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Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Are CIG taking punitive action against RSI forum accounts for SA shitposting?


Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Justin Tyme posted:

Yes, look at what happened to B4tBG

This thread moves to quickly to follow closely. Google results do not appear to be relevant.

If CIG will stalk a guy over the internet and then ban them from their forums for stuff he's said elsewhere, they're not the kind of people I want to have my money.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Justin Tyme posted:

Re: CIG banning folks from the RSI forums for posts here, BeerForTheBeerGod was a prominent member of the RSI community and was basically the laison of good faith between the goons and CIG for a while. He was abruptly permabanned at RSI (skipping over the normally more lenient ban levels) for posting something that they construed as baiting/trolling (it was just something critical/argumentative, you know, a contradictory thought on a discussion board) and it just so happened to be during this thread's full-on nuclear meltdown. It was determined that RSI does actively read (and catalog? Wtf) this thread, so put two and two together basically.

Understood. What is step 1 in obtaining a refund?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
On chargebacks:

It is most efficient to state generic reasons for requesting a refund. However the part of my brain which is neither calculating or efficient, is offended.

I could state,

"Hey I don't follow your game too closely. I pledged/donated back in the LTI stage because I figured 2X(Freelancer 2 MSRB) seemed alright. But now I have learned that you are singling out a group of internet people of whom I am fond and treating them unfairly. This is why I would like a refund."

and if the 'internet minority' consisted of sexual deviants or racial minorities that would make it A Big Deal but because we're just a bunch of shitposters it's alright.

At this point I feel that if there ever is a Persistent Universe, it will not be run in an impartial manner. I predict something between pre-CSM EVE (ca. 2006) and "roommate's CS server".

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Part of Goon Cultural Victory in VideoGames is when (if anyone ever cares) future video game anthropologists looking back will say, "These/those guys were the assholes." Do not be seen as the side doxxxing people.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

pftc posted:

"I'm not in this because of Star Citizen anymore, I'm in this because he spends his days harassing people and getting away with it"
"I'm not going to let the biggest dick of them all push around the people I call friends."


I like that middle part about Dr. Derek Smart wasting time on things that were not video games at times when he was supposed to be playing video games. I bought a boxed copy of BattleCruiser Millenium and it was about the 3rd most useless thing I've ever spent $70 on. It booted up and ran, but there was little apparent to do. The developer had built a spaceship bridge and several other static visitable stations, similar to Silent Hunter 3. But unlike SH3, there was no WW2 going on. There was no setting or incentive to do anything at all.

Did Derek Smart ever hire a writer to put any objectives or story into his simulation?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
The thing that I love about this is that I know there's going to be a wave of goons reading Dr. Smart for the first time, as serious-work-computer-time fades over into allnight-shitposting-time across the continent, flooding this thread with fresh "dude wtf?"s until 8am hits the East coast. But he's not only smart enough to stay out of it, but he also doesn't edit his turd and just leaves it there like he's proud of it. Guy stands by his shitpost.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

D_Smart posted:

Yeah, Rebel Galaxy is great.

btw Universal Combat (spiritual successor to Battlecruiser series) CE 2.0 is free on Steam.

Dude I don't mean to be terribly insulting but the Colony Wars series on PSX looked better than the screenshots you've got on steam. Is that HUD 2D?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Should I just doxx myself now and save him the trouble? Ohfuck.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Shoot blues, always.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Eonwe posted:

to all new people

SA is very simple

always keep the following emote in mind :justpost:

the only thing you have to think of is did you try really hard on the post or does it sound really smug or passive aggressive toward other goons for no reason

dont post that

but make the other posts

Rule #1 :gary: No not believing in yourself.
Rule #2 :gary: Never don't post.
Rule #3 :gary: Don't touch the poop.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
:gary: Handling Sewage and Fecal Matter Safely

University employees in many areas occasionally face exposure to human or animal fecal matter or sewage. Plumbers, custodians, groundskeepers, even the casual pedestrian can come in contact with fecal matter unexpectedly. Sewage spills, plumbing malfunctions, people relieving themselves in inappropriate places, and inconsiderate pet owners are some of the causes of this problem.

:gary: Dangers of Exposure to Fecal Matter

The greatest danger of exposure to fecal matter is the possibility of it entering your mouth and then getting into your digestive system. While most people would never knowingly ingest this matter, not using proper hygiene after contact with fecal matter or sewage can create a path for microorganisms to enter.
Hand-to-mouth exposure to fecal matter can cause illnesses such as salmonellosis and hepatitis A. Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease whose symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and somtimes vomiting. Hepatatis A symptoms include fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, followed within a few days by jaundice. It can be a mild illness lasting 1-2 weeks or a disabling disease lasting several months.
The possibility of contracting life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis B or AIDS is extremely remote as neither hepatitis B nor HIV can be transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

:gary: How to Protect Yourself from Fecal Matter

The two main ways of protecting yourself from fecal matter are following good hygiene practices and using personal protective equipment.

