Seriously? Seriously?
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 02:52 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 08:31 |
harkonnen animal!!! edit: I was unironically furious that this thread made it to page 2 on the Brown Sea.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 03:20 |
Oh it is.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 03:24 |
Watching this fan desperately try to cobble anything out of the CIG marketing material is a real moment. I wanted to leave and I wasn't even CIG or the fan.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 05:48 |
OriginalPseudonym posted:i was confused when i skimmed and saw "elite dangerous" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QiaB8eVXaE
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 06:57 |
Derek Smart has had zero contact with my friend or her husband about DickWulf so either he is talking to ANOTHER married woman who received pics or his communications with "my friend" has been a long standing troll of Dr. Derek Smart Phd. In her words: "We never asked Derek to help us get justice. [Husband] got his refund. It's done. Wulf's life is it's own reward. Period. Why kick a dwarf?" I just wanted to make sure this is clear for the ladies and gentlesirs of Space Court.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 18:30 |
Wafflz posted:All I know is we got the name The Wulge out of it and that owns.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 18:34 |
It had to be a MAX didn't it? Also imgur pulled my images. So up they go again. I would like to encourage goons to save a local copy this time. Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 19:53 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 19:51 |
Get your own copy of Dickwulf chatlogs: http://imgur.com/gallery/ed2M8 I threw a little freelancer in there this time. Imgur archive this! Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 20:31 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:19 |
A Neurotic Jew posted:Link doesn't work. fixed
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:22 |
No joke I used this after seeing the Wulge http://www.eyebleach.me/kittens/
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:23 |
I also fixed the stupid link http://imgur.com/gallery/ed2M8
Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 20:31 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:24 |
god im bad at this. http://imgur.com/gallery/ed2M8 http://imgur.com/gallery/ed2M8 http://imgur.com/gallery/ed2M8 Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 20:33 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:30 |
I said come in! posted:God drat, this was really uncomfortable to read. This Wulf guy should be banned. If RSI has any integrity in them they will refund and ban him. CIG don't. That is the point. She sent ALL of this to CIG. I sent chatlogs where Wulf himself sent me the picture of his inbox with his own dickpix to my friend to prove to me that "it wasn't that bad, she is overreacting." Oh and he also told me about how he is 100% straight but sometimes he just needs a little dick. Sadly I deleted everything dickwulf in an attempt to not be a goon but I can't deny my nature in the end. Yes that is how I got the image back because as I have said before my friend opened that email and wtf deleted it because holy poo poo wulfpix!
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 20:39 |
CrazyLoon posted:There are other ways to express your nature, rather than wasting time by keeping files on losers like Wulf tho... edit: also CIG is complicit in this allowing him a slap on the wrist. Beer posts a parody thread and get banned for 10+ years for an OFF SITE post. Meanwhile CIG defends Wulf because the dickpics happened OFF SITE so they have no say in the matter. Convenient doesn't begin to explain it. CIG is pretty rotten, or at least the community team that looked at this issue back in Sept 2014 and Oct 2014. Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 21:19 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 21:11 |
G0RF posted:So am I correct in assuming pedo-art is a slap on the wrist offense, while speaking ill of chris or sandi with good cause is a terminable one? The White Dragon posted:you laugh but imgur is gonna delete them all CrazyLoon posted:...well, poo poo...maybe your only hope for that goal of yours truly is Derek Smart! I hope he does have another case of harassment dismissed by CIG. Sucks to be her and her family but that right there is a precedent. Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 21:33 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 21:27 |
Here is my kitty recently rescued from a pound and just on the mend from an upper respiratory infection.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 21:58 |
peter gabriel posted:are you Poirot or something like that? Or a famous singer? Am I in the right ball park? http://poitot.com/
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 22:08 |
D_Smart posted:Better yet, I don't even believe him. So he's probably trolling us. Derek I am not a liar, I am saying be careful with your sources. You have someone else with another story, that other story is not related to the content I posted in this thread. That is not the person you're talking about with the CIG staff. And finally at least Dickwulf got my gender right
