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Do you like Alien 3 "Assembly Cut"?
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May 27, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
They are all based on that one HR Gieger painting of the woman with the weird head.

Also, the same adventure includes the Bodybursters from the unusued Alien 3 script.

Also, Titan Books have been releasing a few novels where the Engineers show up and bomb places with black goo. Like this one:

Also, why did they make this? Like, Vasquez is a character where all her encounters with the alien were shown on screen. And Alien isn't the type of setting where people would be satisfied with a novel where Vasquez just puts down a colony revolt and no alien poo poo happens.

Also, it would be fun to run a six session Alien RPG campaign where sessions 1 to 3 are setup on a colony life to get everyone invested and the infection starts at the end of session 3. Then, sessions 4 to 6 is the outbreak.


Oct 17, 2008


david_a posted:

That feels right. The parts in the script were all famously gender neutral. I don’t know what reason someone would have had to add that detail to her backstory in Alien since it never comes up in the movie.

Isn't this an urban myth?

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

PriorMarcus posted:

Isn't this an urban myth?

The earlier Dan O’Bannon draft of the script was gender-agnostic but the later drafts were not.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

Okay okay here’s a comic book crossover pitch. Stick with me on this one.

Predator vs Terminator

It follows from the first two movies as a sort of alternate timeline thing, in two halves. The first half is set in 1984 - the Terminator is tracking Sarah Connor, but a Predator has come to Los Angeles to hunt. He spots the commotion at Tech Noir and his interest is piqued, so he fires a spear at the Terminator… to no effect. This puzzles the Predator, as does its weird thermal signature, so he starts actively hunting it. Confused as to how it keeps shrugging off what should be lethal damage for a human and can seemingly see right through its traps and camouflage, the Predator continues its pursuit. The Terminator, being increasingly sidetracked by the Predator’s attacks, re-prioritizes the Predator as a threat to its mission, and actively engages him - it turns into a knock-down drag-out brawl, but the Predator comes out on top. Satisfied, he claims the Terminator’s endoskull, and leaves.

Part two takes place years later, when the Predator returns to earth for another hunt.
In 2028, in fact. As in, post Judgment Day.
The Predator is a little confused as to what Earth is a nuclear hellscape, but doesn’t get much time to think about it as Skynet detects his ship and shoots it down, leaving the Predator stranded in the ruins of LA. Now being beset on all sides by murderous robots and hostile Resistance fighters, the Predator has to use every trick up his sleeve to stay one step ahead of his pursuers and find a way off the planet.

CAPT. Rainbowbeard
Apr 5, 2012

My incredible goodposting transcends time and space but still it cannot transform the xbone into a good console.
Lipstick Apathy
I'd buy that for a dollar!

pygmy tyrant
Nov 25, 2005

*not a small business owner

Has there ever been an attempt at explaining the special gases menu on the Narcissus?

Oct 25, 2005

All shall love me and despair!
Hunter/Killers are now Hunter Killers?

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Make a movie showing what the other 12 predators on the ship were doing during Predator 2.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

banned from Starbucks posted:

Make a movie showing what the other 12 predators on the ship were doing during Predator 2.
We've gotten two Predator short story anthologies so far, but I'd love it if we got one that was just one story about each of the other Lost Tribe Predators. Some backstory or other adventure or hunt, what they were doing during the events of the movie, etc.

The packaging for the NECA action figures for them gave them brief backstories to use as a springboard.

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

Ferrinus posted:

See, this is why even the most die-hard EU consumers should be celebrating the Ridley Scott prequels: there's new toys in the toybox.
Again, Prometheus was good lore in a bad film, Covenant was negative lore in a bad film. Celebrate Prometheus in that sense yeah but Covenant added nothing.

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

Xenomrph posted:

We've gotten two Predator short story anthologies so far, but I'd love it if we got one that was just one story about each of the other Lost Tribe Predators. Some backstory or other adventure or hunt, what they were doing during the events of the movie, etc.

The packaging for the NECA action figures for them gave them brief backstories to use as a springboard.
They were using tiny cameras to watch the lovely Predator and riff on him.

Oct 17, 2008


Xenomrph posted:

Satisfied, he claims the Terminator’s endoskull, and leaves.