:gary: Good Hygiene
  • Do not touch fecal matter with bare hands. If you need to remove it, wear waterproof gloves and use an instrument such as tongs or a spade for picking it up.
  • Do not smoke, eat, drink, apply lip treatments, or chew gum while cleaning up fecal matter.
  • Reduce exposure by keeping those who are not properly protected from coming in contact with the material. Close the area to any use pending clearance.
  • Clean everything, including clothes, tools, and footwear, that came in contact with the fecal matter. Use a mild bleach solution made of two tablespoons of household bleach per gallon of cool water. (Chlorine is more effective in cool water.) Contaminated building floors should be scrubbed with the same solution. Be sure there is good ventilation for the chlorine fumes.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly even if you were wearing gloves the whole time. Use plenty of soap, scrub for at least 30 seconds, and rinse thoroughly with warm water. The California Department of Health Services states that "frequent, routine hand washing is the most important safeguard in preventing infection by agents present in sewage."

:gary: Clearance
Clean the site using the cleaning methods described above until all visible sewage has been removed and no sewage odor is present. The area can then reopened for use.

:gary: Personal Protective Equipment
If your work duties are such that encountering fecal matter is a possibility, always be prepared by carrying waterproof gloves and washable footwear. Coveralls can also come in handy. Such work clothes should not be worn home or outside the immediate work environment.
Another way to protect yourself against illness is by keeping your tetanus-diphtheria (Td) immunization current. "Current" means a booster shot within the last ten years (for those who have completed the basic series of three immunizations, usually given in childhood).

:gary: The Bristol Stool Chart

Upon encounter of fecal matter, it is important to identify the classification of such matter to promote better handling safety. The Bristol Stool Chart is provided here for assistance.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Whoa there, how much for them jpegs? :10bux:

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Poe's law states that without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extremism are indistinguishable from sincere expressions of the parodied views.

They're only supporting star citizen ironically. The joke's been on us all along.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Maybe in the terrible drudgery of a typical redditor job it's taken as a given that the boss is a sociopath who'll poo poo on you for fun. You don't have to look much further than the "Reasons I hate to work in Retail Thread XVII" to get an idea.

Sometimes, large organizations need to be run more efficiently than a convenience store. When trained professionals are micromanaged, it is not good management. It is conceivable that a typical retail worker might need to be aggressively reminded not to slack off in order to do their job within the terms defined by their contract. But when the same management principles are applied to educated people passionate about their jobs, productivity declines.

Christ loving Roberts isn't even just micromanaging people. He keeps redefining goals. Nothing can get done when someone does that. You have to start, do all the middle stuff, and then finish. You can't just keep starting things without finishing anything. But there is no point in finishing something if what it's supposed to be keeps changing. Dude needs to stop whatever he's doing, set poo poo in stone and get everyone working towards a single, cohesive goal. But he's not doing that. He is not leading his team towards a readily discernible goal. At least, not one that involves making Freelancer 2. But if you pretend that his goal is, "sell concept art to people who like to look at concept art and then imagine all the cool things they'll do with it and then give Christ Roberts their life savings for .jpegs, then Chris Roberts has made very clear and definite progress towards achieving his goal. In fact he maintains a graph charting his progress on his website.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Hahaha Karl you're an idiot and everyone knows it. Please post a selfie. I want to laugh in your face.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Isn't the whole point of the Derek Smart lawsuit that he doesn't care about winning vs. losing because all he's after is the finances, which'll come out during discovery?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Loiosh, do you realize that you have literally put more thought and effort into how posting about how this game is supposed to work than Christ Roberts has himself?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Loiosh posted:

It's untrue. That guy, for all his flaws, is a thoughtful dude who loves games. One of the reasons I enjoy his talks so much is listening to him talk about the games he's playing. During one of the earlier Gamescom interviews they asked Chris his thoughts on the FPS work and he spoke, at length, about the issues he has with Battlefield 3's balance along with his thoughts on CoD and such.

For all his flaws, he's a gamer and that's cool.

This thread is full of people who once shared your sentiment. Do me a favour and monitor yours. I am curious about what exactly will be your tipping point.

DreadLlama fucked around with this message at 18:59 on Nov 19, 2015

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Loiosh posted:

I've already said where it will be in the past. Just look in my post history. Also that I'll update here when it happens :)

Thank you. Clicking the "?" under your profile is too much effort.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Ask about skipping cut-scenes.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Hahahaha that woman is never going to amount to anything in life or in hollywood and she knows it.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Isn't this a game about spaceships? Why are they talking about running men?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Now would be a good time to post a howto get a refund guide.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Listen to them stutter and gesticulate. They sound like a Seattle startup, not people who've been working for 3+ years and have ninety million dollars.

e: How the gently caress does the CEO not know if there'll be an NDA or not. Is he not in charge?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Did they just segue into a video with no introduction?

