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Do you like Alien 3 "Assembly Cut"?
Yes, Alien 3 "Assembly Cut" was tits.
No, Alien and Aliens are the only valid Alien films.
Nah gently caress you Alien 3 sucks in all its forms.
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General Battuta
Feb 7, 2011

This is how you communicate with a fellow intelligence: you hurt it, you keep on hurting it, until you can distinguish the posts from the screams.

The_Doctor posted:

I thought Scorn was much more Beksinski than Giger

It’s actually Beksinski vs. Giger, AVP style.

Baronjutter posted:

I really didn't like scorn. They were just aping a couple very great art styles but there was almost no world building and the levels didn't really make any sense. They just had one idea, the art, and beyond that put the most minimal effort into weaving any sort of game or story into it. I was hoping for something deep and mysterious, a lore hole to dive into and figure things out from environmental storytelling alone. But instead they just kinda went with what ever they thougth looked cool or gross or creepy and didn't put any thought in beyond that. There's nothing to discover.

I liked the world and story a lot and enjoyed thinking about everything it showed me. By the end of the game I felt like I had a sense for what this civilization had been and how it went wrong.


Nov 7, 2005

I Love Dogs

General Battuta posted:

It’s actually Beksinski vs. Giger, AVP style.

Dry vs. Wet. Whoever wins, we eughhh.

Feb 11, 2009

Shanty posted:

Dry vs. Wet. Whoever wins, we eughhh.

Jan 16, 2005

If you've never played the first Rebellion AVP, aka AVP Gold 2000 on Steam, this video ought to do you:

Dec 31, 2007

"Tiny Trains"

The_Doctor posted:

I thought Scorn was much more Beksinski than Giger

Same, it had some Giger here and there but felt about 80% Beksinski.

Blood Boils
Dec 27, 2006

Its not an S, on my planet it means QUIPS

16-bit Butt-Head posted:

“During the excavation and research of the Derelict ship, we were going to find out it was made out of human DNA, created by Xenomorphs. The Xenomorphs were going to use their saliva and bodily fluids to take humans and rewrite their DNA into building a spacecraft, like the crashed ship we saw in Alien. So we come to find out that that ship was also made out of human DNA. It was described to me as District 9 with Xenomorphs, but emphasized not in a good way.”

That sounds cool and not 'fanservicey' at all. Starting to wonder if fans can be trusted to talk accurately about Blomkamp at all lol

Apr 10, 2004

Blood Boils posted:

That sounds cool and not 'fanservicey' at all. Starting to wonder if fans can be trusted to talk accurately about Blomkamp at all lol

In a way yeah, but at least acknowledge you’re opening the door to a future scene in some spin off film where the queen is flying the ship and how loving dumb that’s gonna be.

Jan 16, 2005

wuffles posted:

In a way yeah, but at least acknowledge you’re opening the door to a future scene in some spin off film where the queen is flying the ship and how loving dumb that’s gonna be.

I'm going to make an Alien movie where the face huggers clamp on to people's butts and the larva explode out their balls, I hope Giger retroactively acknowledges the mistake he made

Apr 10, 2004

McSpanky posted:

I'm going to make an Alien movie where the face huggers clamp on to people's butts and the larva explode out their balls, I hope Giger retroactively acknowledges the mistake he made

Well you’re halfway to Prometheus

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

wuffles posted:

In a way yeah, but at least acknowledge you’re opening the door to a future scene in some spin off film where the queen is flying the ship and how loving dumb that’s gonna be.
I'd argue the ship should fly the ship but yeah it'd end up as the Queen thing

Feb 15, 2012

McSpanky posted:

I'm going to make an Alien movie where the face huggers clamp on to people's butts and the larva explode out their balls, I hope Giger retroactively acknowledges the mistake he made

stephen king's DREAMCATCHER

Blood Boils
Dec 27, 2006

Its not an S, on my planet it means QUIPS

wuffles posted:

In a way yeah, but at least acknowledge you’re opening the door to a future scene in some spin off film where the queen is flying the ship and how loving dumb that’s gonna be.

Why should I? What a different filmmaker maybe does afterwards in a sequel has no bearing on the preceding film, and the first filmmaker has no responsibility for what comes later if they're not involved, how could they?

Jan 16, 2005

alf_pogs posted:

stephen king's DREAMCATCHER

More xenos should speak in crazy cockney accents

Apr 10, 2004

Blood Boils posted:

Why should I? What a different filmmaker maybe does afterwards in a sequel has no bearing on the preceding film, and the first filmmaker has no responsibility for what comes later if they're not involved, how could they?

It wasn’t intended as a criticism of your opinion on the alien ship idea. More of a commentary about how a good number of fans respond to just about anything that makes the Alien more scrutable. Cameron took the eldritch space horror and turned it into a bug; now they’re building spaceships to travel the galaxy? What does that look like?

The joke was only the absurd notion that, taken to its logical conclusion, we could end up with a future movie where the queen is flying the ship in aviators and the subtitles tell us that, telepathically, she’s saying “In the pipe, five by five.”

Joe Chill
Mar 21, 2013

"What's this dance called?"

"'Radioactive Flesh.' It's the latest - and the last!"
As silly as some of it is, it would be cool if the movies went back to Giger's biomechanical style.

Apr 30, 2013

the carrots from that tv show Lexx were butt controller as well

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

We all know that Jean Claude Van Damme was originally cast as the Predator, with a substantially different design from the final result portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall.

Well it turns out the original design is in fact still in the film:

Oct 11, 2013

Blood Boils posted:

That sounds cool and not 'fanservicey' at all. Starting to wonder if fans can be trusted to talk accurately about Blomkamp at all lol

Your thoughts are just the most contrarian possible

It’s like a sickness

Jun 19, 2003

i'm finding this quite easy, i guess in part because i'm a fast type but also because i have a coherent mental model of the world
Listen, everything we eat and wear and use and live in is already just crystallized human action, for all that it seems to have a life of its own. Blompkamp's just following the Alien tradition of literalizing societal labor relations.

