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  • Locked thread
Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
Goddammit I missed ground floor.


Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Eonwe posted:

does working at certain dev studios put a black mark on you? like lets say you worked at zynga

is that a ding against you for a job? because if so I feel bad for what kind of black mark people are going to get over CIG

I've never seen anyone get poo poo on for working at Zynga.

If anything I would say it helps, even if the company has a shady reputation. People have played your product and
know that you can ship. The only thing I'd say is more important than a good portfolio (artist and programmers) is having shipped titles under your belt.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

:smug:Learn about the :eng101: goddamn game development process for once :smuggo:

I like how tons of those nerdos think they know the process cause they've been playing games a long time, you guys.

Help desk work really gives you deep insight on the software development pipeline.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
It's totes normal to have senior people leave in the middle of a development cycle guys.

Your boat isn't sinking, nosiree.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy


Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Raskolnikov posted:

Get your own copy of Dickwulf chatlogs:

Nice 404 loser.

Madcosby posted:

cool kitten hats but i think what bootcha needs is a financial consultant

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Raskolnikov posted:

I also fixed the stupid link

Awwww jeeeeeez shucks I didn't realize firing off dick pix to <not my wife> was kinda weird, golly gee. #justnudistthings

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

Back at the hive, a thread about this was closed in under 10 posts. Apparently not even $93m+ can buy you a decent spellchecker.

Lol did those dipshit volunteer mods probate him for asking that question too?

I mean I'm not surprised but I'm still always confused how they can say "We want real discussion on our boards" with a straight face.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Tank Boy Ken posted:

They banned him for 10 years in May 2014.

Oh good thing they investigated it then.

Wouldn't anyone to get perma'd on a gut reaction or anything!

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

G0RF posted:

How on earth could it be worth anyone's time to eliminate one goofy set of images when they are thousands of goon parodies?


Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

neonbregna posted:

Me passing a blood clot through my nose after sinus surgery

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
Brb leveraging all my underworld help desk contacts to take down an internet warlord.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

AP posted:

This guy seem like a terrible individual, a real bad poster and his extended family are likely bad too.

Dude don't wanna tangle with a big fish.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Paladinus posted:

Mr. Derek Smart, can you sue my childhood bully for me, please?

Paladinus reveals his childhood bully was Derek.

The warlord silently stares deep into the bathroom mirror as a single tear rolls down his cheek and signs the paperwork.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

Why do you keep writing "we" all the time? Do you need to hide your awful decisions by claiming they represent all of CIG/brown sea? Or do you share your account with someone?

What if he's part of THE ORGANISATION? :tinfoil:

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

peter gabriel posted:

What is a pork egg?

You see when one pork egg roll loves another pork egg roll.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Eonwe posted:

go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Eonwe posted:

its a pretty reasonably priced restaurant IMO

haven't had the dorito viche tho

Where is this reasonably priced restaurant located? Cause that poo poo looks delish.

(I'm really just trying to doxx you bro, no worries.)

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Kimsemus posted:

The OP is broke again.

Lets hope his lawyers can craft a decent OP for the judge at least, poo poo.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
Hey Reddit archive my sig, I'll need it when GBS 2.0 comes back. TiA

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Skoll posted:

Hey guys, I added all the CIG devs that we know personal emails to You need a premium account to see this message.

Remember to check You need a premium account to see this message and You need a premium account to see this message for the mail campaign details.

Oh poo poo, no way?

lol nice

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Agrajag posted:

thanks bro im going to send each of them pics of my dick

This is me w/ these emails right now.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
Is doxxing someone by showing their dick pix coxxxing?

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Literally The Worst posted:

im chris roberts ama

How much is a gram of coke goin for these days?

like the primo backer powder you get, not the crap I get that's half baby laxative.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Literally The Worst posted:

five gold doubloons

Goddammit J-Roc is getting fuckin greedy these days.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Literally The Worst posted:

if it was cut with laxative maybe id get the shits and lose some weight like every other cokehead

Oh no worries, it'll take care of that weight problem whether you like it or not.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

mormonpartyboat posted:

You need a premium account to see this message

lol gently caress this gay website i cant even see my own links without premium

lol poors if you can't read that then you deffo made a bad decision picking SC.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Has anyone conducted a health and wellness check on Octopode recently? :ohdear:

I've seen him pop in elsewhere recently.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Romes128 posted:

Not really but ok.

Do you just not like it a certain way, or do you like hate it twenty pho seven?

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Lol you suck

*edit* Hey for real though, do your students know that a buncha other fat nerds fake beat you up online for your fake lunch money and then kick you outta things?

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Darkpriest667 posted:

I bet your PDAS appraisals are poo poo. Mine are stellar. I love my job, I love my district, and I am revered in my school by students and staff alike. I give a poo poo about kids and their future. I'm sorry you have a stick up your rear end. I hope you get that treated.

and before every school day everyone claps as a bald eagle lands on my erect penis.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Fish Fry Andy posted:

It's okay.

I guess they are having serious problems with people here crossposting in their thread. They're really on the look out for goons or Derek Smart showing up, and also are very concerned that their guild is secretly run by a cabal of secret goons or something.

Not pictured: their reaction to the Smarties gang tag.

Don't they know Kong is a 4chan clan?

and how the hell does anon not wrap their heads around a leaderless setup?

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

grimcreaper posted:

Easy, even the 4chan retards have a pecking order. Its not like they have the innate goonability to just gently caress everything up with a hivemind.

The goons are like that movie "The Beach" with Leo in it.

We're a buncha fuckin weirdos who find a pristine beautiful place and proceed to build some dumb poo poo on it and exist uneasily with the drug cartels on the same island (pubbies).

Just like the movie people end up just taking up things if they want to. Need a guy who gut fish? Someone will gut fish. Need someone to figure out what we're gonna do next?
Some neckbeard will take care of that. Just like that movie we also eventually gently caress everything up and eat our own.

Also like that movie we were only relevant around the early 2000s.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

SneakyFrog posted:

tell me you have used that analogy for goons before...
or have you been hanging onto that extremely accurate analogy waiting for the time when it was most needed?

I haven't.

Was just staring into the distance at work wondering what had become of my life and dreams and that little bright eyed 10 year old boy when I thought of Leonardo DiCaprio like I tend to do.

Plus I kinda really like that movie.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

The only thing more insubstantial than SC is Leo's loving OSCAR

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Michaellaneous posted:

As a developer my company does not exactly pay me for "Shitposting on SA" simply because I don't write it on my monthly hourly report.

I dunno what you mean man, my last design just took me a little longer to lay groundwork on than usual. Weird.

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy
"Sunk Cost + Cognitive Dissonance = rear end-Clowns" - Internet Warlord math lessons

Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

mormonpartyboat posted:

/scg/ is like the gamefaqs forums' secret deadjournal

I like to imagine it's full of those dumbos on Gamefaqs who have like Sun Tzu quotes in their "sigs" while getting clearly angry answering questions about Barbie's Horse Adventure.

D_Smart posted:

Also, the Line Of Defense Tactics game which takes it's underlying story line from one of the comics, just passed final XBox One certification and goes on sale in early December. You bastards better buy it. I have to keep paying for avatars here goddamnit!!

Oh. Well if it's coming out on XBone I might get in on it. I like combining my questionable decisions.

Shala fucked around with this message at 20:16 on Oct 27, 2015


Oct 15, 2006

i shot the pilot

Lipstick Apathy

Madcosby posted:

im greek and the recipes posted all read as Better Homes and Garden versions of traditional recipes

Since you're Greek I'm 100% sure you have a restaurant that's not doing so well and you refuse to hear why.

  • Locked thread