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The Taint Reaper
Sep 4, 2012

by Shine
I think having friends went out of style. People only seem to give a poo poo about followers now.

Like at most people have a category of "People I Tolerate" which is probably the closest thing you can be to a friend now.


somethingawful bf
Jun 17, 2005

The Taint Reaper posted:

I think having friends went out of style. People only seem to give a poo poo about followers now.

Like at most people have a category of "People I Tolerate" which is probably the closest thing you can be to a friend now.

It would seem as though you have just surrounded yourself with people like yourself . . .

The Taint Reaper
Sep 4, 2012

by Shine

Poetic Justice posted:

It would seem as though you have just surrounded yourself with people like yourself . . .

But wait isn't that was friends are?

Frog Act
Feb 10, 2012

When I was a teenager and young man I was super social and partied all the time. my phone was always ringing off the hook. now I'm 25 and I am social maybe twice a week

somethingawful bf
Jun 17, 2005

The Taint Reaper posted:

But wait isn't that was friends are?

No man, no

Feb 13, 2012
tomatoes and salt

The Taint Reaper
Sep 4, 2012

by Shine


I would hate for someone to say that Friendship is Inevitable

Jun 7, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
go outside

The Taint Reaper
Sep 4, 2012

by Shine

moose face posted:

go outside

It's 1 am

Jun 7, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

Yeah no one is out at 1am on a Saturday

The Taint Reaper
Sep 4, 2012

by Shine

moose face posted:

Yeah no one is out at 1am on a Saturday

I don't want to be friends with cops.

Frog Act
Feb 10, 2012

it's 1:25 am actually

Horniest Manticore
Nov 23, 2013

Hello, you!
Lipstick Apathy

The Taint Reaper posted:


I would hate for someone to say that Friendship is Inevitable

it's not inevitable. it's magic. :iamafag:

Jun 7, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

The Taint Reaper posted:

I don't want to be friends with cops.

Cops are pretty solid friends. They mean well generally

Sep 1, 2014
Because you're a worthless troon I'll let this pass. Now go redo your makeup, trivial slut.

Jun 13, 2006
I'm sorry you lack the ability to form meaningful, lasting relationships with other humans. Interface with E/N for advice.

Nov 15, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
sitting upon his mountain of reaped taints, the taint reaper realizes he is alone and there are no taints left to reap


CAPT. Rainbowbeard
Apr 5, 2012

My incredible goodposting transcends time and space but still it cannot transform the xbone into a good console.
Lipstick Apathy
Oh, Taint. I like you, you've grown on me.

Like a fungus/Costanza.

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