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Jun 23, 2013

Raskolnikov posted:

Hey the PS1 GitS game wasn't too terrible! (I actually really enjoyed it.)

Having only watched the film at the time I didn't understand what the gently caress those little red robots were or why I should care but other than that yeah, fun little game.


Jun 23, 2013

AP posted:

Wow, Dickwulf sounds totally broken, I actually feel sorry for him.

lol internet puppetmaster 'no I've been in control the whole time you fools! Gahahaha!'

I read his post then pictured his face and it's amazing how well the two things fit together.

kordansk posted:

If this were mafia, that is moving the goalposts, and also a bunch of scumtells. He would be absolutely lovely at playing as scum.

Sure, in normal mafia, but they're playing the Swedish variant.

Nickiepoo fucked around with this message at 10:28 on Oct 26, 2015

Jun 23, 2013

Gwaihir posted:

Any time you see the words "Procedurally generated" you can just mentally sub in "Boring and really loving generic" and be completely right 99.99% of the time.

(I'm not actually certain of a procedurally generated system that results in cool and interesting stuff but I'm sure at least one must be out there somewhere).

I wanted to argue with this but I literally couldn't think of a single one. Closest is stuff like FTL but that's really just 'open the door and see which designed encounter you get'.

Jun 23, 2013

wyoak posted:

FTL's encounters aren't designed (beyond the boss), there's a random set of weapons/defenses/etc that opponents draw from which fits the definition of procedurally generated pretty well. Roguelikes use procedural generation if you're into that sort of thing. Left 4 Dead was pretty fun. The Civ series has always used it well, same with XCom. But yeah the core gameplay has to be fun.

I was thinking more in terms of the nature of encounters rather than the badguys themselves, i.e 'you meet a bandit!' 'You meet some space poors who want money' ect ect but you're not wrong. There's the argument that that's just a veneer of randomisation within a fairly strict set of rules (such as no more than 2 shields in the starting system) but I guess that depends on where you draw the line.

Jun 23, 2013

Incombibulator posted:

Somebody been reporting their jpgz?
Pffffrttttt. :ironicat:

LivewareFailure [score hidden] 13 minutes ago
He is a bully and what he does is pathetic. But we can always put up new JPEG and if he and his GamerGate and Goon followers want to waste their time..


Jun 23, 2013

Jun 23, 2013
Being mocked for bad opinions =/= getting banned.

Being a buttcoin pedo does though.

Jun 23, 2013

2DCAT posted:

Dr. Smart - Pledge money to Richard Garriott too, then threaten to sue him so that I can get a refund.

lol doublescammed.

Fool me once........

Jun 23, 2013

loving bravo.

Jun 23, 2013
I just looked up LoD tactics in the android store and most of the top reviews are all saying 'This game is fun but wtf you have to pay for it?!'

I mean, what. It's like reverse Star Citizen, not wanting to pay for a game you actually played.

But yeah, I'll give this a try.

Jun 23, 2013

pftc posted:

I ran his twitter through a social media boopity booper.

Tweeted at Derek Smart 93 times since September 1st 2015.

Hahahaha, twice a day for the last two months, christ.

Well it's not like he can go and play outside I guess :(

Jun 23, 2013

Fish Fry Andy posted:

It's possible for both sides of an issue to be very uncool.

Derek Smart = Space Israel?

Jun 23, 2013


'Nitro ‏@NitroTypat 1 hr1 hour ago
We really gonna do this @dsmart? Cause I don't even have to fight this battle.'

When has going 'come at me bro!' to Smart ever been a good idea honestly. I mean, I get that this dude wants to be an internet warrior for SCs honour but there has to be something better to do with your time than bait litigation for reddit cool-points.

Still pretty funny though!

Hope you don't get rekt kid!

Jun 23, 2013

Fish Fry Andy posted:

Hmmm I'm glad he read through this entire thread, now knows that Derek Smart wants to sue him over jpegs and is still like "yeah this is entirely worth my time."

D_Smart call the dad.

I'm no internet lawyer but if this kid is actually opening his arsehole up for a law-loving then calling the dad would actually be the cool option.

Because we all know that just ignoring it isn't a possibility given the parties in question.

Jun 23, 2013

Strategic Tea posted:

Surely you can see Smart's pursuit of total nobodies (and this thread's gleeful support for it)

Not really seeing this part actually.

Jun 23, 2013
I was thinking of putting the wheelchair line into the Oldman speech but that means I'd have to actually watch it again and I don't wanna.

Jun 23, 2013

Mirificus posted:

Reddit, what are some red flags you saw but ignored? Do you regret that decision? posted:
When you're the only one trying to repair a relationship and they've obviously cashed out.

When someone has wronged you and doesn't do anything to make up for it or try and fix things.

When someone lies and misleads you and leads you on.

When you already turned your back on them because they weren't there for you, but you give it another go because you love them.

When this has all happened before but each time you think it will be different, that they'll be different.

When you let all this happen because you don't have anyone else.

People will die over this game.

Jun 23, 2013

Randarkman posted:

So any new star citizen stuff on the horizon? A presentation or anything? Ship sale? Release (lol)?

Every time something happens its gold. Also did croberts sue the escapist?

