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Feb 13, 2011

Space court for kimsemses


Feb 13, 2011

In other words, welcome to the forums.

Feb 13, 2011

Karl_Ramseier posted:

*looks at the last 250 pages of the last SC thread*
*looks at the OP of the new SC thread*

well, I don't know if this whole cult thing is just projection of some sort.


Feb 13, 2011

I'm glad reddit is willing to foot the bill to keep this dumb forum alive and relevant.

This thread's the best.

Feb 13, 2011

So I'm guessing r/starcitizen took friendly fire from that random redditor's imgur autoreporting bot then?

Feb 13, 2011


Have fun and take care of yourselves out there, reddit.


Feb 13, 2011

Vire posted:

Pretty much someone used it on all the images in this thread not realising most of it was their own images. We know it was them who did it because they took down cooking images in this thread that had nothing to do with star citizen as well.


This is like some bugs bunny bullfight nonsense.

It looks like they stopped when they realized what was going on, though.

Feb 13, 2011

I do feel kinda bad that a bunch of r/starcitizen redditors got hit by the guy mass-reporting all of the pics in this thread.

Still funny though.

Feb 13, 2011

Feb 13, 2011

Let's see if that one gets taken down, a couple of gifs from a few pages back disappeared.

Feb 13, 2011

Pogue Ma Hoon posted:

What bot is this now?

Some redditor wrote a bot that reported pics in the SC threads to get them autoremoved from imgur.

Some of the pics that were taken were actually reposted from r/starcitizen's top pages of all time. You can imagine the reaction.

Feb 13, 2011

The RPS article was the most even-handed and neutral you could possibly be about Star Citizen.

Feb 13, 2011

They'll just crowdfund Dsmart's avatar changes. If just one random person on the internet chips in :10bux: to change his avatar but a different person foots the bill when he changes it back, we can keep the forums online Derek might get bored eventually and let an av stick we can keep the forums online

Feb 13, 2011

Like if you wanted us to sympathize with the people you're going after, Dsmart, it's working.

Feb 13, 2011

The kid's a cripple.

Life sued him and he lost. This on top of the fact that CIG's been stealing his lunch money while pretending to be his friend.

Feb 13, 2011

This Nitro kid is already owning himself hard enough, just look at his twitter history.

Feb 13, 2011

I'm one of the people who's not cool with this cripple hunt, but even I could see that more people were actually making fun of dsmart over it rather than egging him on.

Up until everyone decided to team up and make fun of Amethyst instead. So, grand job.

Feb 13, 2011

Dsmart egotrippin aside, I still think it's really funny that Karl Rumsmeier guy comes in here once a day to basically drive-by-tough-guy at him.

Feb 13, 2011

Mirificus posted:

Their style of posting is amazingly similar to Matilda2013's.

I have no idea if they're the same person or not, I just thought it was hilarious that Karl_Ramsmeier or whoever they are in the SC community thinks it's a good idea to proudly and publicly threaten dsmart's kids by threatening to release info about them from dsmart's parental petition.

This right after the thread got done saying shame on you Derek for name-and-shaming some dumb rear end in a top hat with muscular dystrophy.

Feb 13, 2011

I'm the redditors deeply offended by a silly photoshop forums meme.

Feb 13, 2011

If Derek Smart is Don Quixote and CIG is a windmill, then Karl Rumsemer is an proportionately smaller Don Quixote tilting at a Dsmart-sized windmill. Maybe at a miniature golf course.

The Mini-Me of internet jousting.

Feb 13, 2011

ah yes but you see


Feb 13, 2011

Im_drunk posted:


Feb 13, 2011

It's like when the Brits were trying to crack the Enigma code in WW2 with clever puzzle-solvers and riddle-minded dudes, only to realize that no, none of that poo poo matters and it's all just boring math.

Feb 13, 2011

A lot of people have posted on reddit and twitter that they've been doubling down on their pledges since dsmart threw his hat into the ring. He's galvanized a lot of people to sink their sunk costs even further.

Feb 13, 2011

I have no opinions on Sandi's appearance, her relationship with Chris Roberts, or her personal ambitions. I have no opinions on Ben Lesnick's appearance either and my condolences go out to anybody out there struggling with weight loss.