Blood Boils
Dec 27, 2006

Its not an S, on my planet it means QUIPS

Ferrinus posted:

Listen, everything we eat and wear and use and live in is already just crystallized human action, for all that it seems to have a life of its own. Blompkamp's just following the Alien tradition of literalizing societal labor relations.

Yup, and he has an incredibly strong filmography to date. Only 1 miss (gran Turismo)! And it's not like his hypothetical finished alien movie would be exactly like his initial proposals anyways, a lot can happen during production & post. I'd rather him do original stuff, but still I bet it would have been cool.

CelticPredator posted:

Your thoughts are just the most contrarian possible

It’s like a sickness

It's not intentional! That's just the way it is sometimes. But as a middle aged dad I only have so much energy to care about how much consternation my genuine opinions cause online :shrug:

Different opinions should be NBD imo

16-bit Butt-Head
Dec 25, 2014

uh huhhuhhuh huh
hasta siempre
jean claude van damme should have fought the predator

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

16-bit Butt-Head posted:

jean claude van damme should have fought the predator

Only if he wore the original Predator design costume when he does it.

Jan 16, 2005

Xenomrph posted:

Only if he wore the original Predator design costume when he does it.

A "Predator vs. some other preying mantis aliens where not a single word of English is ever spoken" movie is so high concept it needs supplemental oxygen and I'm here for it.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

McSpanky posted:

A "Predator vs. some other preying mantis aliens where not a single word of English is ever spoken" movie is so high concept it needs supplemental oxygen and I'm here for it.

We can do better: JCVD is playing himself and is merely wearing the costume for unexplained reasons. Still, not a single word of English is ever spoken.

Feb 15, 2012

Blood Boils posted:

Yup, and he has an incredibly strong filmography to date. Only 1 miss (gran Turismo)!

this is where i think we wildly differ, i'd argue he has one solid hit (D9) and at best a series of "not quites", with a few "god why"s

edit: i did like a lot of the OATS studios stuff; maybe i would be best served by more short films from him

Blood Boils
Dec 27, 2006

Its not an S, on my planet it means QUIPS

alf_pogs posted:

this is where i think we wildly differ, i'd argue he has one solid hit (D9) and at best a series of "not quites", with a few "god why"s

edit: i did like a lot of the OATS studios stuff; maybe i would be best served by more short films from him

Fair enough, and I still haven't actually seen Demonic yet. I'm just guessing that I'll like it when I do based on the trailer and how I've enjoyed his previous stuff

Arc Hammer
Mar 4, 2013

Look deep within your shell
I watched the 4K restoration of Aliens recently and decided to compare against the theatrical cut on Disney Plus tonight. I think they're about even and you really can't go wrong watching either version. Theatrical cut moves a lot quicker which is to its benefit, and you still get a complete story. Special Edition gives you the extra context for Ripley's maternal care for Newt and it features the Ultimate Badass scene which is always required viewing. But you also get that terrible "how did we get here" scene with the colony before it was overrun.

The 4K restoration looks incredible especially with HDR making the lights pop. The lack of noise on the image does feel like it messes up whenever there's quick camera movements, something that the original film grain blurs over nicely.

Jun 4, 2016

wuffles posted:

In a way yeah, but at least acknowledge you’re opening the door to a future scene in some spin off film where the queen is flying the ship and how loving dumb that’s gonna be.

wuffles posted:

Well you’re halfway to Prometheus

When I first watched Prometheus and they discovered the ampule room I was kinda expecting the giant head to awaken at some point. When the murals started to change the head should have as well and twitched while leaking goo and making some freaky deaky moan or something.

Jul 15, 2017

16-bit Butt-Head posted:

jean claude van damme should have fought the predator

Only if it was his character from Hard Target so we also got his uncle played by Wilford Brimley.

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Late to the party on this one but the 4K of Aliens is amazing.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

Colostomy Bag posted:

Late to the party on this one but the 4K of Aliens is amazing.

I still need to pick it up.

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Xenomrph posted:

I still need to pick it up.

Arc Hammer posted:

The 4K restoration looks incredible especially with HDR making the lights pop. The lack of noise on the image does feel like it messes up whenever there's quick camera movements, something that the original film grain blurs over nicely.

Currently have it on the background on a non-HDR monitor and the detail is nuts. Looking forward to viewing with HDR. Heck the whole space station/hallway/Ripley's apartment scene was amazing to look at.

Oct 24, 2004
stupid, stupid rat creatures

i'm guessing this gets a proper theatrical release, but who knows


Oct 11, 2007

who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Pretty intense poster. That trailer and poster both seem to suggest the character played by the actress Aileen Wu gets face-hugged and killed off early. I think part of what was so subversive about the first film was that it happened to a male character and the oddness of a male "pregnancy". The Asian female being the archetypical victim for marketing purposes seems a little tropey. Alas, I'm still optimistic this will be good

Oct 16, 2006

from hell's heart I cast at thee

Feb 15, 2012

Who will life to escaping indeed

16-bit Butt-Head
Dec 25, 2014

uh huhhuhhuh huh
hasta siempre
bad noodle will do that to you

Jul 15, 2017

FoneBone posted:

i'm guessing this gets a proper theatrical release, but who knows

Excited to see people complain about how this woman can't beat a Predator either.

16-bit Butt-Head
Dec 25, 2014

uh huhhuhhuh huh
hasta siempre
predator is hypermasculine only a woman can truly beat it


Oct 11, 2007

who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Should be a neon demon crossover

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