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Aug 19, 2011

Get high and think of me.

Shadow the Hedgehog was released in late 2005 for the Nintendo Gamecube, Playstation 2 and the original Xbox. It was developed by Sega Studios USA (originally known as Sonic Team USA), an American division of Sonic Team that had previously developed Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes. After the release of Shadow the Hedgehog development of mainline Sonic games was handed back to Sonic Team proper.

As far as story is concerned, Shadow the Hedgehog follows on from Sonic Heroes. At the end of that game, Shadow found out that Dr. Eggman had been building androids that looked like exact copies of Shadow himself. Seeing as Shadow had no memories of his past this caused him to begin doubting his own existence. Was he the original Shadow the Hedgehog created by Dr. Gerald Robotnik 50 years prior, or was he merely one of Dr. Eggman's assembly line androids?

At the start of this game, Shadow's search for the truth is interrupted when an army of aliens called The Black Arms invades the planet. Their leader—called Black Doom—claims to have made a pact with Shadow to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds in the past. Shadow, being the hardboiled lone ranger that he is, decides to use this as an opportunity to find out the truth about himself. Whether he gets it by trusting Black Doom and assisting him in conquering the planet or by helping the military put an end to the alien invasion is for the player to decide.

Shadow the Hedgehog is a very bad game. It looks about as good and plays about as well as an early licensed PS2 game. The controls are at once sluggish and oversensitive, level design elements are endlessly cut and pasted (even across different levels), objectives are confusing and often difficult to find, cutscenes and voice acting are all incredibly poorly executed, the list goes on. Even the positive aspects of other bad 3D Sonic games like a decent soundtrack and interesting locales are nowhere to be found here. The game has almost no redeeming qualities which is what makes it such an enticing trainwreck.

On top of being poorly executed the game is also rather ill-conceived to begin with. It takes the relatively light-hearted world of Sonic the Hedgehog and tries to make it more "mature" in the worst possible ways. Characters say "drat" and "hell" all the time, the music consists mostly of grungy mood rock, the colour palette is largely limited to dark and smudgy colours and the central villain looks and sounds like something out of Metalapocalyse. On top of all that, Shadow gets honest-to-goodness firearms to fight enemies with. We're talking pistols, assault rifles and even grenade launchers. You still have access to the signature spindash and homing attacks but the guns are simply more efficient combat tools. The game also constantly urges you to use vehicles like jeeps and motorcycles to get around faster. Oh and also Shadow goes around killing human soldiers with absolutely no remorse.

Long story short, I wish they would've made Billy Hatcher 2 instead.

The Videos:

JordanKai fucked around with this message at 16:03 on Dec 11, 2015


Kinu Nishimura
Apr 23, 2008

This game owns

Dec 6, 2009

It's only forever, not long at all
The one game I've always regretted not owning was Shadow the Hedgehog.

Kinu Nishimura
Apr 23, 2008

Fun fact! Black Doom is voiced by Goku

Jan 25, 2013

This game is incredible

e: I hope you get all 326 possible paths for true 100% completion

Feb 13, 2012

I confused myself...

I'll be the one to say it: This game is bad, clearly, but it's much better than Heroes (and Sonic 06, of course).

I feel bad that you have to play the PS2 version, though. Poor bastard.

Jul 19, 2015

The thing I remembered from this game the most is that mission where you have to chase and destroy a blimp
Because that was fun as hell

Mar 18, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

May 31, 2013

How did this smug dummkopf ever make general?

I actually loved this game except for the missions with the stupid crocodile. Then again, I also loved Heroes so I have no taste.

Dec 27, 2012

Honestly, I don't know what I want to put here, so I'm going with this.
Yes, it's me, I'm that weird guy that unironically likes this game. I've offered to give help on this LP, but JordanKai here has steadfastly refused for perfectly understandable reasons. From what I've heard, the PS2 version is by far the worst version. Really don't see what's wrong with the soundtrack; yeah, there's a couple of duds here and there, but I really don't know if there's been a Sonic game with a subjectively bad soundtrack.

