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Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
who farted


Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
star: the citizen online exchange

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
Deep in the shady sadness of a male
Far less extant than Elite: Dangerous,
Far from Rebel Galaxy, Eve Online,
Sat gray-hair'd Croberts, quiet as a stone,
Still as the dynamics of all his 'verse;
Pube on pube lay scattered about his desk
Blaz'nd Cloud Imperium. No solace,
Not so much life as on a big sale's day
Robs no more space bucks from the brown'd sea,
But whence the dead forum posts, there did they rest.
Ten bux went voiceless by, still deadened more
By reason of his fallen chairmanity
Throwing some shade: the Sandy 'mid her blacks
Press'd her MONEY hat closer to the cam.

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Bootcha posted:


I need pngs of cat heads in hats.

Military hats.

Silly hats.

Cowboy hats.

Any hats.

I need your cats with hats.



Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
You need a premium account to see this message

lol gently caress this gay website i cant even see my own links without premium

mormonpartyboat fucked around with this message at 01:22 on Oct 27, 2015

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Tomato Sauce:
4 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Cup finely chopped onions
4 Cups coarsely chopped (and not drained!) Italian plum tomatoes OR one 28 oz can
6 Tablespoons tomato paste or one 6 oz can
2 Tablespoons finely cut fresh or dried basil
2 Teaspoons sugar
1 Teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Using a 2 or 3 quart saucepan, heat the olive oil. Add onions and cook over moderate heat 7 or 8 minutes until soft but NOT brown. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, sugar, salt, and a few grindings of pepper. Reduce heat to low and simmer partially covered for 1 hour. Stir occasionally. Cool and refrigerate until ready to use. Place tomato sauce on low heat to re-warm before making filling.

2 Tablespoons olive oil
¼ Cup finely chopped onions
1 Teaspoon finely chopped garlic
¾ lb. fresh spinach, cooked, drained, squeezed and finely chopped OR a 10oz package frozen chopped spinach, defrosted, squeezed dry, and chopped again
2 Tablespoons butter
1 lb. Ground round steak
2 Chicken livers
5 Tablespoons freshly grated parmesan or romano cheese
2 Tablespoons heavy cream
2 Eggs, slightly beaten
½ Teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled
Freshly ground black pepper

Heat olive oil in skillet. Add onions and garlic. Cook over moderate heat for 7 or 8 minutes until soft but not browned. Stir in spinach and cook, stirring constantly, until excess moisture has boiled away and spinach sticks slightly to pan. Transfer to large mixing bowl. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in same skillet and lightly brown ground meat. Add to mixture in bowl. Melt 1 more tablespoon butter in skillet and cook livers until somewhat firm, lightly browned but still pink inside. Chop them coarsely, then add them to mixture in bowl along with 5 tablespoons cheese, 2 tablespoons cream, eggs and oregano. Mix ingredients together thoroughly. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Put aside while you cook noodles.

1 Box manicotti noodles

Cook manicotti noodles in large pot of boiling, salted water (about 4 at a time) until noodles are only beginning to soften. If you cook them too long stuffing them will suck. Rinse and drain. Pour a thin layer of the warm tomato sauce in 2 buttered 10x14 baking dishes. Stuff each noodle with filling and lay side by side over the sauce. Put to one side while you make cream sauce. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Cream Sauce:
4 Tablespoons butter
4 Tablespoons flour
1 Cup milk
1 Cup heavy cream
1 Teaspoon salt
1/8 Teaspoon white pepper

Melt butter in 3 quart saucepan. Remove pan from heat and stir in the flour. Pour the milk and cream in all at once, whisking constantly until flour is partially dissolved. Return pan to high heat and cook, stirring constantly with whisk. When sauce comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, still stirring, for 2 or 3 minutes longer or sauce is thick enough to coat the wires of the whisk heavily. Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper.

All Together Now:
Pour cream sauce over the top of stuffed noodles. Spoon the remaining tomato sauce on top. Scatter in 4 tablespoons grated cheese and dot with 2 tablespoons butter. Bake uncovered in middle of oven for 30 minutes until sauce is bubbling. Serve from baking dishes.


Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Eonwe posted:

hey reddit on something awful having an av bought for you is definitely a mark of shame and not something a lot of people are proud of considering they got some idiot on the internet angry enough to spend money on them

please dont buy us avatars

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
I've got this killer up inside of me
I can't talk to my mother, so I talk to D_Smart

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Shrinkage posted:

wow, you guys care a lot about games huh

what do """"""""""games"""""""""" have to do with star citizen, friend

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Booourns posted:

Is it even possible for someone to be more full of themselves?
Fake Edit: oh wow I just saw the OP jesus christ, is this a star citizen thread or a derek smart thread?

very carefully

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

AP posted:

4chan seems to be teamed up with reddit in defending the BDSSE.

it all comes back to fishing treaties, doesnt it

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
pump kinizen

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
more like borechan


Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
/scg/ is like the gamefaqs forums' secret deadjournal

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Justin Tyme posted:

A forum war in the year 2015, what a time to be alive

complete with wardialers and ascii art and the goatman

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

TheShazbot posted:

Is it bad that I find "no pubes allowed" and "I hate minorities" to be strangely attractive, or am I just a broken goon


Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
:yosbutt: :signings:

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Agrajag posted:

how can anyone not look at this and think the game will be poo poo? literally a loving dark blob with some red accents and the helmet i dont even know

why is the nose so low

is that bump actually for oldman lips

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

mormonpartyboat posted:

why is the nose so low

is that bump actually for oldman lips

it issssssss

D_Smart posted:

(that's him in the wheelchair)

definitely a phrase that needed to be posted

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

BigMouthSingers posted:

Maybe give this guy a pass? He might just have a reason to be angry at the world

i dunno, man, according to the picture derek linked he's like a prize winning robot or something

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

SquirrelGrip posted:

holy poo poo its pretty fitting that every time derek wants to gently caress with some rando redditor theres a legit handicap they have and people ask him to stop

im seeing a pattern here

we should stop reddit before they handicap all of our children

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

D_Smart posted:

Not sure why that's creepy.

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Cheatum the Evil Midget posted:

Derek smart wants to meet that dad

Think about your dad

Whats your dad like

Send derek your dad's phone number

derek showers with your dad simulator 2016

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
imagine all the lesnick
saying "obesity is a disease"

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

pftc posted:

That same kid would blow his "Make A Wish" on wishing Chris Roberts finishes Star Citizen.


imagine his smiling face when they wheel out the whole game

and derek would be there to tell him its just john cena in a mask

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

soon, you will be able to earn tempbux laboring in the baby pu mines

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

peter gabriel posted:

Bought a bass

dont drop it

or do drop it

or whatever the kids do these days

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Amethyst posted:

*photoshops the words "derek smart" onto the plane hitting the world trade center, and the words "STAR CITIZEN" onto the towers themselves*

Wait till the star shitizen goons get a load of this!

wait like "star citizen" on each tower or like "star" on one tower and "citizen" on the other

i'm not very immersed in this tale

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Chalks posted:

If Hitler was in a wheelchair we'd all be speaking German.

Ok guys I did it, the conversation has reached peak dumb we can all talk about something else.

ron paul 2012

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

Sarsapariller posted:

Oh I thought from the photo in the newspaper article that he was like 14. Disregard my posts I am an idiot

actually, he is a robot and ageless thanks to the blessings of the machine god

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene

WebDO posted:

Point of medical fact: Duchenne's, ALS, and Becker's have a natural history that precludes a normal average lifespan. For those that want to adjust their denominators.

paging seraph

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
wheelchair pacts

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
chris "the redeemer" roberts

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
In Switzerland they had brotherly love – and 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? That's him in the wheelchair.

Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that's him, in the wheelchair.


Jan 14, 2015

by Reene
"Ladies and gentlemen," said a voice that came from the radio receiver — a man's clear, calm, implacable voice, the kind of voice that had not been heard on the airwaves for years — "Mr. Thompson will not speak to you tonight. His time is up. I have taken it over. You were to hear a report on the world crisis. That is what you are going to hear.

For twelve years you've been asking "Who is John Galt?" That's him, in the wheelchair."

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