Feb 13, 2011

That said,

Feb 13, 2011

SirPhoebos posted:

Wait, is he by any chance related to James Nguyen of Birdemic fame?

Nguyen is like the Smith or the Jones of the Vietnamese surnames list.

Feb 13, 2011

AP posted:

Yeah, each new day brings more stupid, the petition didn't seem to help, there's at least 2,592 of them out there.


I realized Karl/Raess20XX used their real facebook account to comment on this.

Runa fucked around with this message at 05:21 on Nov 3, 2015

Feb 13, 2011

And I've edited my comment and quote to protect the identity of this complete idiot and also rear end in a top hat.

Feb 13, 2011

Nevermind that Raess20XX has been shown to act maliciously in attempting to get a VC's private investment stake seized while making spurious claims about them, among other people.

Feb 13, 2011

Jegan Ace posted:

It definitely couldn't be because he might be a hack fraud that is sending up all of his dickriders in this thread.

I believe he does this because his crusade is just and pure to bring down Croberts and his ilk.

It's not that it's cool to hate on Fallout 4 it's just that everyone kind of already knows Bethesda's style of game, and since Witcher 3 just sort of strolled in and dunked on every other open world WRPG out there some people have higher standards now.

Feb 13, 2011

I'm not going to say I'm a fan of Derek Smart but, like a lot of people posting in the thread, I honestly just consider him to be just another guy poking fun at the shitshow.

That and he adds to the entertainment sometimes.

Jegan Ace posted:

I liked the Witcher 3 (except the clunky, awful combat controls), but since nobody has played Fallout 4 yet, I believe Bethesda deserves the benefit of the doubt.

I mean I'll probably give it a shot myself, but the recent gameplay video leak showed that I probably shouldn't expect much besides a slightly streamlined Fallout 3 plus a town editor. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's more than that, but Bethesda has a handful of mile-wide-inch-deep games under their belt so any bar they're trying to clear was one they set themselves.

That town editor stuff might be fun if it's sufficiently crunchy and with a nontrivial interaction with the rest of the game world. If it's just a tacked on mini-system like, say, every non-core gameplay element in any Assassin's Creed game then that'll be disappointing.

Feb 13, 2011

Please stop making fun of peoples' Legals, my Legal may have passed away several months ago but her absence is still keenly felt.

Feb 13, 2011

She was a Sheltie.

Feb 13, 2011

Oh my god this idiot is for real.

Feb 13, 2011

Unfunny Poster posted:

The irony of Karl saying that Bootcha is an idiot for helping out with random poo poo after investing money into CIG while Karl paid $10 to defend said project on an irrelevant comedy forum.

Like it's pretty fuckin clear that Bootcha, at one point, really believed in Chris Roberts and the Star Citizen project. The fact that he's been burned so thoroughly, and backstabbed by backers, not investors like him, but backers is honestly pretty sad and indicative of the quality of the community they've built up around SC.

Besides, what are the odds that Karl and Raess are two completely different German auditors who behave like assholes in the same way with the same opinions on everything? Because I want to believe that this is in fact two identical crazy assholes and not one delusional one. Or that this is a long con and someone just wants to take that extra step to make Raess2014/2015 look like a complete imbecile on the internet.

Feb 13, 2011

Like, thanks for the money Karl, whoever you are.

You crazy diamond you.

Feb 13, 2011

But seriously it's pretty obvious that Karl's trying to get Bootcha to break NDA and is angling for any way to do get him to do that.

This is a person that literally wants to see someone else lose thousands of dollars out of sheer malice. Not like a bunch of chucklefucks watching CR scam people and laughing at them while warning people not to trust him, he's in this to actively and maliciously harm someone financially because they criticized a theoretical videogame he preordered.

Just like Raess2014, come to think of it.


Feb 13, 2011

He's proven himself to be a morally worse person than he even considers Derek Smart to be so gently caress'im.

Like, everyone knows Derek Smart is a blowhard who lives up to his reputation, but when you set that aside he's still a better person than this Karl_Ramsmeier guy. And Raess2014/2015. And whoever matilda2013 is, whose name clearly predates Raess2014 by a year but oh no though they're also on a crusade against all of CIG's critics they're certainly not the same guy as those other two identical German assholes trying to "destroy" Bootcha, heavens that would be absurd.

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