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Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
I'm not sure this thread can top the pure insanity of the old one.


Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
Jesus, this thread is even faster than the old one.
So I got my money refunded back. For those keeping track it came from Cloud Imperium Games Corporation. Took about three weeks from when I first asked.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Amun Khonsu posted:

ppl pay large sums of money so they can do sht like this.

It's in alpha! They don't even have the light inside yet! It'll be done when it's done!

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

pftc posted:

Can you PM me details?

Uh, no? Those are the salient details.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

peter gabriel posted:

I want the bank account sdetails

Oh pete you silver-tongued devil I missed you most of all.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

pftc posted:

I don't want your bank account. Pinky swear. You can blur out the sensitive stuff.

I just want to see what they said.

What the email exchanges? The majority of them were automated "Sorry we're totes busy making a vidya game" messages. The others were from Patrick and were word for word what everyone else reported.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

AP posted:

What's all this, got a link?

I too am confused by this.

e: NVM I know what he meant.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

SelenicMartian posted:

Ben's a placeholder.

He's a natural at it really.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Omi-Polari posted:

Ignore this post. Self-owning report bot test.

What bot is this now?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

T.G. Xarbala posted:

Some redditor wrote a bot that reported pics in the SC threads to get them autoremoved from imgur.

Some of the pics that were taken were actually reposted from r/starcitizen's top pages of all time. You can imagine the reaction.

Ahahahaha that is too perfect. Gonna look now.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
Do we know who unleashed the bot?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

SelenicMartian posted:

We only know that DickWulf has lost the gallery of his wolf plushie going to the con.

Then we all lose.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
I still don't understand the current sperg theory that we are trying to destroy the game and don't want it to come out. Of course we want it to come out. If loving with these nitwits is this fun on the internet imagine how much fun it will be in an actual game.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

OhDearGodNo posted:

They've created an organization called White Knights.

I don't think they understand what a White Knight is :psyduck:

What? Where?

Also who ever bought Derek's new av is a genius.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

G0RF posted:

"I happen to know he's the one in the wheelchair" --- Dolvak

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
:gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary: :gary:

Let me in on this PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARPtrain.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Did that guy do a metric ton of cocaine before making that video? Jesus.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Eonwe posted:

let me explain why, like bitcoin, this is fine and even actually a good thing

Does the answer in any way include :gary:PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARP?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Sarsapariller posted:

They are literally doing it right now:

Edit: Aw they stopped. How appropriate that the video of a man endlessly painting pictures is replaced by a splash screen that just says "SOON."

Uh, who's the chick in the tank top? Dayum.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Unfunny Poster posted:

What do they even talk about on these streams? They always seem to just talk about ships on sale or ships coming to their store, but never any gameplay or whatever to show off. :psyduck:

At some point they are going to just run out of poo poo to talk about. Unless they just rehash the old poo poo over and over again.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Unfunny Poster posted:

It's endorsed by Twitch because its in the Creative category. :colbert:

Also no one would ever report Bob Ross.

Who reports Bob Ross? :gary:

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Could you define what you mean by "ghost team" in your tweet? Like, a couple of customer service reps? A phone relay?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Paladinus posted:

Lowtax, show us the numbers. How much did this thread earn you?

Threaten him with the FTC!

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Unfunny Poster posted:

A PM from Derek Smart :swoon:

Dude your new av owns so hard.
e: aw crap, you lost it! :smith:

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Dan Didio posted:

Hm, interesting, but on another note, Kewpuh should gas this thread.

Just because it's about game that will probably never come out and has since devolved into multiple posts with a cgi Gary Oldman head going PAAAAAAAAAAARP?

Why do you hate freedom?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

If I were you I'd run with it. You didn't just kick a Coke machine, you tore it apart with your bare hands and threw it at those Take Two bastards' quivering forms.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

mormonpartyboat posted:

did I ever tell you about the time derek took me out to go get a drink with him? we go off looking for a bar and we can’t find one. finally, derek takes me into a vacant lot and says, "here we are!" well, we sat there for a year and a half, and sure enough, someone constructs a bar around us. the day they opened it, he ordered a coke, drank it, and then burnt the place to the ground. derek yelled over the roar of the flames, "always leave things the way you found them!"

There used to be a street called Derek Smart Avenue until he roundhouse kicked it into space because no one crosses Derek Smart.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

DarkRefreshment posted:

Puppies or GTFO

There's mine.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

A Neurotic Jew posted:

yet another thing Karl somebody has to rationalize to himself.

And Octopode whom I won't bother since he just got back from Pyongyang or something and needs his rest.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Whatever you say comrade.

DarkRefreshment posted:

And yes he wears bowties, bowties are cool

And to stay somewhat on topic

The bow tie is indeed adorable.


Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Decrepus posted:

lol if your dog's head doesn't have 14 texture maps

Uh, thanks?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Eonwe posted:

to all new people

SA is very simple

always keep the following emote in mind :justpost:

the only thing you have to think of is did you try really hard on the post or does it sound really smug or passive aggressive toward other goons for no reason

dont post that

but make the other posts

Also if you have good recipes.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Karl_Ramseier posted:

? Could you explain that?

You could rationalize it to us if you'd prefer.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

MeLKoR posted:

So, what's the hazing program for all these newcomers again? 20 posts in FYAD without getting banned? A report on the last couple of weeks of ADTRW?

They should definitely list all the PAAAAAARRPS they have.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Karl_Ramseier posted:

If you explain to me what I should rationalize... busy reading legal documents atm.

Do you guys think pretending to be married to someone and also posting pics of the person in question is punishable by law?

Divorce papers? Sorry.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

MeLKoR posted:

Is he one of those "turn the other cheek" ultra christians?

No, quite the opposite. Check his RSI org.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

spacetoaster posted:

Nope. He's one of those ultra religious atheists though. Oops! Forgive me! Atheist, with a capital A. Very serious stuff.

His type of atheism makes me cringe so hard. Is this how christians feel about those westboro baptist people?

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.
So today is the day right? Today is D-Day. Or D Smart Day. Whatever. They had tell today or something to do something or D Smart was going to do another thing. It's all so hazy now.

Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

Chalks posted:

Karl, seriously listen to this guy.

It doesn't mean you're saying the game won't come out or it won't be all you hoped it would be. Get your money out now, then if the game is the glorious success that you expect it to be, take all of that money and put it right back in. They have almost 100 million dollars, they don't need your money specifically so for your own sake get out now. Let the idiots with no risk awareness fund it then if it turns out to be a good game, everyone in this thread will be buying it and you can too. You won't miss out on anything besides the chance that you're going to lose all your money with nothing to show for it.

Get out dude, you're a goon now so it's time to start doing the intelligent thing.

I pretty much said this exact same thing on reddit and was downvoted. They have met their funding goals several times over;





Pogue Ma Hoon
Oct 17, 2013

I like a nice pair of slacks.

A Neurotic Jew posted:

you've plugged your radio show for like 4/5ths of every post you've ever made since you registered, and you only registered a month ago. That's pretty lovely posting, shittier than me even. hth.

I know, I've been here for two years and I haven't plugged my radio show once.

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