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Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 02:08 on Oct 26, 2015


Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Imaginary Friend posted:

So.. let me get this straight;

Angry disillusioned racist space nerds following a pube-hating b-actress who's secretly married to a washed out space game developer from the 90's that sells dreams in jpeg-format with Gary Oldman's face on them while laundering money through horse racing with the Swedish mafia and a guy named Fat Steve start an internet war with another Space Game developer that proceeds by threatening to sue everybody while leaking letters made by people who work at a company that dislikes everybody with a Something Awful account, pubes and a mind of their own.. also food recipes and funny gifs of broken space physics.


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Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

WTF are we looking at here?

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

very fleek

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Iron Tusk posted:

7 days to lawsuit day everyone!

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

EminusSleepus posted:

there is something similar to all of these pictures

makes you think of who might be behind ppl leaving.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Jegan Ace posted:

Unless you're one of those 20,000 USD pledgers that were risking their marriages for JPEGs, losing a couple of bills for the greatest shitshow of drama and incompetence ever is worth the ticket price.

it shouldnt take that long. I know ppl who have gotten their refund in little over a weeks time from the initial ticket and now have already spent their money on other games.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Ravane posted:

Goons might be good at shitposting, but redditors are great at posting poo poo! :smuggo:

I see what you did there <_<

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

This isnt a video, its a work of art. :coolspot:

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

spacetoaster posted:

Whichever of you goons did these, you need to do more.


Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Goons rush in where Angels fear to tread :devil:

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer
Total immersion.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer
ppl pay large sums of money so they can do sht like this.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

D_Smart posted:

So our new contender for my WIP blog (latest PDF export) on the abusive White Knights in the Star Citizen community, is Nick Butler (that's him in the wheelchair) aka /user/NitroTypat/ aka @Bipii_4084.

If you look at his Reddit and Twitter feeds (1, 2, 3, 4), he is one of my top harassers (I'm rounding them all up like cattle, for the blog, then I'm going to link to all their social media feeds).

Hey Nick, if you don't knock it off, I'm going to have my people get in touch with your Dad in Virginia and let him know you're harassing people online. No further warnings. Go play a game or something.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Jst0rm posted:

Derek please leave people with horrible genetic disfigurements alone.

I dont know. It appears that being an online troll is an equal opportunity profession. heh

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer
If we asked Derek to stop outting spreddit posters everytime we found out that they have a handicap, he woulndt have anyone to call out.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

pftc posted:

loving Chris Roberts is using this handicapped kids money for coke

His father is going to be pissed when he sees the credit card bill

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

pftc posted:

"I'm not in this because of Star Citizen anymore, I'm in this because he spends his days harassing people and getting away with it"
"I'm not going to let the biggest dick of them all push around the people I call friends."

Herein lies the problem. they dont give a rats rear end about Star Citizen anymore. All they care about is their cult.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 02:05 on Oct 28, 2015

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

joats posted:

Here are some birds

haha nice

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

lol, I think you should have put the wheelchair in the fire :D

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

:vince: ROFLMAO

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Derek must have scared the fk out of him.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

pftc posted:

If someone was pouring bleach all over a crime scene, I would assume that means they're guilty right?

I mean who else knows the star citizen subreddit better than he does? He hates Derek Smart with a burning passion.

He is def covering for something in the face of legal threats...

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer
dolvak is out

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 05:28 on Oct 28, 2015

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

PoopinClumpin posted:

I got banned from the Star Citizen forums because I had "poop" in my forum username. (I'm not joking)

Edit: I had never posted there, this means someone actually went down the list of Goons on the forum there and looked for stuff to complain about.

The great purge continues.

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

PoopinClumpin posted:

**Furiously clicking REPORT button** "Whoa this one has a nickname "PoopinClumpin"! That's got "poop" in it and I'm sure that's a loose violation of some sort of rule and if it isn't they'll just make a rule about poop" Meanwhile there's CIG forum users with actual vulgarities in their nicknames that post openly and without problems. Anyway, I changed it to Hambeezy after they lifted the ban.

I went through a similar thing when Ben, Will and Boraxx went on a forum Crusade to spread their faith a while back.

Interestingly, this is Bens organization name:

After I called him out on it, he hid it under the "redacted" option in his profile.

I guess its okay have a name after something that comes out of your rear end only if you are the community manager

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

sincx posted:

I hate his rotund face. Why are fat people invariably the most annoying?

heh :D

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Unfunny Poster posted:

Why are the white knights wearing black?

I cant explain everything a cult does. It makes no sense.

Same reason this guy wears black?

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 07:05 on Oct 28, 2015

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer
Contrary to what Dolvak stated earlier, he decided to interject himself in the drama again and delete my definition of "cult-sperg" on spreddit, heh. So, I have to immortalized it in a graphic.

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 13:43 on Oct 28, 2015

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu posted:

Contrary to what Dolvak stated earlier, he decided to interject himself in the drama again and delete my definition of "cult-sperg" on spreddit, heh. So, I have to immortalized it in a graphic.

Decrepus posted:

Whoa did you know this applies to Star Citizen as well?

Heh, I imagine it could apply to a lot of things :)

Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Hopper posted:

Just because it breaks all the tables, doesn't mean you showing us the official emblem of Star Citizen's secret task force, the SS Sandi's Shavers is a major leak.
This was obvious for a while. Next up is the Sale of the new dogfighting ship aka the "Smoothmaker".

Smoothmaker concept art already released.


Amun Khonsu
Sep 15, 2012

wtf did he just say?
Grimey Drawer

Amun Khonsu fucked around with this message at 14:16 on Oct 28, 2015

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