Part two takes place years later, when the Predator returns to earth for another hunt.
In 2028, in fact. As in, post Judgment Day.

I hope there's at least a full issue dedicated to explaining how Skynet was invented without Cyberdyne being the location of the Terminators demise in the first film.

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

PriorMarcus posted:

I hope there's at least a full issue dedicated to explaining how Skynet was invented without Cyberdyne being the location of the Terminators demise in the first film.
The Predator only wanted the skull, he scooped all the electronics out and dumped them at the factory they killed it in.

Feb 13, 2010


pygmy tyrant posted:

Has there ever been an attempt at explaining the special gases menu on the Narcissus?

Yeah, read this book:

pygmy tyrant
Nov 25, 2005

*not a small business owner

I meant more in-universe justifications for the lifeboat having a system for venting a variety of poisons into the cabin. The article that book seems to have grown out of was where I learned about the menu originally and doesn't have anything in the way of an explanation for it, does the book have more?

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

PriorMarcus posted:

I hope there's at least a full issue dedicated to explaining how Skynet was invented without Cyberdyne being the location of the Terminators demise in the first film.

Shh, shhhhhhhhhhhhh, we don’t talk about that.

Rule of Cool trumps all. Based solely on the first movie, Skynet happens regardless of where the Terminator dies.

Mar 30, 2004

Splicer posted:

They were using tiny cameras to watch the lovely Predator and riff on him.

Yautja Twitch Chat

CAPT. Rainbowbeard
Apr 5, 2012

My incredible goodposting transcends time and space but still it cannot transform the xbone into a good console.
Lipstick Apathy

banned from Starbucks posted:

Make a movie showing what the other 12 predators on the ship were doing during Predator 2.

I really do not want to watch This Ain't Predator 2 XXX, thanks.

Halloween Jack
Sep 12, 2003
They were just arguing about the rules of their favourite wargames.

Dec 31, 2007

"Tiny Trains"

I remember decades ago when Civ2 scenario modding was starting to evolve into a thing that allowed for total conversion mods there was a pretty cool Alien mod. yes, an alien universe mod for civ! The person clearly did a ton of lore research because they had a whole space map with cities representing planets/colonies. They had all the canon alien human nations plus tried to include the aliens under the barbarian system that could randomly appear at the edge of space or when exploring, but unlike in normal civ where barbarians are just a distraction, the alien units were extremely powerful and could easily conquer frontier colonies and start producing new alien units. They also had the predators on the map too.

Did it play properly? Was it a good translation of the alien setting into a 4x strategy game? Probably not since it was restricted to being a civ2 mod, but it was still really neat the amount of work that went into it. But what's crazy is that I can find no trace of it. Totally erased from the internet.

But it's made me wish someone would make a cool purpose built alien-universe strategy game. Have a few starting scenarios like in Paradox games. Could play at the rise of human interstellar travel, or at the time of Alien, or the time of Aliens, or even have a later "earth war" era scenario based on the comics. I'd just love to get the big picture big map overview of the alien setting. Could you lead WT into successfully harnessing the alien and conquering humanity by force or wealth? Could you bring the revolution to the galaxy as the The union of progressive peoples? A fun asymmetrical game where you could play as a stateless corporation like WT that gains power by wealth and influence over nations and colonies, the more standard 4X experience of playing as a nation like the 3 world empire. Or maybe you're a predator clan leader and you have a whole honour and influence mechanic based on hunts which you can use to influence other clans and maintain your own legitimacy. And of course, somehow play as the aliens. A recently emerged queen that has to carefully balance aggressive infestation with provoking too strong of a response from your target. Evolve, mutate, sneak aboard host star ships and spread to new worlds. Playing as the alien might be too difficulty to translate into a playable "faction" and would probably need to be more of a horrifying force of nature in the background.

Baronjutter fucked around with this message at 21:43 on Mar 5, 2024

Jun 19, 2003

i'm finding this quite easy, i guess in part because i'm a fast type but also because i have a coherent mental model of the world

Splicer posted:

Again, Prometheus was good lore in a bad film, Covenant was negative lore in a bad film. Celebrate Prometheus in that sense yeah but Covenant added nothing.

Covenant added in fungus traps and soft-shelled xenomorphs suitable for a lower-level adventuring party.

