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  • Locked thread
Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Eonwe posted:

here is some pho i had, it was 'dirty' pho which means they seared the meat instead of putting it in raw

p good

so this place is like a vietnamese-american fusion restaurant i guess you could say

thought you were still posting cats for a second.


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Jegan Ace posted:

I would like for CIG to spend the remaining 90 million USD (or 4 bucks) on legal fees to fight a long, drawn-out legal battle with people from the internet.

id much rather see cr cut and run with most of the money with no game released and cultists start with the mass suicides.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Decrepus posted:

Please remove this because this is the type of poo poo that gets threads closed, tia.

the other threads are still open.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Cheatum the Evil Midget posted:

The broth freezes really well, a full size pho bowl is about 600ml worth. Halving the amounts should get you about 4 big bowls worth.

nobody cares about your soup bro

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Has anyone conducted a health and wellness check on Octopode recently? :ohdear:

He's busy studying innernet law so he can help the cig cause defend itself from our Lord of war derek smarte

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Eonwe posted:

hey reddit on something awful having an av bought for you is definitely a mark of shame and not something a lot of people are proud of considering they got some idiot on the internet angry enough to spend money on them

please dont buy us avatars

7 years without an avatar

u mad?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

TubeStank posted:

I care I plan on making the soup this weekend.

Pho is good my dude

Not really but ok.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
guys please stop ganging up on me about your chinese soup.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Ravane posted:

Pictured: Redditor defending Star Shitizen, while making GBS threads on Elite.

But how can anyone call a game lovely while simulatenously spending 100 hours on it? I have never spent that much time on any game, much less a game I hate!

That's like saying you sucked 100 dicks but you're not a fan of sucking dicks.

Also the fact redditors are spending more money on jpegs for avatar changes is loving hilarious.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Eonwe posted:

im goku and im going to channel all the frustration about star citizen in the universe into a spirit bomb to power the something awful dot com servers

wish me luck

have my energy


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Eonwe posted:

everyone give me either a



stay safe poverty ghost



........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Can I just give you money and hope it eventually comes out?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

I think you mean hercule

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Derek where's the blog post

I need it like wulf needs to stop sending dick picks to people

Or like sc backers needs to stop spending money on stupid poo poo like jpegs or smaller forum jpegs

Or like Chris roberts needs coke and a pegging

One of those.

I just want the blog post.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Decrepus posted:

Imagine living in a world where you'd spend your own money, that you could use to buy a Whopper(tm) for yourself or a Supersoaker(tm) for your kid, in a contest with a stranger over the internet who you don't know over a videogame that doesn't exist.

not mad doe

i think he means jpegs, smaller jpegs

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Shrinkage posted:

wow, you guys care a lot about games huh

no i just like to laugh at stupid people

lol @ you.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
gonna play some elite dangerous, a real space game where i get to shoot stuff and travel around the galaxy

u jealous redditors?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Booourns posted:

Is it even possible for someone to be more full of themselves?
Fake Edit: oh wow I just saw the OP jesus christ, is this a star citizen thread or a derek smart thread?

did you just read the first post then decide to complain like a bitch?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Szcwczuk posted:

Yeah this new thread is basically just a "watch d smart stroke his ego 14 times a page".

oh look its the no fun police

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

drat Dirty Ape posted:

Arm the scat pistol!

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
wheres the blog post derek

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

SquirrelGrip posted:

pls go find the ISIS POSSE at their space station

where is it?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Darkpriest667 posted:


They do realize that the lawsuit goes live in 5 days right? As soon as it clears legal.

is that you in your av?

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

D_Smart posted:

Still waiting for my slacker attorney to clear it for public release. They've already made me change a bunch of poo poo, verify others etc.

ok thank you for the update

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

D_Smart posted:

Oh please. Don't tools would rather spend money on lovely JPEG ships for a vaporware game.

i didnt know line of defense sold jpegs.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe
i'm reading the reviews for LOD and you can almost taste the reddit tears.

they're so mad at derek smart its amazing.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Darkpriest667 posted:

Not quite hypocrite. I was simply making a joke which was not received well and then when I was in the middle of explaining with a preparation to apologize I was being talked over. When I realized I was dealing with child like maturity. I excused myself since it was time for me to go work out.

Just because Dick Wulf harassed you and your friend doesn't give you permission to be an rear end in a top hat. It's sad that it happened but it's not a license to be a shithead.

As for me not having tact and being an educator? I at least let people finish their sentences before talking over them with bullshit. This is SA not the loving Region ESC where I am dealing with professionals or my students.

