![]() Welcome to the exciting world of online Mafia! You will be among 17 players in a battle of wits, deception, and deduction where the weak are killed and the clever survive! Will you be a kind-hearted townsperson, devoted to purging the Mafia menace from your town, or will you be a shadowy Mafia goon, hoping to kill off those who oppose you? FAQs: Q: What the hell is Mafia? A: Mafia is a game that can be played in a group or online in which a group of townsfolk (the good guys) try to discover and root out the Mafia menace hiding among them. Q: How is Mafia played? A: A game of Mafia alternates between day and night cycles. During the day the town (along with the Mafia pretending to be townspeople) vote by majority to lynch someone, hoping to kill the Mafia members in this fashion. During the night discussion is halted and the Mafia choose someone to kill. After this the next day begins and the game continues until either the Mafia have control of the town or the townspeople have killed every Mafia member. More detailed rules can be found below. In some games, like this one, there are third party players who are not aligned with the Town or Mafia. Their win conditions may be mutually exclusive to the town, so beware! Q: Man you sure suck at explaining this, isn’t there an online tutorial I can check out? A: Sure! This site has a list of cool roles (most of which will not appear in this game since it’s a more standard introduction game) along with a neat tutorial! http://cataldo.freeshell.org/mafia/mafiascum04.swf Q: Is there a place I can go to see other forums-based Mafia games? A: SA has a large group of losers who play Mafia regularly, located in the Traditional Games forum. Check out that forum to visit the various games going on, or visit the Mafia Discussion thread, located here. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3729528 Additionally, the New Game Announcement Thread can be found here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2894586 Q: Your words intrigue me, how may I, a simple forum-reader, join a game of Mafia? A: If you’ve never played a game before, join this one! This game is designed as a 17 person Mafia game. The roles are relatively simple, and there are a few surprises thrown in so everyone can do something special. As a bonus you know all the other players will be new to the game as well, so no one will have a distinct advantage. If you have played a game before, or simply wish to join a more complicated game, watch the Discussion thread (linked above) for new game openings. Q: The idea of joining a game like this sounds complicated, will there be people to talk to during the game about what's happening? A: If you would like a veteran mentor, please PM me directly. I can definitely recruit someone from the Mafia Discussion Thread to assist you privately. Q: But I haven't played any MOBA before! Can I still play? A: You haven't played a MOBA? Well that's kind of weird. But yes, you are more than welcome to play in this game, and you need not posses any knowledge of any MOBA universe or even what a MOBA is to play the game. In this game, being an "evil character," dire, radiant, or any other MOBA-based setting thing will not mean that the character is automatically evil in the game, and vice versa. If this were Batman mafia for example, The Joker wouldn't necessarily be mafia aligned. The theme of the game is just there to provide “flavour” which the mods can spin thier updates around thematically. To join, simply post here to reserve a spot and whether or not you have PMs. If you don't have PMs please post an email address. If you would like a mentor, please say so, and indicate what time zone you are in so we can pair you with a similarly-zoned mentor if possible. If you arrive too late and all the spots are filled indicate your interest anyway as a replacement player - I have never seen one of these games not require replacement players at some point, so even if you don’t make the initial sign-ups, be sure to follow along because replacement slots will become available. If you can’t wait that long, watch the Discussion thread as new games start frequently in Traditional Games. (Most of the above and some of the below was all stolen or lovingly borrowed from Highwire, who stole or lovingly borrowed it from Chili , who stole or lovingly borrowed it from Kilgrey, who stole or lovingly borrowed it from Tom Tucker) Current Signups: merk fucked around with this message at 14:27 on Sep 2, 2015 |
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 10:02 |
Rules Mafia is a game of deception and detection. The Mafia may communicate outside the thread however they please. Each Mafia member knows who the other Mafia members are, and they work together to try to get the actual town members killed. Note that in some games the Mafia members are allowed to talk only at night, but for this game they may communicate at any time. The Mafia wins when Mafia members make up 50% or more of the town’s population, since at this point they are a majority and control the lynch vote. It is very important to hide your identity as a Mafia member from the town, as the town’s goal is to actively find and lynch each Mafia member. The real town members are trying to root out the Mafia menace. The town members do not know who is another loyal town member and who the Mafia members are, and instead must use their wits to figure out which players are working against them. The town members may not