The hell is going on? Derek hasn't had a tweet in 17 hours. My F5 finger is getting tired. I have a full bag of popcorn over here going to waste
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 07:37 |
I said come in! posted:Just set a notification in Twitter to have the Twitter app on your phone notify you when he tweets. Thanks for the tip; clearly I don't Twitter. Derek is about the only reason I'm ever even on there (I don't even follow family).
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AP posted:APRIL 6TH 2013 Back SotA, Get a Crossbow in Star Citizen! http://store.steampowered.com/app/326160/ Shroud of the Avatar - Another game that was supposed to be out in 2014 and is still a no show. Coincidence that Chris Roberts was also in bed with another feature-creeping, underestimating, permanent pre-Alpha game?
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spacetoaster posted:Yeah but you can download and play SotA right now. There's towns and skeletons and stuff. True, but you can download SC at like 500TB (somewhat an exaggeration) and aimlessly blow up your go cart for fun and ....profit? Also spaceship-ish. To be fair, skeletons sound cooler, but they are still a year late.
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Sushi in Yiddish posted:No Man's Sky announced for June '16. Where will Star Citizen be at by that point? Did Chris Roberts move over to Hello Games? NMS = Simultaneous launch with SC = 2020 = Soon™
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ChairmanMauzer posted:Not in my experience. I've been waiting a month. Yep I just got the generic 'currently experiencing an unusually high load of tickets' (read: "refund requests") message. Confirmed I will get my refund 2 days before game launch in 2020
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Vire posted:At least they have the excuse of only having like 4 employees and aren't asking for donor money. True but who needs it with the ridiculous amount of money Sony made it rain on them for holding the game until Morpheus comes out ![]()
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Vire posted:Sounds like a sony problem not a consumer problem. Dunno why people would hold it against them it's not like it's their money. Sony is the one who is hyping it up way too much as well. It just seems like a neat little indie exploration game. Hey I'm all for a business making money (both Sony and Hello Games). Especially when it's not a crowd funded non-starter. But don't tickle my dick for over a year before it's released. And thus the circle back to Star Citizen has been achieved.
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Derek, Go put a foot up your legal team's collective asses. You owe us a blog and my popcorn is getting cold and it needs the tears of WKs to be delicious.
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This link from the RPS article... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/tnx5w5EwJw23lPYhHdlHs5g/htmlview There are 100 ships listed. 27 are in a full flyable state. So only about a fourth are actually usable right now. Yet more ships keep going on sale, ever increasing the backlog. This is what happens when there is no oversight. An "evil" publisher type role would step in at this point and smack everyone around. Hell, get 75% done (starting oldest first) before you add to the pile. I think it's indicative of the whole situation over there with the mismanagement. Not to mention a lot of those are variants of the same ship. So even that 27 number is inflated, because you can't tell me it is that hard to make a version of an existing model.
