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Aug 10, 2015


Eonwe posted:

He is free in my heart because of this dead game and in future games Kimsemus and I will not be as harsh to the people who did not treat him kindly

Forgive and forget


"Life is very short and there is no time for fussing or fighting, my friend" :)

Except if you're Dolvak or DickWulf, because gently caress those two.


Aug 10, 2015


pftc posted:

Closest thing to an answer I'll ever get, I suppose.

TL;DR some goon called Kimsemus and a few others got banned from some goon gaming communities in ArchAge, which extends to other games (like Star Citizen).

They say some poo poo about pedos at leadership level and they were just wanting to have fun pirating, others say they goonfucked, EVE Online nerd dabigredboat suspected of being behind it all,...

Basically two groups of goons going at a "He said/she said" over and over, with one side incessantly shitposting for justice in space court everywhere, while the other not really caring to respond since Kimsemus and his pals have been...Kimsemus'd.

Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

harkonnen animal!!!

:bahgawd: "LET ME, my lord!"

:colbert: "The Emperor's blade."

Need to rewatch Dune, methinks, and see if it's just as bad in a good way as I remember.

Aug 10, 2015


A Neurotic Jew posted:

It's weird because my senior thesis was also called "The Inevitable Consequence of Piracy: Rape"

And your professor called you then, and you had this conversation, I'm guessing:

Aug 10, 2015


EminusSleepus posted:

I will sue this guy for defamation, we pirates are professionals

Indeed we are! Or at the very least, know to be more stylish and such.

Aug 10, 2015


spacetoaster posted:

Anybody remember this drama?

No. I have no idea what you are talking about and I totally did not waste far too much time writing down all the horrible poo poo I've witnessed in 2 years time that I've known the RSI community, for easier reference in the future.

Aug 10, 2015


It's totally not two.

Aug 10, 2015


Lastgirl posted:

no loving way, get that poo poo outta my face eonwe

Lol. Half of me almost wishes that CIG cultist, that gave me the spinning pink elephant before my current AV, wasn't so wishy-washy when he figured out I actually liked the AV change. That way I, too, would be mistaken for glorious shitposter Eonwe.

Aug 10, 2015


Wafflz posted:

They act like team leads and executive positions bailing are the same as some junior coder who gets a better job offer.

All team positions are junior to the almighty Christ Roberts! He can make or unmake The Verse with his very word, from a pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha, to just Alpha....and back again.

Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

It does own, but my friend kinda has a thing about hating lies so just wanted to make sure Derek wasn't using her and her husband to lie about his upcoming Space Court adventures. She's had zero contact with Derek so I have to wonder who is Derek talking about other than someone else.

It isn't *that* far-fetched to think that The Wulge did this poo poo to someone before your friend. Do note, that I had heard of him allegedly sending dickpics all around like...6 months before that thing with your friend happened, but all I got was rumors and no actual pic with which to confirm it.

But I gotta say, it'd be pretty fuckin' hilarious to see him try to spin poo poo if half a dozen of his dick pics eventually become released, due to Derek's demands: "Oh no! This totally couldn't have happened in my bathroom, mine's red! Yea yea...okay with this second pic it MIGHT look kinda similar to the first, but this just proves there's an actual harassment campaign against me! Defend me, my fellow Star Shitizens!"

Aug 10, 2015


thatguy posted:

We all know you pretended to be a woman for some free ships and sweet dickpics. You don't have to hide it anymore.

I really didn't lol. If that were the case, you could bet your rear end I'd release my own dick pic of Wulf a long while back, to see him squirm and tapdance even faster. Ask Cpt. Underpants if you don't believe me, he spoke to the actual scammer that I'm talking about when me and another dude brought the whole thing to him. But whatevs.

Aug 10, 2015


AP posted:

Devil's advocate, his bathroom is red.

With the blood of his victims, perhaps.

Aug 10, 2015


Renegret posted:

yeah right like he's capable of hurting someone


Aug 10, 2015


fuctifino posted:

My lovely contribution to the GBS Gary Oldman thread.

:nws: [ :nws:

Okay...remember that one time when they said if it were possible to combine Oldman's face with that most time-honored of pictures?


Aug 10, 2015


D_Smart posted:

Sorry, but I'm NOT going to make their communications to me public in order to prove you wrong. Either you're making this up, or someone is lying to you. As I type this, I have an ENTIRE wall of text in TweetDeck DM of my communications.

I don't take too kindly to being called a liar.

Why don't you both just chill the gently caress out and realize it's just as possible that she had a run in with DickWulf and that whoever you're talking to also did? Two different events, both with DickWulf as the centerpiece.

Chill Derek...chiiiiiiillllll

Aug 10, 2015


Eonwe posted:

that was mean im sorry we fought

Maybe, but it's the truth. I didn't bother reading that post at all.

Tank Boy Ken posted:

So the question is: How many married women did receive special .jpegs from Wulf "Wuldgeman" Knight?