That's him in the wheelchair.

Jun 23, 2013
I get it when people are 18-20 and want to pick a bone with the whole world, but at what point is it just sad that you're inventing internet bogeymen 'armies' to wage virtual wars against?

I mean, goons are morons but treating them, collectively, like an actual threat to anything except your e-honour :shrug:

Jun 23, 2013

Tortolia posted:

They are people who have allowed their status as SC backers to become a core focal point of their identity.

It must be nice believing in something so hard that you become a hooting idiot on the internet and lose all sense of perspective.

Tortolia posted:


Jun 23, 2013

SneakyFrog posted:

the content of the game..

Forum wars ARE the game.

Jun 23, 2013

SneakyFrog posted:

so.. technically we are star citizening?


Frothing pubbies screaming vengence, legal threats, stupid videos, 'goons cheat/hack/exploit! Ban all goons!', goons banned, weirdly specific memes being run into the ground, goon infighting, our own shitposting celebrity. Goons ruining everything.

The lack of game hasn't actually changed the experience at all.

Jun 23, 2013

Dongattack posted:

What's that giant tl:Dr text dump with gamergate pictures in it?

That's Chris Roberts responding to people being mean about his cash-cow iirc.

Jun 23, 2013

Decrepus posted:

Why would you spent more than 100 dollars on something you can't even ejaculate to? lol

Go to the RSI forums and tell me that it isn't full of people jacking off over spaceships (and each other).

Jun 23, 2013

SneakyFrog posted:

me too.. the idea of a bunch of roleplaying vampires just seemed like a great thing to crash a clown car into.

One of the old Vampire games, Redemption, had online roleplaying/DM modes and yeah, it was pretty much infinite amounts of fun loving with people trying to take the whole thing seriously.

Jun 23, 2013
It's been said before but lol @ the exceptional amounts of lame required to stalk and shittalk someone who doesn't like your imaginary videogame.

I wonder though, if Sargent Smarty wasn't on the scene would all this pent up anger over the total lack of progress be getting directed towards Chris by now?

Having an easy hate figure is probably helping keep the faithful in their church for further self-owning after all.

Jun 23, 2013

Eonwe posted:

i almost did the gas emote but I remembered the rule that in games if you use it and the thread doesnt get gassed then you get a day probation

I just gassed my pants if that helps.

Jun 23, 2013
Add 'eat' to the Crusader Kings 2 diplomacy options and call it a day.

Jun 23, 2013

Unfunny Poster posted:

Gary wants to eat :gary:

Garry wanting to eat is probably the only reason he took this job.

Jun 23, 2013

ShredsYouSay posted:

He's making a list,
Legals checking it twice,
He's gonna sue folks against goony advice,
Derek Smart is burning, CIG down


Jun 23, 2013

Bob Loblaw posted:

Please tell me he doesn't have Parkinson's or is in an iron lung.

I'm actually with Derek on the whole 'having a physical disability isn't an excuse for being an online shitler' thing. I'm not sure how I feel about his actual reaction, but the thought process leading up to it is pretty cool in a 'treating people like people despite their disabilities' kind of way.

Okay, that's all, back to our regularly scheduled shitposting!

Jun 23, 2013

Eonwe posted:




Jun 23, 2013

Nemo2342 posted:

If your litigation boner lasts more than two weeks, please see a :gary: PAAAAAAAARP.

Fixed that for you :gary:

Jun 23, 2013

Hahahaah, if these came from a Reddit thread they'd all be laughing about it but this case it's all 'GOOOOOOOOONS!'.

Jun 23, 2013

alphabettitouretti posted:

Here we see redditor /u/ICStarzICstarz failing to comprehend a simple and commonplace saying. He gets a bit fucky about it.


I can almost guarantee you that this guy was scammed in Eve. If not then it's an impressive amount of impotent rage.

Also I feel like every post to an angry diehard should be ended with ~see you in the 'verse!~

Jun 23, 2013


EcstasisRear Admiral 1 point 12 minutes ago
You are a delightful example of the type of person that makes the Star Citizen community so approachable and DEFINITELY not a reason why outsiders like to make fun of Star Citizen fans.

Spot on, whoever that was.

Jun 23, 2013

AP posted:

I think even Octopode has a faint contempt for the vocal Star Citizen fanbase now, the active members become far more extreme since they feel they are under attack. Not helped obviously by terrible moderation on RSI and that horrible Star Citizen reddit.

Goonfear was still at max hysteria even when everyone here was still excited for the game so I'm thinking that some people are just special. Raging autists and space games do go hand in hand I guess.

i am harry posted:

Yeah "comedy at others' expense" is a dead giveaway

They were angry then about losing fake money in a real videogame and angry now over losing real money in a fake one.

Jun 23, 2013

Berious posted:

I know we throw around cult a lot but you'd think SC was a religion given how seriously shitizens take it

when people say notacult they're only half joking.

Jun 23, 2013
The 'Kamp Krusty' episode of The Simpsons aired in 1992 and yet here we all are living it out.


Jun 23, 2013

Agrajag posted:

no no no WE are the echo chamber, don't you get it? :gary: :gizz:

We are, it's just that the echo is constant laughing at this shitshow.

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