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SelenicMartian posted:Huh... ![]() Well that's that... we could get to page 9000 and nothing else can be seen in this thread that is more awesome/appalling
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Jst0rm posted:we can fit a few more in there before this is over. I've already used these images more than the jpgs I bought in the "concept' phase of SC Edit: Post needed more Gary ![]() ![]() ![]() DarkRefreshment fucked around with this message at 21:54 on Oct 27, 2015 |
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Obvious whale bait Edit: I'll take 3 if they come with LTI
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D_Smart posted:Wait! You're questioning the psychological integrity of the people who BUY JPEGS OF SHIPS FOR A GAME THAT DOES NOT EXIST!?!? Seriously? ![]() I mean to be fair, Derek, you and I both bought some jpegs for a game that didn't exist when we backed the kickstarter. As I'm sure a lot of other people here did too. But never mind, I will agree that all of our psychological integrity should be questioned ![]()
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I too support Donald Gorn for president
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D_Smart posted:Nope, not true. We backed a game. Now they're selling JPEG ships for said game. Big difference. Valid point. They were offering physical items back then too. My main reasoning to CIG in my refund request was the lack of delivery of the physical goods in addition to the game The Rear Admiral, which I believe is an awesome way to say Grand Butt Pirate, was supposed to include: - Spaceship shaped USB stick with the game and all digital elements - CD of game soundtrack - Fold-up glossy full color map of the game universe - Set of 5 Ship blueprints - 3-inch physical model of your in-game ship - Hardcover copy of 'The Making of Star Citizen' including loads of behind the scenes images and info Of course all i got was my "citizen card". To that refund request; I was told that the collectors boxes are in the process of being made and they will have it to me next year. And a direct quote: "They have been taking a little longer as there are thousands to make and it is a very complicated process." By little longer they mean a year after the estimated date. Don't tell me a factory in China couldn't knock out some collector's boxes in about a week. Obviously the delay in these are most of the art doesn't exist more or less a soundtrack. DarkRefreshment fucked around with this message at 19:12 on Oct 30, 2015 |
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Gwaihir posted:Hahahah, this is funny because it's likely to actually happen and be true. In before "Still created more jobs than Obama"
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Who needs a marketing department when a bunch of nerds can dream up their own poo poo? Luckily they don't need to list Space Farmer and Cocktail Mixer because that's already coming SOON™ https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3qs9g9/screw_aegis_we_need_our_drake_ships/ [–]DragonTHCGolden Ticket 8 points 16 hours ago My ideas: Drake Man-o-war, a pirating corvette. Smaller than a frigate. Heavily armed and armored. Drake Ketch, a ballistic gunboat. This is not a ship at all, but a trailer of ballistic guns made to tow behind Hull C. Drake Swivel. Made in secret from Xi'An technology, this ship is a ball turret around which multiple heavy guns rotate. Useful when you need to loiter in an area and just harass anything passing by. Drake Axe, a Boarding vessel made to carry troops and an armory. Drake Fang, a militia fighter. Smaller than a 300i, just as scrappy as a hornet. Formerly known as the Drake X-5. Didn't win the contract that Anvil did for the Hornet.
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https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/3qqlxn/new_to_star_citizen_and_want_to_understand_the/ In a nutshell - Please vote on how you would like us to take your money Edit: because I miss Gary ![]()
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RedTonic posted:Please post more cat jpegs while we wait for more blues to be shot. ![]() Puppies or GTFO
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Pogue Ma Hoon posted:
That's a mighty cute long faced dog. I have two others, possibly because I'm mentally insane and the wife and I don't have kids yet. ![]() ![]() And yes he wears bowties, bowties are cool And to stay somewhat on topic ![]() DarkRefreshment fucked around with this message at 21:26 on Oct 30, 2015 |
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Kakarot posted:not mine God drat that's cute furry as gently caress. Just like I like my women.
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Romes128 posted:I get to shoot people and do missions and crash into space stations trying to land. existing game > tech demo of all the cool stuff you can only wet dream at night about
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A Neurotic Jew posted:It is good when they shut down entire studios because that means they spend my money on more important stuff, like Mark Dance and Sandi's walk-in closet. Why stay in Austin when you can outsource to get all that cheap labor in LA.....
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Yeah this blog better come soon. I've not masturbated all day in anticipation and I have two towels ready so hurry up Derek :P![]()
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G0RF posted:
That's a lawsuit
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LCL-Dead posted:
loving amateur. I live in Atlanta, get on our humidity having rear end level. ![]()
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Lord_NeckBeard posted:I hope you recover legal bills out of all this, Dr. Smart. She's 35 according to IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1667407/ The years have been rough...
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Matlock Birthmark posted:And for only 1000$ pledged you too can spend 10 more dollars per shiny HID proxcard Put your ![]() In the comments the card is called a prototype and then go on to say that the actual card won't look like this ![]() What next? They show video footage from a cut-scene a year ago that isn't indicative of what will actually happen in the game and call it a sneak prev.... gently caress
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God drat these last two pages make my soul hurt. In a effort to move it along and a lack of good star citizen drama; I present a list of delicious things. 1: South Carolina mustard based BBQ 2: Sweet tea (namely from Publix) 3: Nachos from any where, ever Also ![]()
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Unbelievable. Next thing you know you are going to tell us there are connections between these asshats and real life mobsters... But for real, not knowing UK reporting laws, what kind of trouble can they get into for this and when? Moreover, if they actually do update it in accordance to the law, will it actually give away anything juicy??