Color Printer
May 9, 2011

You get used to it. I don't
even see the code. All I see
is Ipecac, Scapular, Polyphemus...

Oh, yes, I've been waiting for this drat LP. drat. Hell. :allears:

Feb 21, 2005

Notice that some of the alien enemies are the same as the iblis enemies in Sonic 06. Specifically, the worm that pops out of the ground.

Deformed Church
May 12, 2012

5'5", IQ 81

I, too, enjoyed this game. In my defence, I was probably like 10 and I haven't played it since.

Aug 19, 2011

Drop the bandibass!

This was one of my main christmas presents back when it first came out. I hope this LP can recapture the disappointment I felt that year. :(

That said, it's a frustrating game but it was still playable for the most part. The main problem is that a couple of paths lead to some ridiculously long and boring levels, and you just wind up getting lost looking for something you've missed about 80% of the time. The horrible controls really don't help either. Looking forward to more!

corn in the bible
Jun 5, 2004

Oh no oh god it's all true!
James Sunderland the Hedgehog

Dec 28, 2012

Santa Cat Says: Good deeds are the things to always do, just make sure someone is watching you
Oh yes, this game. Some of the levels in this game have such horrendous design. They work against themselves and are the biggest pain to play through. There are a couple levels that aren't too bad, they're very linear and focus on shooting things. Funny how well the gun mechanics work in this game, it feels like the only thing the programmers put any effort into. Best of all I believe this was the first game to start using the 4kids voice actors, just because it wasn't painful enough. I do think heros is better, not that that's saying much.

Feb 16, 2011

The most incredible thing about this game is that all 326 different paths have a unique, edgy name. drat.

Kinu Nishimura
Apr 23, 2008

This game is better than Sonic Heroes because it's way funnier

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
I've at times thought about LPing this game because it's ridiculous. I have the halfway-functional GameCube version, but still, hopefully this will convince me to leave this game and franchise well enough alone.

Dec 28, 2011

ThornBrain posted:

I've at times thought about LPing this game because it's ridiculous. I have the halfway-functional GameCube version, but still, hopefully this will convince me to leave this game and franchise well enough alone.

let's playing or streaming sonic adventure 1 is the rite of passage for everyone in this subforum and i won't hear anything bad said about it

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Just a disclaimer to people who HAVEN'T played the 3D Sonic games, which judging by posts so far is very little of the audience here, Shadow is a Bad Game, but it is absolutely not the worst of the 3D Sonic games. Some people don't even rank it as one of the bottom three (it's in competition with Sonic 06, Sonic Heroes, which if I'm not mistaken it shares most of an engine with, and depending on one's personal definitions, the Sonic Unleashed night levels and Sonic 3D Blast). You will want to hold on to your butts, because this game takes itself way too seriously and that's a recipe for some amazing comedy.

Also, yes, every possible combination of paths to an ending has its own unique special snowflake name, as befits Original The Character, Do Not Steal.

Feb 13, 2012

I confused myself...

FutureFriend posted:

let's playing or streaming sonic adventure 1 is the rite of passage for everyone in this subforum and i won't hear anything bad said about it

Oct 9, 2012

FutureFriend posted:

let's playing or streaming sonic adventure 1 is the rite of passage for everyone in this subforum and i won't hear anything bad said about it

More like Sonic BADventure 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow the Hedgehog is already some high schooler's tough Sonic OC that they drew in their notebooks saying things like "math is a drag" and shooting their homework assignments so the fact that he gets his own special game with guns and cars and evil aliens and stuff seems really par for the course. I love that the president places Sonic and Shadow on a higher pedestal for desk space than whatever family he may have. I'm excited to see what more this game has to offer because I've only heard vague things about endings and plot and such.

Dec 28, 2011

i designed shadow the hedgehog and then junji ito the hogman gave me a highfive and told me he looked "badass" and "slick"

Feb 22, 2008

by FactsAreUseless
Where's that drat fourth chaos emerald!