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

Ferrinus posted:

Covenant added in fungus traps and soft-shelled xenomorphs suitable for a lower-level adventuring party.
RPG PSA: Do not throw one hit kill traps at your adventuring party.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

Splicer posted:

RPG PSA: Do not throw one hit kill traps at your adventuring party.

I’d have to re-read the RPG but I think it does throw one hit kill traps at players, in fitting with the setting.

I mean, just look at facehuggers.

Or rather, don’t. Don’t be like Kane.

Halloween Jack
Sep 12, 2003

Splicer posted:

RPG PSA: Do not throw one hit kill traps at your adventuring party.
Too bad their cleric was such a loser.

Jun 19, 2003

i'm finding this quite easy, i guess in part because i'm a fast type but also because i have a coherent mental model of the world

Splicer posted:

RPG PSA: Do not throw one hit kill traps at your adventuring party.

It's part of the level zero adventurer funnel. After the adventure's done, you take the stats of the PCs who ate it, run them through a Monster Rancher style algorithm, and now you've got a procgen xenomorph for the Lv.1s to fight.

Ferrinus fucked around with this message at 23:13 on Mar 5, 2024

Peyote Panda
Mar 10, 2019

Xenomrph posted:

I’d have to re-read the RPG but I think it does throw one hit kill traps at players, in fitting with the setting.

I mean, just look at facehuggers.

Or rather, don’t. Don’t be like Kane.
Well, it does, but the players can avoid those with actions such as, "Keeping your spacesuit on in an unfamiliar environment so you don't inhale alien spores," and, "Not sticking your face directly in front of the opening maw of what looks like a giant venus flytrap." The Aliens can still get ya, but they then at least have to work for it.

Chinston Wurchill
Jun 27, 2010

It's not that kind of test.
There's a new Aliens "What If?" comic series starting today co-written by Paul Reiser, the premise of which is "What if Carter Burke survived the events of Aliens?"

It's pretty dumb but fun enough to check out.

Jun 4, 2016

Chinston Wurchill posted:

There's a new Aliens "What If?" comic series starting today co-written by Paul Reiser, the premise of which is "What if Carter Burke survived the events of Aliens?"

It's pretty dumb but fun enough to check out.

We never see him die :colbert:

Xenomrph posted:

Predator vs Terminator


Part two takes place years later, when the Predator returns to earth for another hunt.
In 2028, in fact. As in, post Judgment Day.
The Predator is a little confused as to what Earth is a nuclear hellscape, but doesn’t get much time to think about it as Skynet detects his ship and shoots it down, leaving the Predator stranded in the ruins of LA. Now being beset on all sides by murderous robots and hostile Resistance fighters, the Predator has to use every trick up his sleeve to stay one step ahead of his pursuers and find a way off the planet.

This is a genuinely fun idea and I'd watch the heck out of it. It would be really tough to squeeze all that into a single film (although directors are increasingly okay with 3-4 hour long films nowadays so who knows) but I'd love to see someone nail the future war look from the first couple movies and set a Predator movie there. I think Blomkamp's the only director that can create those kind of visuals anymore. Gimme those 80s laser beams and sound effects :swoon:

Jun 4, 2016

Details from the Alien Romulus test screenings are coming out and although things can obviously change or get cut in the final edit of the film, I'm personally very interested in what's described (AvP Galaxy and others have confirmed this is real) and how it ties everything together. Putting the details in spoilers for obvious reasons and although I've never minded them personally I kinda wish I'd skipped these because I'd enjoy the reveal/surprises on-screen. Others may think this is all goofy as gently caress though so ymmv v:shobon:v

Select quotes about the Alien Romulus test screening details posted:

ALIEN ROMULUS will show us up close a new planet with a gritty civilization As well as the abandoned space station filled with face huggers and the perfect organism lurking around… Lots of suspense, gore, as well as action with tech and guns await.

A group of scavengers depart their home planet for an abandoned spaceship, aiming to steal equipment. Unleashing baby Xenos [facehuggers] and the fearsome Xenomorph in a gory battle. More chest rips and stunning visuals, staying true to the franchise's essence with some twists.

The Romulus station is described as circular / funnel shaped and was once a bustling research facility before something happened, leaving it abandoned for years.