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Sappo569 posted:You missed the best part, where Ben replies with 'By replacing I don't mean REPLACING...' So still fundamental design problems for a ship that has been in SUPER JPEG CONCEPT work since November 2012? Pardon me while I pick up my jaw from shock. ![]()
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Loiosh posted:Ah! Thank you, I had missed the history with this. I remember when it was revealed and then took one of my SC breaks. One ship...3 years of design and ...mulligan? I can't imagine why complicated things like a PU are taking so long. http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Cutlass_Black
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Loiosh posted:They kinda made a lot of changes after doing their first ship revisions. They had finished up the Hornet (v1), 300 series, Constellation, Freespacer and Aurora and then introduced the new deferred render (I'm guessing this was a rebase from CryEngine upstream). Then did PBR passes. Then the Hornet got changed over a few months (Hornet v2). At that point modular builds got added (3 variants of the Hornet introduced). M50 racer is added. Then, if I'm remembering my history correctly, the Constellation went in for a revision and the Idris was going to be redesigned. Out comes the Aurora variants. Yep I feel you. It perpetuates the "we have no idea what we are doing but we loves us some JPEG spaceships and theory crafting" conversation. Things like ships shouldn't be this much under review this late in the game considering the boring part of development like "how do we fit 10 ships in an instance with 10 crew members on each ship doing poo poo (like serving drinks and farming)" still have to be worked out. And yes I know graphic artists aren't designers but based on original dream of the ship, you can't get the loving thrusters in the right place from 3 years ago and you just now figured this out??
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Sappo569 posted:Their excuse for making new ships and constantly revising the existing ships, is because they have all these artists and designers on staff just lazing around otherwise. Ahh but you have hit the whole reason people think this is a scam nail on the head. You can't appeal to nearly as many nerd's wallets with basics. You have to get money from selling space dreams and pictures. And that would have been fine. But where you hit scam speed is when you can't stop making those pictures and monetize everything. Sell ships and dreams make X dollars then create those basics. But if they did that, we wouldn't have as much reason to be in this thread other than a good gentle caress.
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Goredema posted:
Look pal, we don't take kindly to words like "exists", "playable", and "game" in the same sentence around these parts. We like our internet spaceships like we like our sex lives, better in our fantasies and non-existent.
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Wait wait. Ben's wife works there too? Is the nepotism that rampant? How much more double, triple and quadruple dipping can we have?
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AP posted:They really hate funding going below 20k and have for a good couple of years now. In the past, before they said they'd give a weeks notice before any sale, I predicted a couple of surprise sales as it was such a set pattern, anywhere near 20k/day and a wild sale would appear from nowhere. There's probably good reason behind it, harder to start something from cold rather than keep it drifting along. They do have a ton more backers now so you'd have though 20k was easier, it's not easy anymore. It's easy to figure now why the funding is down. Most people are waiting for the "anniversary" sale. Only people who are giving up money now are those "I will show those SA trolls" spite pledgers.
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G0RF posted:I'm Fallouting right now but I will put together a summary of info if he doesn't want to post it in here. This is actually pretty standard swindling; nothing specific to CIG. I ordered a full retail boxed dual Android and Windows boot tablet from China for $275. It came to me customs stamped as a "sample" and value was listed as 40 bucks.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 07:37 |
staberind posted:If we are posting odd space games to scratch the itch, Grav is free for the weekend on steam, its an odd game, but i am kind of sucked in. Totally with you on Grav. I played until like 5am last night. Needing wood to power my super mono wheel space bike, while odd, it's fun. Like it better than Ark. Ark was the first game I actually refunded on steam yesterday. Which I think is fair considering over 10 years and I'm like 7500 bucks into steam with over 1000 games.
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