Aug 10, 2015


Karl_Ramseier posted:

More blogs and more hot air. As always, mighty internet warlord. And if you take it kindly or not, you are a loving liar. We are all waiting for you to do something since July and we will still be waiting in January.

My friend legit got pics from Wulf_Knight, which I've also personally witnessed go down, former CIG employees say he did it, whoever DS is talking to says he has another person on the horn, another person I talked to in the past claimed it,... all of these people (who never before heard of each others' cases, as evidenced by DS above mixing his case up with that of my friend) are liars and, surely, Mr. Wulge is absolutely on the level here! :psyduck:


Aug 10, 2015


Dante80 posted:

it seems like the Wulge and Peachfuzz are nicks that CIG employees have given to DickWulf, as per that message...I wonder how he feels about that.

"It's all fake and doctored by people pretending to have worked at CIG! Not listenin' to ya, mister troll!"

Aug 10, 2015


Fried Watermelon posted:

Which member of CIG gets the worst public backlash when the game is canceled?

To everyone outside the cult, Chris Roberts no doubt - the whole loving company mythos is based upon his stardom, of how he came back from retirement to bless us all with the greatest space sim that was, is and ever will be! So when he eventually is forced to put out a letter that says: "I'm putting poo poo on hold, but you see! I'll totally get it done in another decade or so and we totally didn't just go bankrupt, cause only we know our TRUE financials!" yea...everyone on the outside will also place the blame on him, because of the cult of personality he himself has built up until this point.

Of course, to the cultists that will never be the case lol. They'll probably wreck their real lives until they're so far in debt they'll spend their old years in permanent pain, but it's always those snakes in the grass within that are ruinin' errythin' in The Verse! Or those filthy games journalists on the outside! Or goons!

And never themselves or their venerable Christ Roberts.

CrazyLoon fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Oct 26, 2015

Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

It had to be a MAX didn't it? Also imgur pulled my images. So up they go again. I would like to encourage goons to save a lot copy this time. :)

MAX Wulge!


Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

I sent chatlogs where Wulf himself sent me the picture of his inbox with his own dickpix to my friend to prove to me that "it wasn't that bad, she is overreacting." Oh and he also told me about how he is 100% straight but sometimes he just needs a little dick. Sadly I deleted everything dickwulf in an attempt to not be a goon but I can't deny my nature in the end. :)

There are other ways to express your nature, rather than wasting time by keeping files on losers like Wulf tho...

...but...maybe that's a part of goon nature. To incessantly milk the laughs out of even inconsequential losers like him... :(

Not to say he doesn't deserve it, but still...

Aug 10, 2015


Raskolnikov posted:

Frankly I want him to never do this again to another person in his life. That is my goal. Right now he is trying to play it off like this is all a photoshop. It isn't though.

Given that he's gone through poo poo like electro-shock therapy, and that it apparently didn't work and he's still a depressed sad sack that spreads his misery, that all this and more has been submitted to CIG and yet they continue to encourage him...

...well, poo poo...maybe your only hope for that goal of yours truly is Derek Smart!

Aug 10, 2015


Omi-Polari posted:

That's pretty much it. The hilarity comes from the fact that we *don't* know what's going on, except the project is at the very least deeply troubled, and if you believe Derek Smart, on the verge of imminent collapse. There are some people posting here who know more than what they're letting on.

Although, and here's the thing, some of us that have been part of all the hubub for 2 years or 3 now do bring up this poo poo, and everyone just forgets it later on and asks the same question again.

On that note, feel free to update the OP with my own spergpost that's a recap of most of the RSI forums/community drama of years 2013 and 2014 that I witnessed and summarized, tia Derek, here's the link:

Karl_Ramseier posted:

Yes, we are one hive mind. Now you only need to link everything together. C'mon you can do it.

You're Octopode's parachute account?

CrazyLoon fucked around with this message at 22:07 on Oct 26, 2015

Aug 10, 2015

This thread has become unreadable to me.

It is amazing. Each new Star Citizen thread progressively degenerates into more and more intense insanity.

Aug 10, 2015


Eonwe posted:

you just post whats in your heart

Not many of us have hearts as pure as yours. Mine can be downright black and piratey at times.

Also, shitizens spam reporting pictures on imgur, to try and thwart the evil goons, is just complete :laffo:

Didn't they say: "Okay, now those are legit hilarious - I wish they'd focus more on the funny pictures." And the moment goons kick it into overdrive, the butthurt reporting begins.

CrazyLoon fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Oct 27, 2015

Aug 10, 2015


Meta-Mollusk posted:

Ben Lesnick is super awesome and cool. :coal:

I swear, the guy who made these for like 2 years nonstop got made into a moderator on RSI purely due to his devoted fanboyism.