Connection to Prometheus & Covenant.

David is not in the movie but the black goo is involved.
A Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2 model android was able to discover and reverse engineer the genetic makeup of the black goo contained within the DNA of the Aliens that had been captive aboard the spacestation. Known in Alien: Romulus as the Prometheus Strain, the scientists had been experimenting with the black goo as a miracle cure for all diseases.

Connection to the original Alien.

Alien: Romulus will also feature another huge connection to the original Alien film in the way of the inclusion of the previously mentioned Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2. Named Rook, this new synthetic character features the likeness and voice of the late Sir Ian Holm which Alien vs. Predator Galaxy understands is augmented by AI.

We will learn that Weyland-Yutani did in fact recover the Xenomorph from the Nostromo incident. The iconic Big Chap Xenomorph, thought to be dead after it was jettisoned out of the airlock managed to SURVIVE, albeit in rough shape and was floating in space until it was recovered and brought to the Romulus research station. From there, scientists reverse engineered its DNA and extracted the Black Goo material which they then use to run their own experiments on – creating their own Facehuggers and Xenomorphs.

Also the film will include new weapon that looks similar to the iconic Pulse Rifle. This is another detail that Alien vs. Predator Galaxy can corroborate. White in colour, the new weapon shares many design elements with the M41A Pulse Rifle including the carry handle, and an underslung pump action.

Connection to OG Alien is hilariously awesome :colbert: Turns out that Weyland-Yutani can hear you scream as you float through the space after all.

Feb 7, 2012

Taking the term "Koopaling" to a whole new level since 2016.
I'm in, it sounds delightful

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

I had the ‘Alien’ tie-in spoiled for me but I’m keeping my eyes closed on everything else.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I guess that sets up the sequel where they find the queen that got tossed out of the Sulaco

Jan 28, 2011

I’m down for it!

Zadok Allen
Oct 9, 2023

Everything sounds great except for CGI Ian Holm. Like, can Hollywood please stop this morose trend of CGI’ing dead actors please? Just write around it FFS.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

In other news I’m having dinner with Andrew Gaska (author of the Alien RPG) tomorrow, and he’ll also be at the Game On Expo in Phoenix this weekend.

Jun 4, 2016

Zadok Allen posted:

Everything sounds great except for CGI Ian Holm. Like, can Hollywood please stop this morose trend of CGI’ing dead actors please? Just write around it FFS.

I share the distaste for this practice as well but if involved parties are okay with it then I am too because it does kind of make sense. Bishop mentions those models always being twitchy in Aliens so it seems reasonable that there would be other, identical droids out there. It would make it weird how none of the Nostromo crew recognized him as a droid however if there's a factory pumping out that exact model of droid somewhere, but if they're spending most of their lives in cryosleep and hauling stuff across the stars then they wouldn't be very informed about that kind of thing, I guess? I'm just wondering if they'll go the predictable route of Rook going haywire like Ash or not.

Xenomrph posted:

In other news I’m having dinner with Andrew Gaska (author of the Alien RPG) tomorrow, and he’ll also be at the Game On Expo in Phoenix this weekend.

Good luck resisting the urge to squirt ketchup everywhere during dinner :smug:

In other Romulus news, for anyone who missed it there was a set pic posted a while back and it looks like they've gone for the retro futuristic style of Alien & Alien: Isolation which is great to see:

Apparently we might get a trailer for Romulus on Alien Day as well, with the film releasing this year it seems. For anyone wondering about the timeline, Romulus takes place between Alien and Aliens.

SUNKOS fucked around with this message at 15:02 on Mar 14, 2024

Feb 20, 2013


Xenomrph posted:

In other news I’m having dinner with Andrew Gaska (author of the Alien RPG) tomorrow, and he’ll also be at the Game On Expo in Phoenix this weekend.

I'm jealous. Tell him his game is outstanding.

CAPT. Rainbowbeard
Apr 5, 2012

My incredible goodposting transcends time and space but still it cannot transform the xbone into a good console.
Lipstick Apathy
If there's one thing people love from the Alien movies, it's Iconic Big Chap.

Alien: Iconic Big Chap

Jun 4, 2016

Somehow big chap returned


banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I hope the movie opens with big chap having a nightmare that Ripley is about to burst out of his chest.

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