communicate with each other outside the thread in any way. The town members win when all Mafia members have been killed. A game of Mafia alternates between day and night cycles. These correspond to game days and nights, not real days and nights. During a game day the town will vote to decide who to lynch that day. Note that Mafia members may vote for a lynch just like town member can! You may vote for someone in the thread at any time by adding ##Vote: Poor Bastard in bold to your reply. If you do not put it in bold it will not count (this is to make it easier for me, the Mod, to count the votes). You may also at any time unvote by adding ##Unvote: Poor Bastard to your post. You must unvote before you cast a new vote. Once a majority vote is reached (being half + 1 in the case of an even numbered town) that player is lynched (killed and removed from the game) and the town will discover his role. In general the town is trying to lynch Mafia members here, while the Mafia spends the day cycles trying to ensure their own members are not lynched. The day will not end until a player is lynched or the deadline for the day (the point at which the day will end) is reached. In this game the day period of the game will last 4 real life days. Should a majority of votes (50% + 1) be reached on a player that player is then lynched and the day will end, if no majority is reached, there will not be a lynch. There are no roles in this game that can win on day 1. Additionally, this game is obviously intended for newbies and accordingly, the set up is relatively tame. During the night any night actions occur. Special townies (like the doctor and/or cop) may choose whether or not to perform their actions and who to target. In addition the Mafia must choose someone to kill, and special Mafia members (like a Mafia Roleblocker) may choose to use their actions on a target. If you have night actions they will be due within 24 hours. Typically I'll try to have the next day started as soon as possible. Other Rules: * No communicating outside the thread, either with other players, dead players, or people not playing the game. The two exceptions to this rule are players who you are given permission to talk to in your role PM and your mentors. * The Mod (me) will never ask you for your role. If someone contacts you outside the thread asking about your role do not give it to him. Be wary of people posing as the mod. * No game-breaking behavior, including things such as Toxx Clausing. This is pretty much a catch all rule, if I catch you trying to gain an unfair advantage in the game I will either modkill you or warn you, depending on the severity of the offense. * No editing. Using a player’s post history is one of the key weapons the town has, and part of the fun of the game is trying not to say anything that will incriminate you later. This means editing is strictly prohibited in all forms, since players have no way to know if an edit is ‘innocent’ or if it was to cover up a huge slip by a Mafia member. * Dead people can’t talk. Once you are killed in the game do not post in the thread until the game is over. Usually one zombie post like ‘Go town!’ or ‘The Mafia shall prevail!’ is allowed, but please do not post any game content once you are dead. * Bold all votes and unvotes and include the ##. Do not bold random things. This is for your mod’s convenience. * Be Respectful. This is a game of lying and deceit but that doesn’t mean you have to be a dick about it. Try to keep personal attacks to a minimum, and remember it is just a game. I will be the mod of this game. I have platinum so you can send me PMs that way. I may need to contact you during the game so I prefer if you have either plat, but if you do not e-mail should be sufficient. If you have any questions about the game you can contact either me - I am CDT based. Now on with the game! merk fucked around with this message at 14:26 on Sep 2, 2015 |
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im gay
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You know a thread is gonna be good when it comes with a page of rules.
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im the werewolf
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can i turn people into homosexuals in this game
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weregay were gay haha get it im gay were gay
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i will play your mafia game ITT (I'm a spy) everyone put ur heads down now the two spies lift ur thumbs ok now look up
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before we continue could we get some more rules and more elaborate rules?
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TEAYCHES posted:im gay Hobohemian posted:You know a thread is gonna be good when it comes with a page of rules. TEAYCHES posted:im the werewolf TEAYCHES posted:can i turn people into homosexuals in this game TEAYCHES posted:weregay vulvasaur posted:i will play your mafia game ITT (I'm a spy) everyone put ur heads down now the two spies lift ur thumbs ok now look up vulvasaur posted:before we continue could we get some more rules and more elaborate rules? Wow, nice first page threadshitting an effort thread. Mods?
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isnt this the kind of thread for pyf
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 10:02 |
slam dunked into tgr within an hour, nice
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