Aug 10, 2015


With this as its theme song, no doubt:

Aug 10, 2015


Given Star Citizen's level of functionality, I concur that this is the superior of the two theme songs for said image.

Aug 10, 2015


I think that'd be the most amazing thing to come out of all this. Star Shitizens reporting all the pictures to imgur, they take them down and then all the true believer fan artists, that made them, come out of the woodworks about how their passion for CIG is being destroyed by dem goooooons, not realizing it was their own white knights that wrecked them.

Aug 10, 2015


Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Has anyone conducted a health and wellness check on Octopode recently? :ohdear:

His wife's wellness is prolly more of a concern, if she really underwent surgery. Octo's same as usual most likely.

Aug 10, 2015


Eonwe posted:

hey reddit on something awful having an av bought for you is definitely a mark of shame and not something a lot of people are proud of considering they got some idiot on the internet angry enough to spend money on them

please dont buy us avatars

Yeah! Totally don't buy me another AV! I mean, you did so 2 times already, a 3rd time would break my loving heart!

Aug 10, 2015


Darkpriest667 posted:

you guys are rich. I love it. I wasn't even upset but you two seemed to be upset over something that was nothing. I'll go cry now that I am banned from your team speak.

I have to say, having been on that TS I found your lack of tact disturbing, considering you claim to be an educator...

Let me advise you on how you can remedy this in the future...

...and for once stop talking and listen to other people and what they are actually saying to you.

Aug 10, 2015


Darkpriest667 posted:

Not quite hypocrite. I was simply making a joke which was not received well and then when I was in the middle of explaining with a preparation to apologize I was being talked over. When I realized I was dealing with child like maturity. I excused myself since it was time for me to go work out.

Just because Dick Wulf harassed you and your friend doesn't give you permission to be an rear end in a top hat. It's sad that it happened but it's not a license to be a shithead.

As for me not having tact and being an educator? I at least let people finish their sentences before talking over them with bullshit. This is SA not the loving Region ESC where I am dealing with professionals or my students.

I am a dork? Absolutely. I don't really have fucks to give about it. I don't spend my freetime at conventions for games that don't exist and I sure as hell don't spend 1000s of dollars on JPEGS. If you go back and check I've absolutely admitted to spending 182 which I don't need a refund for because I basically expected that money to be flushed down the toilet I made a bet and lost.. At this point I am here for the tears of redditors, dick wulf, and the brown sea at the expense of Derek Smart's retainer lawyers. So far money well spent CARRY ON GOONS :D

Beer and Eowne still the best two goons.

quoting for posterity

Aug 10, 2015


I heard a similar joke to this, and it's called...

Aug 10, 2015


thatguy posted:

I like his avatar.

Was willing to kinda give him a pass up until tonight, but by this point this is the extent to which I 'like' dorkpriest.

Aug 10, 2015


Real Nito posted:

I'm not even sure what we are shitposting about, but all I know is I need to be apart of it.

unironically same, and I've been part of this whole Star Shitizen thing for 2 and a half years now.

Aug 10, 2015


Great summary for any goon. Well done, as usual!

And my goondolences, because with this I'm pretty sure Sandi will fight tooth and nail that you don't get your money back lol.

Aug 10, 2015


spacetoaster posted:

Whichever of you goons did these, you need to do more.

I think the goon that made those is Peroxide_Cowboy, who's pretty obviously taken a long vacation from this thread. A shame, cause there's one picture not among those that I'm really wishing he'd repost for all of us. He always did really cool art poo poo.

Eonwe posted:

Lol there is a /scg/

I can't believe this crap actually exists. I mean, sure, they caved in to the pony fandom, but Star Shitizen? For realz? World of Warcraft doesn't have its own channel and they STILL got more fans even now in their decline than SC.

Agrajag posted:

in my professional opinion this looks to me like PTSD from being goonfucked

You don't know the half of it. The amount of goon paranoia amongst especially the 'good guy' Star Citizen orgs is insane. One of them literally imploded at the end of 2013, because (according to folks that bailed when it went tits up) their leader went paranoid about goon spies and kept throwing accusations around, up until the point where he forgot to take their space guild's domain name from the webhost person, who became fed up with it and told him awhile back that he'd be leaving...and the whole guild went tits up because the guy was too paranoid about goons to just take care of basic poo poo like that...all over a space game that didn't, and never will, exist.

Aug 10, 2015


spacetoaster posted:

I pretty much right click and save everything funny to a folder labeled SC. Let me take a stab here....

This one?

THAT was the one, thank you! But yea, the others are great too!

Lokee posted:

Middle one's actually me but Manethos (peroxide cowboy) did the rest: Guy was turning them out like crazy when the first round of BAN_ALL_GOONS came down.

Yea, I remember you did mostly the propaganda pics, while Manethos focused on the really artsy types. You were both great back then.

CrazyLoon fucked around with this message at 18:21 on Oct 27, 2015


Aug 10, 2015


Lovely summary.

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