprised by anything they saw on my phone.

they might feel bad for you

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Evil SpongeBob posted:

More sausage than Chicago in that pic.

mods change that loving dudes name to 'abe froman' please

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Helldump Immunity. posted:

Guessing heavy grinding resulting in ejaculation.

semantic argument about blowjobs and outercourse

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners


i only count it if i finish and i was way passed obliterated drunk

if you put the head of your dick even a millimeter into a dudes butthole, or vice versa, you've hosed a dude.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
dont play coy about being a fat ginger

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

avoided that after the 2nd time i got blackout drunk in a week

is that supposed to be a big deal?

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

if you wanna take it that way lol

just didnt see what the big deal was. blacking out is usually pretty funny

sick burn?

vains fucked around with this message at 20:37 on Sep 20, 2015

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
gently caress that. forever rage like you're 19 and indestructible.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
2 beers a night? youre deffo an alki. get help

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Dead Reckoning posted:

Is that really the standard now?

yes. judging by your response, you need help

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
do you think the nazis had a net positive or net negative effect on climate change

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Booblord Zagats posted:

I'm not saying the girl's gonna break her shoulder or bust her nose open, just that it doesn't make any sense to me, making it look stupid as gently caress

so is it ok to buy guns based on how cool they look or not

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Victor Vermis posted:

Calling you guys fags for leaking your video games and cartoons into every GiP thread is hardly slow-jacking myself in the corner of a Starbucks, declaring UGH GOD YOU ACTUALLY *LIKE* [thing]!?"

This is the drunk thread. Eat my butt, nerds.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

krispykremessuck posted:

Is there a reason to change it to something else? Other than some meaningless platitude which won't change how things were, or currently are.

No skin off my head either way, but it's a really stupid thing to rage against.


May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Booblord Zagats posted:

You deserve SOMETHING for winning, even if it is against someone who's never bothered to get past tier 2 on the tech tree, jeez

Plus pretending wiping out the natives isn't a big part of the reason we're sitting pretty today, like it will make up for it is lame as poo poo. If you wanna handle your white guilt today, I suggest going to the nearest reservation Casino and hitting on 16. Otherwise, it's pretty much moot

you gotta hit on 16 if the dealer is showing 7 or higher tho

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners
always stand on 17 no matter what the dealer shows

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Deathy McDeath posted:

Allen West takes home the gold medal in mental gymnastics with his article about how Columbus Day is about sticking it to Islam:

i mean, hes not wrong at the basic level about some of that stuff. the fall of constantinople led to the search for an alternate route.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

joat mon posted:

( which Spain would control like the Byzantines controlled the Bosporus)
And the end of the reconquista freed up resources,
But the Spanish being Catholic because of Islam? And the inquisition being because of Islam? And the Diaspora being because of Islam? Hahahaha

i didn't say he was right. hes very obviously pandering to his base which is what these sorts of people do. not sure why anyone posts this poo poo here


May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

joat mon posted:

Sorry man, we both pointed out the two parts where he's not wrong. (Us and any ninth grader) That means we've got Allen West cooties now and are required to support everything he ever says and to have all his thoughts and intentions attributed to us, personally.

No, wait. This isn't d&d, this is the drunk thread: have another sip and chill.

i dont think a lot of people know that the arabs ever conquered spain or that they ruled a part of it until 1492 or the role that the silk road played in exploration

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