Color Printer
May 9, 2011

You get used to it. I don't
even see the code. All I see
is Ipecac, Scapular, Polyphemus...

Wanamingo posted:

Where's that drat fourth chaos emerald!


Dec 28, 2012

Santa Cat Says: Good deeds are the things to always do, just make sure someone is watching you
So in that second level, the evil octopus guy wanted Shadow to activate a bunch of generators. The generators were all guarded by his alien soldiers. So instead of getting the chaos emerald, Shadow was supposed to activate the generators, which were all already secured and surrounded by alien troops.


Camel Pimp
May 17, 2008

This poster survived LPing Lunar: Dragon Song. Let's give her a hand.
Did they just replace Eggbotnik's mustache with pot and hoped we wouldn't notice?

Jan 14, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
I honestly liked this game, thought it was pretty fun, and the guns were cool.
Don't know what the problem is, really.

Aug 6, 2013

This game isn't the worst ever, but it's definitely not good. I felt like it was worse than Sonic Adventure 1, 2, and Heroes. One of my metrics for judging Sonic Game Level Design is "How long can I proceed just by running and jumping?" So since Shadow is full of levels where you must stop to shoot and poo poo, that bumps it down. I'm excited to get on this wild ride.

Oct 22, 2008

Unite: MASH!!
~They've got the bad guys on the run!~
Oh boy, this game. Just barely above the absolute nadir of the whole franchise despite being by far the most embarrassing thing in it (yes, even above the game where an annoying princess kisses Sonic back to life).

It just goes to show what happens when someone decides to cash in on a popular anti-hero without understanding what could possibly make them popular. The whole thing is like some bizarre fourteen-year-old angsty fanboy/girl's creation brought to life.

Jan 26, 2011

I bet Dr. Claw was real disappointed you didn't touch those jewels.

Dec 28, 2012

Santa Cat Says: Good deeds are the things to always do, just make sure someone is watching you
It's funny how the whole thing was set up to be a gritty, violent, darker sub-series for older fans, but Sega chickened out and dialed back to make it more kid friendly. Kind of defeats the purpose.

Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

I love watching bits of this game. Everything about it, from the writing to the tone to the overall aesthetic, screams "I'm 13, it's 2005 and I just put up a new LiveJournal entry about my stupid curfew". It's the perfect time-capsule Sonic game.

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

Is this your penance for murdering those poor defenseless waddle dees?

RoboChrist 9000
Dec 14, 2006

Mater Dolorosa

Gertrude Perkins posted:

I love watching bits of this game. Everything about it, from the writing to the tone to the overall aesthetic, screams "I'm 13, it's 2005 and I just put up a new LiveJournal entry about my stupid curfew". It's the perfect time-capsule Sonic game.

Most of the Sonic games, up to and including this one, were basically crystallizations of their zeitgeists.

man nurse
Feb 17, 2014

This game is literally someone's fan fiction brought to life. It has to be seen to be believed.

Feb 27, 2010

Do you intend to show off all the endings, all 300+ of them?

Aug 2, 2014

by Roger Hargreaves
I remember buying this as a moody 14 year old and going "man it's like Sonic for ADULTS that badass" then playing it and going "this isn't about collecting rings and beating the record time :( it's about being a dick"

I never finished it and haven't touched a Sonic game since.

Also RE: "What if this was someone's only THE HEDGEHOG game"; I am very close to this I played the original on SEGA quite a lot as a kid then picked up Sonic Heroes as my first 3D one after being given it as a birthday gift. It was mediocre but was fun racing friends and being better then them at a game they never played. As such my opinion is now all sonic 3D games are poo poo and deserve to be burnt.

Gridlocked fucked around with this message at 05:42 on Aug 20, 2015


Jan 25, 2013

Stormgale posted:

Do you intend to show off all the endings, all 300+ of them?

Technically, there are only 11 endings - 10 "choice" endings and the true/canonical ending. The "326" thing just refers to the number of paths it is possible to take through the game, which are logged in the game's library (and you can watch all the cutscenes in that particular order). They all have incredible titles.

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