Gloria: "I don't know what the coming years will bring, but I work every day...every weekend... very, very hard, often late in the night... creating characters and writing stories." Changing the writing game. Clearly a goddess among us.
# ¿ Jul 21, 2015 13:37 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 18:06 |
savinhill posted:I'm glad this thread was posted cuz I've never heard of this Maradonia or Gloria Tesch before, and I gotta say what I've seen so far of this rabbithole is pretty funny. Weird too, like why does this smoking hot rich chick and her family need so bad for her to be known as some kinda fantasy fiction wunderkind? Spoiled brat who always gets what she wants. Makes sense to me. Earwicker posted:I cannot really understand this trend of extremely wordy posts about books that you know are terrible. yes there are a lot of crap scifi/fantasy series out there, they are better left unread Because they are so bad it's interesting. I doubt any goon is dumb enough to actually read it, but an amusing thread making fun of it? Sure, why not?
# ¿ Jul 23, 2015 19:02 |