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Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


alphabettitouretti posted:

Razer hardware is garbage. Logitech 4 lyfe.


M570 4 lyfe imo


it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

AlmightyPants posted:

On this thread's recommendation I got Rebel Galaxy and I gotta say that it's a pretty fun game with a loving awesome soundtrack. I'm really enjoying it!

Also try Fractured Space. It's a f2p moba where you fly capital ships.

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Eh, they're probably have as much of an idea as CIG does. So yeah.

alphabettitouretti posted:

Razer hardware is garbage. Logitech 4 lyfe.

All “gamer” brand hardware is always garbage. Because it's aimed at gamers and gamers are stupid (cf. Citizens).

Sep 30, 2009

alphabettitouretti posted:

Razer hardware is garbage. Logitech 4 lyfe.

I use a Razer mouse and I second the Razer hardware is garbage point. I have bought two, both have had stupid hardware issues and I won't be buying another one.

Mr Fronts
Jan 31, 2016

Yo! The Mafia supports you. But don't tell no one. Spread the word.

Tippis posted:

Why are there bars on the ceiling and near the ceiling on the side consoles? Are the ceilings modular? Wouldn't it be easier and safer to just have them under raised floors? Or are they there to grab onto so you can manoeuvre around in case of gravity loss? If so, why aren't there any on the floor, since there would no longer be a distinct ceiling and floor in such a case?

They call it a hygiene module, but we all know what the purchasers really want it for. Those bars are what they'll hook the restraints to.

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

You control the hands which control the space taps in your space sink.

Many citizens will probably spend more time in the bathroom in a virtual setting than they do in real life.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


alphabettitouretti posted:

You control the hands which control the space taps in your space sink.

Many citizens will probably spend more time in the bathroom in a virtual setting than they do in real life.

You think there are Citizens who don't play from their armchair toilet/simpit?

Jun 23, 2012

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

You think there are Citizens who don't play from their armchair toilet/stimpit?

it dont matter
Aug 29, 2008

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

You think there are Citizens who don't play from their armchair toilet/simpit?

No doubt, but their spaceman will still be cleaner and more hygienic.

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Tippis posted:

All “gamer” brand hardware is always garbage. Because it's aimed at gamers and gamers are stupid (cf. Citizens).

Gamer brand junk sales are directly correlated with the amount of LEDs and bright colors they have.

Basically if you design your gamer product for a 4 year old you've captured the market.

A mental 4 year old with the spending budget of a 40 year old.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


DancingShade posted:

Gamer brand junk sales are directly correlated with the amount of LEDs and bright colors they have.

Basically if you design your gamer product for a 4 year old you've captured the market.

A mental 4 year old with the spending budget of a 40 year old.

Everything relating to "gamers" is crap because people who like to call themselves gamers are crap

Sep 30, 2009

Someone point me at a decent mouse with a numpad on the side and I'll be a happy man.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008

Jack pulled the release lever on the fighter’s canopy and watched it slide back, releasing its accumulated stench into the stale air. He switched his suit over to O2-only to defeat the smell and reached down with his medical probe to collect a DNA sample from the self-dispatched pilot. As he leaned in, he spotted a glow emanating from near the man’s feet. Jack reached in past the man’s broken and battered hands to find a mobiglas clinging to the underside of the seat. He retrieved the device and shoved it securely into his equipment pouch.

Eager to leave the gruesome sight behind, he stood and headed for the front of the constellation. Jack entered the bridge to thankfully find his comrade unsnapping the final cable tethering the ship’s delicate computer core to its housing. “The plot thickens,” remarked Jack, “I found someone holed up inside the fighter in the back. Poor bastard offed himself. Pack up that core and let’s get the hell out of here. This drat ship gives me the heeby-jeebies.”

After another short trip across vacuum, the men once again found themselves within the familiar comfort of the Aimless. Jack made sure to ask his wife to hook the the salvaged computer core up to the Aimless and pull its data as soon as he stepped aboard with it. While she worked at cracking the core, Jack sat down with the mobiglass he had retrieved from the derelict’s attached Merlin and keyed it open. The first file was a video that was delivered to a recipient in the Elysium system.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


Chalks posted:

Someone point me at a decent mouse with a numpad on the side and I'll be a happy man. is the closest I know of :shrug:

They're programmable

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy
What the gently caress is this wife bullshit?

You mean Jack asked his Realdoll, don't you?

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Chalks posted:

Someone point me at a decent mouse with a numpad on the side and I'll be a happy man.

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008


DancingShade posted:

What the gently caress is this wife bullshit?

You mean Jack asked his Realdoll, don't you?

When Jack stepped into the Constellation’s common area, what he saw left the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end. It was an absolute bloodbath. A man sat slumped forward onto the kitchen table with a long-dried pool of red smeared across its surface. His blood had soaked into the cloth of the seat, permeating the space with a putrid stench that Jack’s suit was having a hard time scrubbing out of the air being pumped into his helmet.

Floating in the threshold of the doorway leading to the bridge was a second body. This one was female and appeared to have been shot several times in the back while attempting to flee. Miller stepped past the corpse, unaffected by the grisly sight, and continued his sweep into the bridge. The scene of carnage continued inside. There was a body fastened into the pilot’s chair that was slumped to the side with its hands still firmly grasping the control sticks; He was shot once in the side of the head.

