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Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

im thankful for this thread


Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

wonder how croberts scored a wife like that, surely it wasnt because of lying

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

D_Smart posted:

Sorry, but I'm NOT going to make their communications to me public in order to prove you wrong. Either you're making this up, or someone is lying to you. As I type this, I have an ENTIRE wall of text in TweetDeck DM of my communications.

I don't take too kindly to being called a liar.

And as I said before, we don't even need their willing testimony. That's what subpoenas are for. Not to mention the RSI forum records and testimonies from the RSI/CIG staff who were party to all of it.

I am pursuing it because people like Wulf Knight, Trevor Noblitt et al are the primary reason why the Star Citizen community is so toxic. And there is nothing on Earth that is going to prevent what I've sent in motion from happening and/or playing out. So everyone needs to just sit back, relax and wait for what comes next.

d smart getting turnt up

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Murgos posted:

Well. This thread is pretty special.

it loving owns

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Ooo wee

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

has reddit sucked our collective dick yet?


Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Amethyst posted:

Nothing gets past this guy.

I'm sure acting like a literal minded moron is a sure tactic to confound your enemies, in this urine sandpit of a thread, but when speaking to normal adults it just exposes you as the tedious dullard you are.

heck, you need some female in ur diet

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Maldoror posted:

I don't consider the 19 year old kid in question to be any different than anyone else. If I was in a wheelchair I would not want people helping me or holding the door for me or treating me special or different or say things like "let him say whatever he wants, he's special, he lost life, his life sucks, etc., leave him be." To me, THAT would be discrimination I wouldn't want. I would want to be taken as seriously on the Internet as any other rear end clown, as I would in life.

Seems to me Derek Smart sees the dude the same way, and would have posted what he did whether the kid was in a wheelchair or not. He doesn't see handicap, he accpets him on the same terms as any other person giving him poo poo.

I can respect that.

haterade knows no race creed or ability

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

i havent read this thread today, could somebody explain the wheelchair dude tia

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Chalks posted:

Derek smart is going to tell a 19 year old's dad that he was mean to him on the internet about a video game. The 19 year old is in a wheel chair.

i love it

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

im loving dying

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

yall seriously gotta quit i cant breathe

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Required Parachute posted:

Yeah no, sorry, I don't need an rear end-ramming in federal prison, thanks.

what would it do

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Required Parachute posted:

As written? Nothing. :v:


:smug: Goons ruin everything.

i assume it deletes something, to answer my own question

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

mormonpartyboat posted:

he should probably back a game thatll come out while he's still alive imo

ice cold

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

schtar shicizen


Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Malcolm posted:

I thought EVE was a spreadsheets game.

its a game some real ponzie mfers have taken other utter retards for considerable monies, and as a medium it owns for that reason

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