What is this? What am I looking at? I guess it's a spaceship. Where was the introduction? Did some intern just cut off the CEO of a multi-million dollar company mid-sentence? What the gently caress? Who are these people?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Can anyone pinpoint the moment where Star Citizen changed from "a cool space game" to "Christ Roberts' jpeg cocaine fund?"

I was not on the internet much last Summer due to some reasons, and while I get that we've turned on him now and he used to be good; when/what was the turning point? I missed it.

DreadLlama fucked around with this message at 04:38 on Nov 20, 2015

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
It's idiots like that that me question whether CIG really have financial troubles.

In spite of wasting millions of dollars, they've tapped into a western otaku market. Japanese pornographers have discovered that there's a certain subset of die hard fan that will, regardless of price point or how much nearly-equivalent merchandise you crank out, will absolutely steadfastly buy every little bit of minutiae because they physically cannot help themselves. Christ Roberts has found the same thing, but for internet spaceships pictures of internet spaceships.

e: gently caress me. He is literally selling jpegs. Now I get it.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Re: 32/32 hack. Is this a "It can be done, just not by them" / competence issue, or an "in addition to serious practical issues there are also problems with their underlying theory and what they are attempting to accomplish may in fact be physically impossible" kind of thing?

Like is this some sort of butterfly effect/chaos theory thing going on where the act of trying to get consistent values derived from a pair of floating point thingies is just unlikely and therefore errors of this nature are a fundamental part of our universe, or is it more like their code is bad?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
We see X. Also, Dr. Smart asserts that if they used the 32/32 hack, we would see X.

Could the hack cause any other issues which we have not (yet) seen? A model is much more compelling if it has predictive power. Ie, "In addition to the jankiness at large distances away from points of interest, we should also observe Y behaviour under Q circumstances."

Eonwe posted:

shut up octopode

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Smart says 32/32. Octopode says something about a bug that's being actively worked out. I am uncertain how he expects that this work is being disseminated as there hasn't been any patches. And as Smart points out, it's more plausible that the decreasing frequency of crashes is attributable to player behaviour rather than work being done by CIG.

Unless there's something else explicable by Octopode's model but not Smart's, I'd be inclined to take his story over the other guys.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

Octopode posted:

They released a patch today, that's why the game is actually playable for more than five minutes at a time now.

I was unaware of a patch. This indicates that your claim may in fact not be incorrect. But on the other hand,

trucutru posted:

More than five minutes you say? wow!

I'm curious. Are there any promises you don't feel Chris Roberts has lived up to completely?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
haha he cited your lack of experience to explain why you posted something dumb. How does it feel to be Dunning-Kruger personified?

DreadLlama fucked around with this message at 03:02 on Nov 21, 2015

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Where are we on the "They're still using regular old 32 bit floating point precision and just shrunk down all the ships to millimeter scale so the maps seem really big but are only a few dozen meters across" theory?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Fast forward a few months and maybe CIG is broke and looking for publishers to bail them out and it's literally Freelancer all over again. What's the best path between where they are now and something fun/playable?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
An engineer is never right or wrong. It is merely a matter of applying the correct equations and doublechecking arithmetic. In this case, it appears that Chris Roberts has mandated the use of the wrong formulae, and now the engineers are (not unreasonably) angry about it.

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Adobe photoshop will let you put multiple layers in an image. You can even 3D rotate an image made up of 3D layers and they don't generally clip through them. I recognize that the Z-fighting is the symptom of a larger problem, but I'm curious about what hackjob they'll come up with to fix it. I mean, it's affecting things visually so it probably bothers Croberts a lot more than the crashing does.

Can cryengine do layers like photoshop does? Can they just define a rendering / occlusion sequence and be done with it? Like, what's the most slapdashy, duct tape-and-bubblegum shortcut approach they could possibly use?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

KillHour posted:

You have a render order that you can use to force objects to be rendered before or after another. It's not a hack, though. It's used for things like transparent objects that have to be rendered after opaque objects to look correct. You only need to use z-testing when you don't know ahead of time which order they will be rendered in.

That sounds like a good idea for PS2-era games when blood and bullet holes were decals that got applied over a character's skin depending on where they got shot. Volition's "Red Faction" was very proud to pioneer the move away from decal-based damage. I remember because it says so on the back of the box how awesome their new procedural damage model was. That's why they made a mining game, I guess.

Is CIG using rendering techniques that were being made obsolete a decade ago?

Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore

KillHour posted:

No, that's just how it's still done.

In that case they should add Dwarf-Fortess-esque damage modelling as a stretch goal. If you render each individual cell the Z fighting will average out and go away.


Jul 15, 2005
Not just for breakfast anymore
Oh yeah. Why have respawn timers when you could just simulate each body in fluid dynamics and then predict organ failure in realtime based on locational damage! It's exactly the sort of feature creep croberts loves.

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