I am a dork? Absolutely. I don't really have fucks to give about it. I don't spend my freetime at conventions for games that don't exist and I sure as hell don't spend 1000s of dollars on JPEGS. If you go back and check I've absolutely admitted to spending 182 which I don't need a refund for because I basically expected that money to be flushed down the toilet I made a bet and lost.. At this point I am here for the tears of redditors, dick wulf, and the brown sea at the expense of Derek Smart's retainer lawyers. So far money well spent CARRY ON GOONS :D

Beer and Eowne still the best two goons.


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Darkpriest667 posted:

I bet your PDAS appraisals are poo poo. Mine are stellar. I love my job, I love my district, and I am revered in my school by students and staff alike. I give a poo poo about kids and their future. I'm sorry you have a stick up your rear end. I hope you get that treated.

too bad you cant treat ugly bro


thats an unfortunate face.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

thatguy posted:

Every time Darkpriest or 3 make a post about teaching I will write another parody verse of Geto Boys - Still.

harsh punishment dude.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Jegan Ace posted:

Unless you're one of those 20,000 USD pledgers that were risking their marriages for JPEGs, losing a couple of bills for the greatest shitshow of drama and incompetence ever is worth the ticket price.

yea but i get to enjoy it for free soooooooooooooo

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

SquirrelGrip posted:

yes and i for one am disgusted at this turn of events

im doing some bounties around goonspace

i'll try to head over there to see if there's any citizens i can say hi to.

i dont expect many people are on the xbone though.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Ursine Catastrophe posted:


no seriously, this is the all-time top posts of r/starcitizen


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

DreadLlama posted:

On chargebacks:

It is most efficient to state generic reasons for requesting a refund. However the part of my brain which is neither calculating or efficient, is offended.

I could state,

"Hey I don't follow your game too closely. I pledged/donated back in the LTI stage because I figured 2X(Freelancer 2 MSRB) seemed alright. But now I have learned that you are singling out a group of internet people of whom I am fond and treating them unfairly. This is why I would like a refund."

and if the 'internet minority' consisted of sexual deviants or racial minorities that would make it A Big Deal but because we're just a bunch of shitposters it's alright.

At this point I feel that if there ever is a Persistent Universe, it will not be run in an impartial manner. I predict something between pre-CSM EVE (ca. 2006) and "roommate's CS server".

I'd say at this point don't even request a refund anymore and just initiate a chargeback wuth your bank cause they're delaying refunds and it gets their merchant services involved.

All you have to do is tell your credit card company or bank they never provided a product or service which you ordered. Burden of proof falls on cig to show that they did, which they obviously can't and they'll automatically lose the chargeback case.

You get your money back, and they'll eventually get flagged by their own banks.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

EvilJoven posted:

A goon I play games that actually exist with summarized the SC drama and said that part of it was the wife of the owner has a problem with pubic hair? Someone clarify this, please. It sounds too funny to be true.

One of the Escapist sources said sandi commented on a potential hire saying she looked like she had a hairy cooter

Apparently there's a video of sandi acting like a douche but they won't release it.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Agrajag posted:

how can anyone not look at this and think the game will be poo poo? literally a loving dark blob with some red accents and the helmet i dont even know

I'd like to point out that it seems physically impossible to like bend over or kneel down in that stupid as gently caress looking armor.

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Like yo dude where is your wrist

How are you this fat

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

Hammerstein posted:

The mask is there to prevent this manblob from packing the girl between two slices of bread and swallow her whole.

What's funny is his arms don't look long enough to put on or take off a helmet

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

D_Smart posted:

So our new contender for my WIP blog (latest PDF export) on the abusive White Knights in the Star Citizen community, is Nick Butler (that's him in the wheelchair) aka /user/NitroTypat/ aka @Bipii_4084.

If you look at his Reddit and Twitter feeds (1, 2, 3, 4), he is one of my top harassers (I'm rounding them all up like cattle, for the blog, then I'm going to link to all their social media feeds).

Hey Nick, if you don't knock it off, I'm going to have my people get in touch with your Dad in Virginia and let him know you're harassing people online. No further warnings. Go play a game or something.

Dereks a blood cause he hates the crips

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

That's probably the only good thing I've seen coming out of Star citizen

Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

botany posted:

its hosed up because this whole thing is literally two mentally disabled people pissing on each others shoes in turn and then feeling smug about it. hope this helps your process of understanding.

I believe the term is retarded.


Dec 28, 2008

Fun Shoe

BigMouthSingers posted:

Maybe give this guy a pass? He might just have a reason to be angry at the world

No. Don't.

I want to know how far derek is willing to go.

  • Locked thread