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:11 |
Justin Tyme posted:remember to use [*prm][*/prm] or [*premium][*/premium] tags when discussing ops/doxx, without the asterix of course This can't be overstated.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:23 |
yes OPSEC its me the censored whulge
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:24 |
celewign posted:i tried making some art about star citizen i dont think its good though No that is pretty good.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:33 |
D_Smart posted:Ah! But that's the thing. He needs to just respond to what I asked. And if he says his friend says he's never - ever - contacted nor communicated with me at all, well then, I have the nuclear option. I just don't want to use that option on the off-chance that he is in fact trolling us, thus forcing my hand. Hey I am right here. I am not sure we're talking about the same group of people. And you keep calling me a he? What is up with that Derek. edit: I also pm'ed you.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:36 |
D_Smart posted:OK, I'm not sure how we ended up down this road. But let's get some clarity here. We have two groups of married women harassed by Wulf Knight. So it looks like we're on the level if you omit 5). Cheers! edit: Derek if you want to talk to them tonight on teamspeak stop by around 8pm PST and they can clear everything up for you for who they are etc. pw is lemon Raskolnikov fucked around with this message at 23:58 on Oct 26, 2015 |
# ¿ Oct 26, 2015 23:42 |
drat Dirty Ape posted:Noooooooo! It was a masterpiece! They blew it up!
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 00:17 |
CrazyLoon posted:Given Star Citizen's level of functionality, I concur that this is the superior of the two theme songs for said image. Get on steam I wanna bitch 2DCAT posted:Hey reddit, archive this!
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 00:26 |
2DCAT posted:I wake up at 4:30am EST... i'll be in bed by then That stinks, well you're missed in advance then.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 00:29 |
Cheatum the Evil Midget posted:Pho recipe. easy and cheap you just need to have a hella large cooking pot. I love you please send dick pics tia
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 01:44 |
D_Smart posted:Ah! I see now how we're getting wires crossed. So nobody was lying then. At least not this time around
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 01:55 |
#citizengate http://citizengate2014.wordpress.com/2014/12/07/paying-additional-tribute-to-the-50-million-man/
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 02:30 |
Dorkpriest667 joins ranks with Serph84 as the only two socially awkward enough people to get banned from my teamspeak 3 This one is for you Dorkpriest667 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggGZwCI3vkA
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 03:20 |
Jimb posted:Shifting gears... what the gently caress did he do? Mansplained gender to a trans woman while shouting over everyone else to get his point across. I ain't got time for that.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 03:44 |
Jegan Ace posted:He drew the line at USD$59.99, ok? Thrifty compared to Star Citizen
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 03:46 |
jaegerx posted:Dorkpriest and seraph should have a weekly podcast.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 03:50 |
Perfect. thatguy posted:Please don't say this. Thanks.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 03:59 |
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 04:03 |
Beer4theBeerGod got 10 years? Class C Felonies Selling or transporting assault weapon (53-202b) Two years / Six years if sale is to a minor 10 years Manslaughter 2nd degree with a firearm (53a-56a) One year (+) 10 years Burglary 2nd degree with a firearm (53a-102a) One year (+) 10 years Hindering prosecution 1st degree (53a-165aa) Five years 10 years Possessing child pornography 2nd degree (53a-196e) Two years 10 years Contaminating public water or food for terrorism (53a-303) Five years 10 years http://www.statisticbrain.com/mandatory-prison-sentence-statistics/
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 04:21 |
Darkpriest667 posted:I bet your PDAS appraisals are poo poo. Mine are stellar. I love my job, I love my district, and I am revered in my school by students and staff alike. I give a poo poo about kids and their future. I'm sorry you have a stick up your rear end. I hope you get that treated. Wait, you're using your joke on 3? I love that stick up your rear end joke. joats posted:Why the hell are you guys bitching in a thread over some teamspeak fight that nobody, who was only in the thread, gives a loving poo poo about.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 04:39 |
3 posted:I just got mine today after putting in for it back in September, there's still hope!
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 05:10 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 08:31 |
My kitten is feeling better! Look at her judging her human: Also reddit archive this <3
# ¿ Oct 27, 2015 06:13 |