“Seems he was caught off guard.” remarked Jack as he inspected the deceased pilot that was still faithfully manning his post. Miller panned his flashlight down the tube that lead to the lower turret and discovered yet another motionless form inside. The security officer tugged on the dead man’s boot and waited patiently for him to float up into view. The middle aged man had a jagged gash along his brow with what looked like scratch marks running down his face and neck. “This one was killed without the use of a gun. Looks like whoever attacked him went bat-poo poo on his rear end, though. What in the hell happened here?”

Tijuana Bibliophile
Dec 30, 2008

I've configured a autohotkey script to post twenty bad posts with 10 sec intervals so I can snype the big 'un

Jul 10, 2001

Space bunnies have three ears

Is Star Citizen out yet?

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

When Jack stepped into the Constellation’s common area, what he saw left the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end. It was an absolute bloodbath. A man sat slumped forward onto the kitchen table with a long-dried pool of red smeared across its surface. His blood had soaked into the cloth of the seat, permeating the space with a putrid stench that Jack’s suit was having a hard time scrubbing out of the air being pumped into his helmet.

Floating in the threshold of the doorway leading to the bridge was a second body. This one was female and appeared to have been shot several times in the back while attempting to flee. Miller stepped past the corpse, unaffected by the grisly sight, and continued his sweep into the bridge. The scene of carnage continued inside. There was a body fastened into the pilot’s chair that was slumped to the side with its hands still firmly grasping the control sticks; He was shot once in the side of the head.

“Seems he was caught off guard.” remarked Jack as he inspected the deceased pilot that was still faithfully manning his post. Miller panned his flashlight down the tube that lead to the lower turret and discovered yet another motionless form inside. The security officer tugged on the dead man’s boot and waited patiently for him to float up into view. The middle aged man had a jagged gash along his brow with what looked like scratch marks running down his face and neck. “This one was killed without the use of a gun. Looks like whoever attacked him went bat-poo poo on his rear end, though. What in the hell happened here?”

I'll take one of those space suits that circulates air from outside in the vacuum of space to keep me breathing.

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

boethius posted:

Is Star Citizen out yet?

Yes definitely. Can't you see it? You just need to concentrate harder.

No harder than that.


Jul 10, 2001

Space bunnies have three ears

DancingShade posted:

Yes definitely. Can't you see it? You just need to concentrate harder.

No harder than that.


Is this one of those Magic Eyes, where you have to cross your eyes and not pay attention?

Sep 30, 2009

You are a good person. Everyone seems to love logitech so once I finally get so hosed off with my current one I'll probably get something like this :)

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

boethius posted:

Is this one of those Magic Eyes, where you have to cross your eyes and not pay attention?

No, it's more like, concentrate really hard, and if you feel something damp wriggling down your leg and the room suddenly smells bad, then you've concentrated hard enough — SC is out.

May 21, 2008

In the end, his dominion did not touch a single poster.

Remember when people in the old thread were discussing what cool shorthand name to give the Constellation? What if we called them "Khan" instead of "con", you know, like in the Start Wars movie.


Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Chalks posted:

You are a good person. Everyone seems to love logitech so once I finally get so hosed off with my current one I'll probably get something like this :)

Realtalk: Logitech is the only brand of mouse you should consider unless you have a specific reason not to get one.

Realtalk: Never buy Razer unless you like terrible firmware, bad software and a high failure rate.

Feb 18, 2013

Mere minutes after discovering the new technology, it was used to send me a crude ASCII dong.

6666 yet?

E: gently caress

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Decrepus posted:

Remember when people in the old thread were discussing what cool shorthand name to give the Constellation? What if we called them "Khan" instead of "con", you know, like in the Start Wars movie.


I'm pretty sure that was always a reddit thing wasn't it?

gently caress I can't remember.

Nov 6, 2005

🥄Mah spoon is too big!🍌

DancingShade posted:

Realtalk: Logitech is the only brand of mouse you should consider unless you have a specific reason not to get one.

Realtalk: Never buy Razer unless you like terrible firmware, bad software and a high failure rate.

a man dips his fingers in fetid rear end sweat and smears a line of it on my forehead.

"RAZOR" he murmurs

Feb 25, 2016
Devil Shart

Wrecked Angle
May 12, 2012


Maw posted:

6666 yet?

E: gently caress

Not yet

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Breetai posted:

a man dips his fingers in fetid rear end sweat and smears a line of it on my forehead.

"RAZOR" he murmurs

It's like that bit from Outlast where the crazy person chops off two of your fingers before attempting a penisectomy on the player character.

Sorry spoilers. Oops.

Feb 25, 2016

Raskolnikov posted:

Just pretend this was on page 6666 :negative:

Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon
Hello darkness my old friend.

Feb 18, 2013

Mere minutes after discovering the new technology, it was used to send me a crude ASCII dong.

It's all I want :(

Wrecked Angle
May 12, 2012

6666 is my pin number. Lol

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy
Remember when people were vaguely excited about Everspace?

I no longer do.


Aug 23, 2004
Exciting Lemon

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