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Jun 25, 2002
Well I guess it would make more sense if she were a "loving" "virgin" but no. Netflix just sent me an email about this show thinking that I would like it. I click on it out of curiosity a few minutes before a meeting starts:


After vowing to remain chaste until marriage, Jane Villanueva learns she's pregnant due to a medical slip-up and has to rethink her future.

It's rated 4 stars for me by Netflix and a lot of times those ratings have been pretty decent. poo poo hole comedians like Chelsea Handler are rated 1/2 of a star for me, for example. Most lovely sitcoms are rated 2 1/2 stars at best.

So I hopped on the wiki:

wikipedia posted:

Gina Rodriguez as Jane Gloriana Villanueva, a 23-year-old religious young Latina woman who becomes pregnant after being artificially inseminated by mistake. After meeting Rafael and hearing his situation, she agrees to carry the baby full term and turn over custody to him and his wife Petra, but only if she is sure her baby will be safe and loved with them. But, as the pregnancy grows, they both start to have feelings for each other. Executive producer Jennie Snyder Urman stated that Gina Rodriguez "was literally the third person that came in" during the casting.

Are you serious?

Is this show actually good? It sounds loving retarded.


Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

There was a thread on it here you can read:

It wasn't my thing but it was very well received by critics and had a lot of buzz in its first season.

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