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  • Locked thread
Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Scooby Doo Mafia - The Haunted Hilltop Hotel

Normally, Hilltop is a sleepy town that doesn’t see much trouble, but that’s about to change. The Hilltop Hotel is the main attraction in town due to its stage and the variety of shows it hosts. Although it's never been a really popular place several stars, both rising and falling, have played at the Hilltop over the years. When the Mystery Inc gang heard that Mystical Marcus was performing his magic act at the Hotel, they jumped into the Mystery Machine and took off to see the show.

Fred, Daphne and Velma checked the gang in and they had a wonderful dinner where Shaggy and Scooby ate three times as much as everyone else. As they waited for Mystical Marcus to start his show the crowd buzzed with anticipation. Just as it reached a fevered pitch, the lights suddenly went out and a pair of glowing red eyes could be seen in the darkness…

Scooby Dooby Doo where are you, you’ve got some work to do now. The Hilltop residents and Hotel guests need some help from you now. Come on Scooby Doo, those ruby eyes can’t hurt you. You know we got a mystery to solve, so come on SA Goon, get ready to act and don’t hold back. And SA Goon, if you come through, you’ll win yourself a Scooby Snack! So sign up now, SA Goon, you’re ready and you’re willing. We can count on you, SA Goon, I know you’ll catch those villains.

Welcome to Scooby Doo Mafia, a closed setup 16 player, role-moderate game with some fun flavor from one of my favorite cartoon shows. Flavor might have some significance in this game, so you probably want to keep it a secret.

Standard Mafia Rules apply, including:
-Days will be 48-72 hours, but there will be no weekend deadlines so it might get stretched.
-Nights will be closed. Nights will be 24 hours.
-Hangings are majority, not plurality.
-No editing posts.
-No posting after the hammer.
-No out of thread communication unless you are specifically allowed.
-No toxxing/betting/truth or dare.
-No posting mod PMs.
-No faking day actions.
-No lurking. When I play I like to post a lot and I like it when others post as well.
-No posting screenshots from any kind of chat doc.
-No spectator posts.
-No posting after death (a contentless ghost post is OK)
-Be cool. This is a game we play with internet people for fun. Treat it as such.

Sample Role PM:


Name: You are Andy Adams.
Role: You are vanilla.
Alignment/WinCon: You are town. You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.
Powers: You came to see to see the magic show, but now you've been caught up in this mystery. You have no power beyond your vote.

  1. Captain Foo
  2. Chic Trombone
  3. Ernie./HiipFire
  4. fiery_valkyrie/Quidnose
  5. Gamerofthegame
  6. garthoneeye
  7. Grandicap
  8. imgay
  9. Kashuno
  10. King Burgundy
  11. Pinterest Mom
  13. Sodomeow
  14. StarkRavingMad
  15. Tommunist
  16. Tremendous Taste

TMMadman fucked around with this message at 02:48 on Oct 22, 2015


Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

in for a sandwich

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
ri'm rin

ralso ri'm roing ro rost rike rooby rall rame rease ret roterinder ro read ris rank rou

Kashuno fucked around with this message at 15:09 on Oct 13, 2015

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Kashuno posted:

ri'm rin

ralso ri'm roing ro rost rike rooby rall rame rease ret roterinder ro read ris rank rou

I should mod kill you now for editing your post.

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
rame rasn't rarted ret rease reconrider

Feb 8, 2006

I will play this game.

Aug 31, 2012

I would love to play

Chic Trombone
Jul 25, 2010

i love scooby doo tbh, i'm playing

Aug 13, 2015

I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the Salami and the Bologna combined!
Dibs Velma!

Aug 13, 2015

I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the Salami and the Bologna combined!
Unless she's the cop, in which case dibs Shaggy!

Feb 8, 2006

The Best Scooby Doo is Mystery Incorporated. Check it out on netflix if you haven't seen it. Only 2 seasons and has a good overarching plot and is self aware and doesn't take itself too seriously. A very good show.

Section 31
Mar 4, 2012
Sure, why not?

Aug 13, 2015

I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the Salami and the Bologna combined!
I'm actually out.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

ljtrigirl posted:

I'm actually out.


Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

I've been told I'm playing this game.

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Oh, there's my Scooby

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Tremendous Taste posted:

Oh, there's my Scooby

Is PMom your huckleberry?

Also, thanks you two! :)

King Burgundy
Sep 17, 2003

I am the Burgundy King,
I can do anything!

Look, I just got N1 killed in a game again. I guess that means I can use my very little time on this game instead.

King Burgundy
Sep 17, 2003

I am the Burgundy King,
I can do anything!

BTW, speaking of Scooby Doo, if you haven't seen Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery, you should.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

King Burgundy posted:

BTW, speaking of Scooby Doo, if you haven't seen Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery, you should.

I know that that thing is what this thing is from so I endorse.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
The best guest appearance is the Harlem Globetrotters.

King Burgundy
Sep 17, 2003

I am the Burgundy King,
I can do anything!

Pinterest Mom posted:

I know that that thing is what this thing is from so I endorse.

Yes! So amazing!

May 12, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I'm partial to batman myself.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

imgay posted:

I'm partial to batman myself.

Well Batman isn't in this game, but is that a sign up?

Sep 26, 2015
ill batman

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Sodomeow posted:

ill batman

I'm assuming this is a signup which means I'm assuming imgays post was also a sign up post.

Sep 27, 2001

Yams Fan
I have not played a game of Mafia in like two years, but I've been kind of getting the itch again. Also, I love Scooby Doo. I'll join.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

StarkRavingMad posted:

I have not played a game of Mafia in like two years, but I've been kind of getting the itch again. Also, I love Scooby Doo. I'll join.

Yay! Thanks! Now we just need 4 more.

Oct 27, 2010

Could at least flip one or two, maybe.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Is this a sign up?

Oct 27, 2010

Could at least flip one or two, maybe.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
Cool. :)

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.
Everyone in my current game is lurking. I'll play.

Dec 11, 2013

Alfrything is only the ghost of a memory...
finished working 16 hour days, i'm fine to play if you need people.

Feb 18, 2013

I'll play.

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
Whee! That's 16 players. Locking the thread while I get this game started. All PMs will be sent out shortly!

Sep 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
All PMs sent! Here we go!

After a few moments, the red eyes suddenly disappeared and everyone started screaming and shouting. Nobody's exactly sure what happened, but when the lights came back on Scrappy Doo was found lying on the ground with a broken neck. Nobody was really that upset (in fact, it looked like a most people were smiling!) because he was an annoying little rascal, but they still decided to lock themselves in the hotel together until the mystery was solved.

Scrappy Doo (Mystery Inc), town aligned Annoyance, was put down for good on N0.

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
Looks like we've got a mystery on our hands, gang!

But really can't we just thank them and be on our way? No more puppy power


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (16): Captain Foo, Chic Trombone, Ernie., fiery_valkyrie, Gamerofthegame, garthoneeye, Grandicap, imgay, Kashuno, King Burgundy, Pinterest Mom, Section 31, Sodomeow, StarkRavingMad, Tommunist, Tremendous Taste

With 16 alive, it's 9 votes to lynch. The current deadline is October 20th, 2015 at 10 p.m. CDT -- that's in about 2 days.

  • Locked thread